12799 publications
- R & D, Innovation and Industrial Structure
- R 4 Data Science Quick Reference
- R 4 Quick Syntax Reference
- R Data Science Quick Reference
- R For Marketing Research and Analytics
- R Programming
- R Quick Syntax Reference
- R Quick Syntax Reference
- R Recipes
- R Through Excel
- R by Example
- R by Example
- R for Basic Biostatistics in Medical Research
- R for Business Analytics
- R for Cloud Computing
- R for Finite Element Analyses of Size-dependent Microscale Structures
- R for Marketing Research and Analytics
- R for Political Science Research
- R for SAS and SPSS Users
- R for SAS and SPSS Users
- R for Stata Users
- R kompakt
- R kompakt
- R kompakt
- R&D Management
- R&D Management Practices and Innovation: Evidence from a Firm Survey
- R&D Management in the Knowledge Era
- R&D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry
- R&I-Fließschema
- R-CALCULUS: A Logic of Belief Revision
- R-Calculus, II: Many-Valued Logics
- R-Calculus, III: Post Three-Valued Logic
- R-Calculus, IV: Propositional Logic
- R-Calculus, V: Description Logics
- R-Calculus, VI: Finite Injury Priority Method
- R-Commerce
- R-Evolution - des biologischen Weltbildes bei Goethe, Kant und ihren Zeitgenossen
- R-Factors: Their Properties and Possible Control
- R-Loops
- R-Matrix Theory of Atomic Collisions
- R-Trees: Theory and Applications
- R. Edward Freeman’s Selected Works on Stakeholder Theory and Business Ethics
- R. G. Hawtrey and the Development of Macroeconomics
- R. Gestro Rhysodidae
- R. S. Thomas: Poet of the Hidden God
- R.A. Fisher: An Appreciation
- R.H. Lotze
- R.J. Rummel: An Assessment of His Many Contributions
- R.S. Thomas
- R/3-Einführung
- R2DBC Revealed
- R2P and the US Intervention in Libya
- R3 Corda for Architects and Developers
- R3 in Geomatics: Research, Results and Review
- RADIO--Robots in Assisted Living
- RAS Family GTPases
- RC Structures Strengthened with FRP for Earthquake Resistance
- RCS Estimation of Linear and Planar Dipole Phased Arrays: Approximate Model
- REACH Beyond Borders
- REBT in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adults
- REBT in the Treatment of Subclinical and Clinical Depression
- REBT with Diverse Client Problems and Populations
- REFAG 2014
- RELAX – Endlich stressfrei in fünf Schritten
- RESPACE – Key Technologies for Reusable Space Systems
- REST API Development with Node.js
- REST: Advanced Research Topics and Practical Applications
- REST: From Research to Practice
- RESTART Sustainable Business Model Innovation
- RETRACTED BOOK Nanoparticles Induce Oxidative and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stresses
- RETRACTED BOOK: 151 Trading Strategies
- RETRACTED BOOK: Advances in Integrated Pest Management Technology
- RETRACTED BOOK: Archaeological Ceramic Materials
- RETRACTED BOOK: Control Design of Multiagent Discrete-Time Systems
- RETRACTED BOOK: Corporate Finance Teil 1
- RETRACTED BOOK: Defending Cyber Systems through Reverse Engineering of Criminal Malware
- RETRACTED BOOK: Der Internist
- RETRACTED BOOK: Die Mitarbeiterzeitung
- RETRACTED BOOK: Directed-Energy Beam Weapons
- RETRACTED BOOK: Displacement Among Sri Lankan Tamil Migrants
- RETRACTED BOOK: Housing and Urban Development in the USSR
- RETRACTED BOOK: International Finance
- RETRACTED BOOK: Probability Theory
- RETRACTED BOOK: Rare Earth Element Resources: Indian Context
- RETRACTED BOOK: Review of Corporate Internal Fraud Investigations
- RETRACTED BOOK: Scalar Wave Driven Energy Applications
- RETRACTED BOOK: Solar PV and Wind Energy Conversion Systems
- RETRACTED BOOK: Telecommunications
- RETRACTED BOOK: The Cellular Structure of the Mammalian Nervous System
- RETRACTED BOOK: Underpinning and Retention
- REWAS 2013
- REWAS 2016
- REWAS 2019
- REWAS 2022: Developing Tomorrow’s Technical Cycles (Volume I)
- REWAS 2022: Energy Technologies and CO2 Management (Volume II)
- REWAS 2025
- RF Antenna Beam Forming
- RF Antenna Beam Forming
- RF CMOS Power Amplifiers: Theory, Design and Implementation
- RF Imperfections in High-rate Wireless Systems
- RF MEMS Switches and Integrated Switching Circuits
- RF Power Semiconductor Generator Application in Heating and Energy Utilization
- RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications
- RF Transceiver Design for MIMO Wireless Communications
- RF Tunable Devices and Subsystems: Methods of Modeling, Analysis, and Applications
- RF and Microwave Microelectronics Packaging
- RF and Microwave Microelectronics Packaging II
- RF and Time-domain Techniques for Evaluating Novel Semiconductor Transistors
- RF, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies
- RF-Frontend Design for Process-Variation-Tolerant Receivers
- RF/Microwave Hybrids
- RFID Explained
- RFID Security
- RFID Security
- RFID Security and Privacy
- RFID Security and Privacy
- RFID Technologies for Internet of Things
- RFID as an Infrastructure
- RFID für Bibliotheken
- RFID im Mobile Supply Chain Event Management
- RFID im Supply Chain Management
- RFID in Manufacturing
- RFID in der Baulogistik
- RFID-Leitfaden für die Logistik
- RFID-WSN Integrated Architecture for Energy and Delay- Aware Routing
- RFID. Security and Privacy
- RFID–Baulogistikleitstand
- RGB-D Image Analysis and Processing
- RGW — Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit in Osteuropa
- RHEED Transmission Mode and Pole Figures
- RHO Family GTPases
- RILEM 252-CMB Symposium
- RILEM Recommendations for the Prevention of Damage by Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in New Concrete Structures
- RILEM Technical Committee 195-DTD Recommendation for Test Methods for AD and TD of Early Age Concrete
- RIMS Symposia on Software Science and Engineering
- RIMS Symposia on Software Science and Engineering II
- RISC-V Assembly Language Programming
- RISC-Workstation-Architekturen
- RITA 2018
- RM fetale
- RMAN Recipes for Oracle Database 12c
- RMB Internationalization in 2023
- RNA 3D Structure Analysis and Prediction
- RNA Abundance Analysis
- RNA Abundance Analysis
- RNA Activation
- RNA Amplification and Analysis
- RNA Binding Proteins
- RNA Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- RNA Bioinformatics
- RNA Bioinformatics
- RNA Chaperones
- RNA Damage and Repair
- RNA Design
- RNA Detection
- RNA Detection and Visualization
- RNA Editing
- RNA Editing
- RNA Exosome
- RNA Folding
- RNA Folding
- RNA Imaging
- RNA Infrastructure and Networks
- RNA Interference
- RNA Interference
- RNA Interference
- RNA Interference Techniques
- RNA Interference and CRISPR Technologies
- RNA Interference and Cancer Therapy
- RNA Interference from Biology to Therapeutics
- RNA Interference, Editing, and Modification
- RNA Isolation and Characterization Protocols
- RNA Mapping
- RNA Metabolism and Gene Expression in Archaea
- RNA Metabolism in Mitochondria
- RNA Metabolism in Neurodegenerative Diseases
- RNA Metabolism in Trypanosomes
- RNA Methylation
- RNA Modifications
- RNA Motifs and Regulatory Elements
- RNA Nanostructures
- RNA Nanostructures
- RNA Nanotechnology and Therapeutics
- RNA Polymerase III Transcription
- RNA Processing
- RNA Remodeling Proteins
- RNA Remodeling Proteins
- RNA Scaffolds
- RNA Scaffolds
- RNA Sequence, Structure, and Function: Computational and Bioinformatic Methods
- RNA Silencing