5515 publications
- O (without cuprates) - Sc
- O Tempora, o Mores
- O(n)-Mannigfaltigkeiten, exotische Sphären und Singularitäten
- O-(β-Hydroxyethyl)-rutoside
- O-(β-Hydroxyethyl)-rutoside—experimentelle und klinische Ergebnisse
- OB-GYN Pathology for the Clinician
- OCT Imaging in Glaucoma
- OCT and Imaging in Central Nervous System Diseases
- OCT in Central Nervous System Diseases
- OCaml Scientific Computing
- ODE/IM Correspondence and Quantum Periods
- ODI from BRIC Countries
- OFDM Systems for Wireless Communications
- OMDoc – An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents [version 1.2]
- OOER '95: Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Modeling
- OOIS 2000
- OOIS 2001
- OOIS’ 95
- OOIS’94
- OOIS’96
- OOIS’97
- OOIS’98
- OP und Anästhesie
- OP-Handbuch
- OP-Handbuch
- OP-Handbuch
- OP-Handbuch
- OP-Handbuch
- OP-Handbuch
- OP-Lagerungen für Fachpersonal
- OP-Lagerungen in der Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie
- OP-Management – Von der Theorie zur Praxis
- OP-Management: praktisch und effizient
- OP-Pflege Prüfungswissen
- OP-Pflege Prüfungswissen
- OP-Pflege Prüfungswissen
- OPC Unified Architecture
- OPCW: The Legal Texts
- OPEC and the Price of Petroleum
- OPEC in a Shale Oil World
- OPEN States in the Global Economy
- OPNET IoT Simulation
- OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters and Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging
- OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters, Computer Assisted Robotic Endoscopy, Clinical Image-Based Procedures, and Skin Image Analysis
- OR, Defence and Security
- ORACLE7 Datenbanken erfolgreich realisieren
- OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift
- OS X and iOS Kernel Programming
- OS/2 für Anwender und Systementwickler
- OS/2 griffbereit
- OSCE and VIVA VOCE in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- OSCE – Kompetenzorientiert Prüfen in der Pflegeausbildung
- OSCE – Kompetenzorientiert Prüfen in der Pflegeausbildung
- OSHA and the Politics of Health Regulation
- OSPF: A Network Routing Protocol
- OSS Design Patterns
- OSS Reliability Measurement and Assessment
- OSS for Telecom Networks
- OTA - Fragen und Antworten
- OTA - Fragen und Antworten
- OTA-Lehrbuch
- OTA-Lehrbuch
- OTA-Lehrbuch
- OTC Derivatives: Bilateral Trading & Central Clearing
- OTC Markets in Derivative Instruments
- OTC-Marketingmanagement
- OWC-Based Ocean Wave Energy Plants
- OWL: Experiences and Directions – Reasoner Evaluation
- OXYGEN: Basis of the Regulation of Vital Functions in the Fetus
- Oakeshott’s Skepticism, Politics, and Aesthetics
- Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L.
- Oases and Globalization
- Oat
- Obama and The End of the American Dream
- Obama, US Foreign Policy and the Dilemmas of Intervention
- Obdachlose
- Obduktionsgut
- Oberbau und Gleisverbindungen
- Oberbürgermeisterinnen in Deutschland
- Oberflächen- und Dünnschicht-Technologie
- Oberflächen- und Dünnschicht-Technologie
- Oberflächenanalytische Charakterisierung von metallischen Verunreinigungen und Oxiden auf GaAs
- Oberflächenbehandlung mit Laserstrahlung
- Oberflächenbehandlung · Abrasivverschleiß
- Oberflächenbehandlung · Bearbeitungsverfahren
- Oberflächenmodifikation von porösen Gläsern zur Trennung von Gemischen ähnlicher Gase durch Membranverfahren und Adsorption
- Oberflächenphysik des Festkörpers
- Oberflächenphysik des Festkörpers
- Oberflächenschutzschichten und Oberflächenvorbehandlung
- Oberflächentechnologie mit Niederdruckplasmen
- Oberon
- Oberon-2 Programming with Windows
- Oberrheinische Studien
- Oberschichten — Eliten — Herrschende Klassen
- Oberstufe aus Schülersicht
- Oberstufe aus Schülersicht
- Obesity
- Obesity
- Obesity
- Obesity
- Obesity
- Obesity Before Birth
- Obesity During Pregnancy in Clinical Practice
- Obesity Management
- Obesity Management in Family Practice
- Obesity Treatment
- Obesity and Brain Function
- Obesity and Breast Cancer
- Obesity and Cancer
- Obesity and Cancer
- Obesity and Diabetes
- Obesity and Diabetes
- Obesity and Diabetes
- Obesity and Fertility
- Obesity and Lipotoxicity
- Obesity and Lipotoxicity
- Obesity and Lung Disease
- Obesity and Lung Disease
- Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
- Obesity and its Impact on Health
- Obesity in the 21st Century
- Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
- Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
- Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
- Obesity, Diabetes and Inflammation
- Obesity, Fatty Liver and Liver Cancer
- Obesity, Inflammation and Cancer
- Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and the Adipose Organ
- Obesity: Its Pathogenesis And Management
- Obesity: Pathology and Therapy
- Object Databases
- Object Management in Distributed Database Systems for Stationary and Mobile Computing Environments
- Object Medleys
- Object Modeling with the OCL
- Object Orientation in Z
- Object Orientation with Parallelism and Persistence
- Object Oriented Computer Systems Engineering
- Object Oriented Programming Using C++
- Object Oriented Simulation
- Object Pascal mit Delphi
- Object Recognition
- Object Recognition, Attention, and Action
- Object Relations, Buddhism, and Relationality in Womanist Practical Theology
- Object Relationship Notation (ORN) for Database Applications
- Object Representation in Computer Vision
- Object Representation in Computer Vision II
- Object Studies
- Object Technologies for Advanced Software
- Object Technologies for Advanced Software
- Object Tracking Technology
- Object-Based Concurrent Computing
- Object-Based Distributed Programming
- Object-Based Image Analysis
- Object-Based Image Analysis and Treaty Verification
- Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems
- Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation
- Object-Oriented ActionScript for Flash 8
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation
- Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation
- Object-Oriented Application Development Using the Caché Postrelational Database
- Object-Oriented Application Development Using the Caché Postrelational Database
- Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications
- Object-Oriented Computer Simulation of Discrete-Event Systems
- Object-Oriented Database Programming
- Object-Oriented Database System
- Object-Oriented Design with ABAP
- Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation with Java
- Object-Oriented Graphics
- Object-Oriented Information Systems
- Object-Oriented Information Systems
- Object-Oriented Macromedia Flash MX
- Object-Oriented Metamethods
- Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems
- Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice
- Object-Oriented Modeling
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Object-Oriented Programming A Unified Foundation
- Object-Oriented Programming Languages: Interpretation
- Object-Oriented Programming and Java
- Object-Oriented Programming for Graphics
- Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2
- Object-Oriented Software in C++
- Object-Oriented Technology
- Object-Oriented Technology
- Object-Oriented Technology
- Object-Oriented Technology ECOOP 2002 Workshop Reader
- Object-Oriented Technology ECOOP’99 Workshop Reader
- Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader