9573 publications
- L Systems
- L'Analyse Harmonique dans le Domaine Complexe
- L-Arginine in Clinical Nutrition
- L-Dopa-Substitution der Parkinson-Krankheit
- L-Functions and Automorphic Forms
- L-Functions and the Oscillator Representation
- L. E. J. Brouwer: Intuitionismus
- L. S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works
- L. S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works, Volume 3
- L. S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works, Volume 4
- L.E.J. Brouwer – Topologist, Intuitionist, Philosopher
- L.H. Nicolay (1737–1820) and his Contemporaries
- L.I. Mandelstam and His School in Physics
- L.S. Vygotsky’s Pedological Works. Volume 2.
- L1-Algebras and Segal Algebras
- L1-Norm and L∞-Norm Estimation
- L2 - Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control
- L2 Learning During Study Abroad
- L2 Pragmatic Competence in Chinese EFL Routines
- L2 Writing Assessment
- L2-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control
- L2-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control
- L2-Invariants: Theory and Applications to Geometry and K-Theory
- LACAME 2004
- LACAME 2006
- LACAME 2008
- LACAME 2012
- LAN Lokale PC-Netzwerke
- LAN Praxis Lokaler Netze
- LAN Praxis lokaler Netze
- LAN Praxis lokaler Netze
- LAN Praxis lokaler Netze
- LAPEX — Ein rechnerunterstütztes Verfahren zur Betriebsmittelzuordnung
- LASER 2006
- LASER Optoelectronics in Medicine
- LATIN '92
- LATIN '95: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2002: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2004: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2006: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2008: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2010: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2012: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2014: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2016: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2018: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2020: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2022: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2024: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN 2024: Theoretical Informatics
- LATIN'98: Theoretical Informatics
- LC-MS in Drug Analysis
- LC-MS in Drug Analysis
- LC-MS in Drug Bioanalysis
- LC-MS/MS in Proteomics
- LCA Based Carbon Footprint Assessment
- LCA and Consumption/Needs-Based GHG Accounting for Climate Action
- LCS® Mobile Bearing Knee Arthroplasty
- LDA Application Methods
- LDP und NDP in der »DDR« 1949 – 1958
- LDPC Coded Modulations
- LEAD: Leadership Effectiveness in Africa and the African Diaspora
- LEAN Production Training für Praxis und Studium – 35 Übungen mit Lösungen
- LEAN Production – Easy and Comprehensive
- LEAN Production – einfach und umfassend
- LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture
- LED-Based Photoacoustic Imaging
- LED-Based Visible Light Communications
- LEGO Technic Robotics
- LEGO Wind Energy
- LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT-G Programming Guide
- LEP - The Lord of the Collider Rings at CERN 1980-2000
- LESFOIL: Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Around a High Lift Airfoil
- LGBQ Legislators in Canadian Politics
- LGBT Activism and Europeanisation in the Post-Yugoslav Space
- LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe
- LGBT Athletes in the Sports Media
- LGBT Populations and Cancer in the Global Context
- LGBT Psychology
- LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media
- LGBT+ Youth and Emerging Technologies in Southeast Asia
- LGBT-Parent Families
- LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political Perspective
- LGBTQ Activism in Turkey During 2010s
- LGBTQ+ Activism in Central and Eastern Europe
- LGBTQ+ Affirmative Psychological Interventions
- LGBTQ+ Intimacies in Southern Europe
- LGBTQ+ People with Chronic Illness
- LGBTQ-Parent Families
- LGBTQI Inclusivity, Homosexuality, and Same-Sex Marriage in the Catholic Church
- LH-RH Agonists in Oncology
- LHC Phenomenology
- LHRH and Its Analogs
- LHRH and Its Analogs
- LIBRO RITIRATO: Made by China
- LIBRO RITIRATO: Una memoria d’elefante?
- LINQ for Visual C# 2005
- LINQ for Visual C# 2008
- LINUX Start-up Guide
- LINUX Vom PC zur Workstation
- LINUX für Durchstarter
- LINUX für Durchstarter
- LINUX — Vom PC zur Workstation
- LINZ Texas
- LISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine
- LISP, Lore, and Logic
- LISREL interaktiv
- LISS 2012
- LISS 2013
- LISS 2014
- LISS 2020
- LISS 2021
- LISS 2022
- LISS 2023
- LISS2019
- LLRW Disposal Facility Siting
- LMI Approach to Analysis and Control of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Time Delay
- LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers
- LOGIC: Lecture Notes for Philosophy, Mathematics, and Computer Science
- LOGIDATA+: Deductive Databases with Complex Objects
- LOGLAN '88 — Report on the Programming Language
- LOGO in 100 Beispielen
- LOHAS-Marketing
- LOST Opportunities
- LOTOSphere: Software Development with LOTOS
- LP architektur
- LPIC-3 Virtualization and Containerization Study Guide
- LQG for the Bewildered
- LTE-A Cellular Networks
- LTE-Advanced Relay Technology and Standardization
- LTLGB 2012
- LUCAS Associative Array Processor
- La Bagarre
- La Chimie Macromoléculaire—4 / Macromolecular Chemistry—4
- La Garrotxa Volcanic Field of Northeast Spain
- La Gestion des Coopérations dans la Pratique
- La Géométrie des Groupes Classiques
- La Main De Léonard De Vinci
- La Mamma
- La Niña and the Making of Climate Optimism
- La Popa Basin, Nuevo León and Coahuila, Mexico
- La Recherche Écosanté en pratique
- La Roches Einführung in den praktischen Journalismus
- La Suisse Portrait urbain
- La TC multidetettore nella diagnostica cardiovascolare
- La TCMD nel trauma ad elevata energia
- La Transformation de Fourier Complexe et L’Equation de Convolution
- La cancérologie au quotidien
- La cardio-TC
- La chirurgia estetica
- La colografia virtuale con TC multistrato (CTC)
- La colonscopia virtuale
- La colonscopia virtuale
- La competenza relazionale
- La comunicazione radiologica
- La comunicazione radiologica nella società del benessere
- La connaissance des huiles essentielles : qualitologie et aromathérapie
- La contraception masculine
- La coppia intrappolata
- La correspondance de jeunesse d’Henri Poincaré
- La correspondance entre Henri Poincaré et les mathématiciens
- La correspondance entre Henri Poincaré et les physiciens, chimistes et ingénieurs
- La correspondance entre Henri Poincaré, les astronomes, et les géodésiens
- La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl
- La disprassia in età evolutiva: criteri di valutazione ed intervento
- La donazione in Italia
- La dose al paziente in diagnostica per immagini
- La douleur chronique post-chirurgicale
- La fine dei cieli di cristallo
- La fisioterapia nella paralisi cerebrale infantile
- La fisioterapia nella paralisi cerebrale infantile
- La fitoterapia in uno sguardo
- La galassia vivente
- La genetica nell’infertilità maschile
- La gestione del trasferimento tecnologico
- La gestione delle fratture da fragilità ossea
- La gonarthrose
- La guida Daschner alla Terapia antibiotica in ospedale
- La loi de la gravitation universelle Newton, Euler et Laplace
- La lombalgie en 2007: aspects pratiques
- La marche de l’infirme moteur cérébral enfant et adulte
- La materia dei sogni
- La mente medica
- La musica del Big Bang
- La nouvelle cranioacupuncture de Yamamoto (YNSA)
- La personne âgée fragile
- La philosophie contemporaine / Contemporary philosophy