5515 publications

  1. O (without cuprates) - Sc
  2. O Tempora, o Mores
  3. O(n)-Mannigfaltigkeiten, exotische Sphären und Singularitäten
  4. O-(β-Hydroxyethyl)-rutoside
  5. O-(β-Hydroxyethyl)-rutoside—experimentelle und klinische Ergebnisse
  6. OB-GYN Pathology for the Clinician
  7. OCT Imaging in Glaucoma
  8. OCT and Imaging in Central Nervous System Diseases
  9. OCT in Central Nervous System Diseases
  10. OCaml Scientific Computing
  11. ODE/IM Correspondence and Quantum Periods
  12. ODI from BRIC Countries
  13. OFDM
  14. OFDM Systems for Wireless Communications
  15. OKAY
  16. OMDoc – An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents [version 1.2]
  17. OOER '95: Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Modeling
  18. OOIS 2000
  19. OOIS 2001
  20. OOIS’ 95
  21. OOIS’94
  22. OOIS’96
  23. OOIS’97
  24. OOIS’98
  25. OP und Anästhesie
  26. OP-Handbuch
  27. OP-Handbuch
  28. OP-Handbuch
  29. OP-Handbuch
  30. OP-Handbuch
  31. OP-Handbuch
  32. OP-Lagerungen für Fachpersonal
  33. OP-Lagerungen in der Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie
  34. OP-Management – Von der Theorie zur Praxis
  35. OP-Management: praktisch und effizient
  36. OP-Pflege Prüfungswissen
  37. OP-Pflege Prüfungswissen
  38. OP-Pflege Prüfungswissen
  39. OPC Unified Architecture
  40. OPCW: The Legal Texts
  41. OPEC
  42. OPEC and the Price of Petroleum
  43. OPEC in a Shale Oil World
  44. OPEN States in the Global Economy
  45. OPLL
  46. OPLL
  47. OPLL
  48. OPNET IoT Simulation
  49. OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters and Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging
  50. OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters, Computer Assisted Robotic Endoscopy, Clinical Image-Based Procedures, and Skin Image Analysis
  51. OR, Defence and Security
  52. ORACLE7 Datenbanken erfolgreich realisieren
  54. ORTE
  55. OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift
  56. OS X and iOS Kernel Programming
  57. OS/2 für Anwender und Systementwickler
  58. OS/2 griffbereit
  59. OSCE and VIVA VOCE in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  60. OSCE – Kompetenzorientiert Prüfen in der Pflegeausbildung
  61. OSCE – Kompetenzorientiert Prüfen in der Pflegeausbildung
  62. OSHA and the Politics of Health Regulation
  63. OSPF: A Network Routing Protocol
  64. OSS Design Patterns
  65. OSS Reliability Measurement and Assessment
  66. OSS for Telecom Networks
  67. OTA - Fragen und Antworten
  68. OTA - Fragen und Antworten
  69. OTA-Lehrbuch
  70. OTA-Lehrbuch
  71. OTA-Lehrbuch
  72. OTC Derivatives: Bilateral Trading & Central Clearing
  73. OTC Markets in Derivative Instruments
  74. OTC-Marketingmanagement
  75. OWC-Based Ocean Wave Energy Plants
  76. OWL: Experiences and Directions – Reasoner Evaluation
  77. OXYGEN: Basis of the Regulation of Vital Functions in the Fetus
  78. OZONE
  79. Oakeshott’s Skepticism, Politics, and Aesthetics
  80. Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L.
  81. Oases and Globalization
  82. Oat
  83. Obama and The End of the American Dream
  84. Obama, US Foreign Policy and the Dilemmas of Intervention
  85. Obdachlose
  86. Obduktionsgut
  87. Oberbau und Gleisverbindungen
  88. Oberbürgermeisterinnen in Deutschland
  89. Oberflächen- und Dünnschicht-Technologie
  90. Oberflächen- und Dünnschicht-Technologie
  91. Oberflächenanalytische Charakterisierung von metallischen Verunreinigungen und Oxiden auf GaAs
  92. Oberflächenbehandlung mit Laserstrahlung
  93. Oberflächenbehandlung · Abrasivverschleiß
  94. Oberflächenbehandlung · Bearbeitungsverfahren
  95. Oberflächenmodifikation von porösen Gläsern zur Trennung von Gemischen ähnlicher Gase durch Membranverfahren und Adsorption
  96. Oberflächenphysik des Festkörpers
  97. Oberflächenphysik des Festkörpers
  98. Oberflächenschutzschichten und Oberflächenvorbehandlung
  99. Oberflächentechnologie mit Niederdruckplasmen
  100. Oberon
  101. Oberon-2 Programming with Windows
  102. Oberrheinische Studien
  103. Oberschichten — Eliten — Herrschende Klassen
  104. Oberstufe aus Schülersicht
  105. Oberstufe aus Schülersicht
  106. Obesity
  107. Obesity
  108. Obesity
  109. Obesity
  110. Obesity
  111. Obesity Before Birth
  112. Obesity During Pregnancy in Clinical Practice
  113. Obesity Management
  114. Obesity Management in Family Practice
  115. Obesity Treatment
  116. Obesity and Brain Function
  117. Obesity and Breast Cancer
  118. Obesity and Cancer
  119. Obesity and Cancer
  120. Obesity and Diabetes
  121. Obesity and Diabetes
  122. Obesity and Diabetes
  123. Obesity and Fertility
  124. Obesity and Lipotoxicity
  125. Obesity and Lipotoxicity
  126. Obesity and Lung Disease
  127. Obesity and Lung Disease
  128. Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  129. Obesity and its Impact on Health
  130. Obesity in the 21st Century
  131. Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
  132. Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
  133. Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
  134. Obesity, Diabetes and Inflammation
  135. Obesity, Fatty Liver and Liver Cancer
  136. Obesity, Inflammation and Cancer
  137. Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and the Adipose Organ
  138. Obesity: Its Pathogenesis And Management
  139. Obesity: Pathology and Therapy
  140. Object Databases
  141. Object Management in Distributed Database Systems for Stationary and Mobile Computing Environments
  142. Object Medleys
  143. Object Modeling with the OCL
  144. Object Orientation in Z
  145. Object Orientation with Parallelism and Persistence
  146. Object Oriented Computer Systems Engineering
  147. Object Oriented Programming Using C++
  148. Object Oriented Simulation
  149. Object Pascal mit Delphi
  150. Object Recognition
  151. Object Recognition, Attention, and Action
  152. Object Relations, Buddhism, and Relationality in Womanist Practical Theology
  153. Object Relationship Notation (ORN) for Database Applications
  154. Object Representation in Computer Vision
  155. Object Representation in Computer Vision II
  156. Object Studies
  157. Object Technologies for Advanced Software
  158. Object Technologies for Advanced Software
  159. Object Tracking Technology
  160. Object-Based Concurrent Computing
  161. Object-Based Distributed Programming
  162. Object-Based Image Analysis
  163. Object-Based Image Analysis and Treaty Verification
  164. Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems
  165. Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation
  166. Object-Oriented ActionScript for Flash 8
  167. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  168. Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation
  169. Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation
  170. Object-Oriented Application Development Using the Caché Postrelational Database
  171. Object-Oriented Application Development Using the Caché Postrelational Database
  172. Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications
  173. Object-Oriented Computer Simulation of Discrete-Event Systems
  174. Object-Oriented Database Programming
  175. Object-Oriented Database System
  176. Object-Oriented Design with ABAP
  177. Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation with Java
  178. Object-Oriented Graphics
  179. Object-Oriented Information Systems
  180. Object-Oriented Information Systems
  181. Object-Oriented Macromedia Flash MX
  182. Object-Oriented Metamethods
  183. Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems
  184. Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice
  185. Object-Oriented Modeling
  186. Object-Oriented Programming
  187. Object-Oriented Programming
  188. Object-Oriented Programming
  189. Object-Oriented Programming A Unified Foundation
  190. Object-Oriented Programming Languages: Interpretation
  191. Object-Oriented Programming and Java
  192. Object-Oriented Programming for Graphics
  193. Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2
  194. Object-Oriented Software in C++
  195. Object-Oriented Technology
  196. Object-Oriented Technology
  197. Object-Oriented Technology
  198. Object-Oriented Technology ECOOP 2002 Workshop Reader
  199. Object-Oriented Technology ECOOP’99 Workshop Reader
  200. Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader