28211 publications
- A Critical Study of Condillac’s Traité des Systèmes
- A Critical Study of Hans Kung’s Ecclesiology
- A Critical Survey of Biomineralization
- A Critical Survey of Studies on Dutch Colonial History
- A Critical Survey of Studies on Malay and Bahasa Indonesia
- A Critical Survey of Studies on the Languages of Java and Madura
- A Critical Theology of Genesis
- A Critical Theory for the Anthropocene
- A Critical Theory of Creativity
- A Critically Compassionate Approach to Financial Literacy
- A Critique of Creativity and Complexity
- A Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Ontology
- A Critique of Judgment in Film and Television
- A Critique of Keynesian Economics
- A Critique of Neoclassical Macroeconomics
- A Critique of Nicotine Addiction
- A Critique of Orthodox Economics
- A Critique of Pure Education
- A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism
- A Cross Border Study of Freezing Orders and Provisional Measures
- A Cross Too Heavy
- A Cross-Border-Only Regulation for Consumer Transactions in the EU
- A Cross-Cultural History of Britain and Belgium, 1815–1918
- A Cross-Cultural Study of Commercial Media Discourses
- A Cross-linguistic Approach to the Syntax of Subjunctive Mood
- A Cultural Approach to Discourse
- A Cultural Economic Analysis of Craft
- A Cultural History of British Euroscepticism
- A Cultural History of Copyright
- A Cultural History of Late Meiji Japan
- A Cultural History of Pregnancy
- A Cultural History of Rio de Janeiro after 1889
- A Cultural History of Spanish Speakers in Japan
- A Cultural History of the 1984 Winter Olympics
- A Cultural History of the British Census
- A Cultural History of the Disney Fairy Tale
- A Cultural Safety Approach to Health Psychology
- A Cultural Sociology of Anglican Mission and the Indian Residential Schools in Canada
- A Cultural-Historical Perspective on Mathematics Teaching and Learning
- A Cultural-Historical Study of Children Learning Science
- A Curriculum for Social Justice
- A D. H. Lawrence Chronology
- A D. H. Lawrence Companion
- A DIY Guide to Telemedicine for Clinicians
- A DXA Primer for the Practicing Clinician
- A Data-Centric Approach to Breaking the FDI Trap Through Integration in Global Value Chains
- A Data-Driven Fleet Service: State of Health Forecasting of Lithium-Ion Batteries
- A Day-by-Day Chronicle of the 2013-2016 Ebola Outbreak
- A Decade in Sino-Soviet Diplomacy
- A Decade of Concurrency Reflections and Perspectives
- A Decade of Disaster Experiences in Ōtautahi Christchurch
- A Decade of MOOCs and Beyond
- A Decade of Research Activities at the Department of Industrial Engineering (UniNa-DII)
- A Decade of Research on School Principals
- A Deep Analysis of the Chinese Hukou System
- A Deep Sky Astrophotography Primer
- A Defeasible Logic Programming-Based Framework to Support Argumentation in Semantic Web Applications
- A Defence of the Humanities in a Utilitarian Age
- A Defoe Companion
- A Deleuzian Approach to Curriculum
- A Delicate Balance: Global Perspectives on Innovation and Tradition in the History of Mathematics
- A Democratic Approach to Religion News
- A Democratic Audit of the European Union
- A Democratic Foreign Policy
- A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe
- A Derivative-free Two Level Random Search Method for Unconstrained Optimization
- A Design Engineer’s Pocket book
- A Design Manual Schools and Kindergartens
- A Design for a Reusable Water-Based Spacecraft Known as the Spacecoach
- A Designer’s Guide to Built-In Self-Test
- A Designer’s Guide to VHDL Synthesis
- A Desirable World
- A Developer’s Guide to the Semantic Web
- A Developer’s Guide to the Semantic Web
- A Development Strategy for Hybrid Products
- A Development of Quantum Mechanics
- A Development of the Equations of Electromagnetism in Material Continua
- A Deweyan Philosophical Take on Emotions
- A Dialectical Journey through Fashion and Philosophy
- A Dialogical Approach to Creativity
- A Dialogue Between Law and History
- A Dialogue on Explanation
- A Dialogue on Institutions
- A Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus
- A Dickens Chronology
- A Dickens Companion
- A Dictionary of Diplomacy
- A Dictionary of Earth Sciences
- A Dictionary of Electrochemistry
- A Dictionary of Hallucinations
- A Dictionary of Hallucinations
- A Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
- A Dictionary of Neurological Signs
- A Dictionary of Neurological Signs
- A Dictionary of Neurological Signs
- A Dictionary of Neurological Signs
- A Dictionary of Neuropsychology
- A Dictionary of Physical Sciences
- A Dictionary of Real Numbers
- A Dictionary of Scientific Units
- A Dictionary of Scientific Units
- A Dictionary of Shakespeare’s Sexual Puns and Their Significance
- A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language
- A Dictionary of the European Economic Community
- A Dictionary of the Teenage Revolution and its Aftermath
- A Different Approach to Work Discipline
- A Different Look at Artificial Intelligence
- A Differential Approach to Geometry
- A Digital Framework for Industry 4.0
- A Digital Phase Locked Loop based Signal and Symbol Recovery System for Wireless Channel
- A Digital Signal Processor for Particle Detectors
- A Dimensional Approach to Schizotypy
- A Diplomatic History of the Caspian Sea
- A Diplomat’s Handbook of International Law and Practice
- A Direct Method for Parabolic PDE Constrained Optimization Problems
- A Directory of Shakespeare in Performance, 1970–1990
- A Dirty Window
- A Disaggregate Freight Transport Model for Germany
- A Discipline of Multiprogramming
- A Discipline-Based Teaching and Learning Center
- A Discourse on Novelty and Creation
- A Discrete Hilbert Transform with Circle Packings
- A Discursive Perspective on Wikipedia
- A Discussion on Chinese Road of NGOs
- A Disequilibnum Model of Real and Financial Accumulation in an Open Economy
- A Disequilibrium-Equilibrium Model with Money and Bonds
- A Distant Light
- A Distributed Coordination Approach to Reconfigurable Process Control
- A Distributed Implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog on Message-Passing Multiprocessor Systems
- A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression
- A Distributional Approach to Asymptotics
- A Diversity of Pathways Through Science Education
- A Doctorate and Beyond
- A Dr Johnson Chronology
- A Dressing Method in Mathematical Physics
- A Dylan Thomas Companion
- A Dynamic Theory of the Firm: Production, Finance and Investment
- A Dynamical Perspective on the ɸ4 Model
- A European Perspective on Crisis Informatics
- A European Security Architecture after the Cold War
- A European Youth Revolt
- A Eutrophic Lake
- A Fair Share of Tax
- A Fairer Future for Children
- A Far-Infrared Spectro-Spatial Space Interferometer
- A Fascist Century
- A Fast Road to the Study of Emotions
- A Faunal Review of Aleocharine Beetles in the Rapidly Changing Arctic and Subarctic Regions of North America (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
- A Feasible Basic Income Scheme for Germany
- A Feature-Centric View of Information Retrieval
- A Female Activist Elite in Italy (1890–1920)
- A Feminine Cinematics
- A Feminist Companion to the Posthumanities
- A Feminist Perspective on Virtue Ethics
- A Feminist Reading of China’s Digital Public Sphere
- A Few Steps Towards 3D Active Vision
- A Few Tens au Scale Physical and Chemical Structures Around Young Low-Mass Protostars
- A Few Things I Know About Her
- A Few of Our Favorite Things
- A Fiduciary Approach to Delegated and Implementing Rule-Making in the EU
- A Field Guide to Algebra
- A Field Guide to Deep-Sky Objects
- A Field Guide to Geophysics in Archaeology
- A Field Guide to Tropical Plant Families
- A Field Guide to the Geology of Western Ireland
- A Fifteen-somite Human Embryo
- A Financial Crisis Manual
- A Financial History of China (1949–2019)
- A Fine Line
- A Finite Element Approach for Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids
- A Finite Element Method for Netting
- A Finite Element Primer for Beginners
- A Finite Element Primer for Beginners
- A First Course in Analysis
- A First Course in Applied Electronics
- A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods
- A First Course in Boundary Element Methods
- A First Course in Calculus
- A First Course in Category Theory
- A First Course in Complex Analysis
- A First Course in Differential Equations
- A First Course in Differential Equations
- A First Course in Differential Equations
- A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems
- A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems
- A First Course in Discrete Mathematics
- A First Course in Engineering Drawing
- A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, and Biomathematics
- A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, and Biomathematics
- A First Course in Geometric Topology and Differential Geometry
- A First Course in Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- A First Course in Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- A First Course in Group Theory
- A First Course in Group Theory
- A First Course in Harmonic Analysis
- A First Course in Harmonic Analysis
- A First Course in Information Theory
- A First Course in Linear Models and Design of Experiments
- A First Course in Modular Forms
- A First Course in Multivariate Statistics