4787 publications
- U Uran
- U Uranium
- U Uranium
- U Uranium
- U Uranium
- U- and E-Service, Science and Technology
- U- and E-Service, Science and Technology
- U- and E-Service, Science and Technology
- U-Statistics, Mm-Estimators and Resampling
- U. S. Ends and Means in Central America
- U. S. Spacesuits
- U.S. Democracy in Danger
- U.S. Environmentalism since 1945
- U.S. Foreign Policy Discourse and the Israel Lobby
- U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Apartheid South Africa, 1948–1994
- U.S. Foreign Policy and European Security
- U.S. Government Contractors and Human Trafficking
- U.S. Imperialism and Revolution in the Philippines
- U.S. Indo-Pacific Command
- U.S. Leadership in a World of Uncertainties
- U.S. Mergers and Acquisitions
- U.S. Organic Dairy Politics
- U.S. Public Diplomacy Towards China
- U.S. Social Welfare Reform
- U.S. Strategy Against Global Terrorism
- U.S. Trade Deficit: Causes, Consequences, and Cures
- U.S. War Resisters’ Quest for Refuge in Canada
- U.S. and West German Housing Markets
- U.S.-China Relations in the “Asia-Pacific” Century
- U.S.-China Strategic Relations and Competitive Sports
- UAV Communications: Modeling and Analyses
- UAVs and Urban Spatial Analysis
- UAVs for Spatial Modelling and Urban Informatics
- UEG-Fibel
- UFOs
- UHMWPE Biomaterials for Joint Implants
- UHPCC Under Impact and Blast
- UI Design for iOS App Development
- UICC International Union Against Cancer / UICC Union Internationale Contre le Cancer
- UK Banks and the Lessons of the Great Financial Crisis
- UK Business Finance Directory 1990/91
- UK Business and Financial Cycles Since 1660
- UK Child Migration to Australia, 1945-1970
- UK Colloids 2011
- UK Drugs Unlimited
- UK Environmental Policy in the 1990s
- UK Feminist Cartoons and Comics
- UK Financial Institutions and Markets
- UK Gaap
- UK Monetary Policy
- UK Monetary Policy from Devaluation to Thatcher, 1967–82
- UK Parallel ’96
- UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics
- UK and Irish Television Comedy
- ULF Pulsations in the Magnetosphere
- ULF Waves’ Interaction with Cold and Thermal Particles in the Inner Magnetosphere
- UM99 User Modeling
- UML 2 kompakt
- UML @ Classroom
- UML Applied: A .NET Perspective
- UML Modeling Languages and Applications
- UML for Real
- UML for SOC Design
- UML in logistischen Prozessen
- UML-B Specification for Proven Embedded Systems Design
- UML-Based Software Product Line Engineering with SMarty
- UMTS Radio Network Planning, Optimization and QOS Management
- UMTS Radio Network Planning: Mastering Cell Coupling for Capacity Optimization
- UN Governance
- UN Interventions and Democratization
- UN Law on International Sales
- UN Malaise
- UN Peace-building
- UN Peacekeeping in Africa
- UN Robust Peacekeeping
- UN-Schutzzonen — Ein Schutzinstrument für verfolgte Personen?
- UNDP’s Engagement with the Private Sector, 1994–2011
- UNESCO, Cultural Heritage and Conflict in Yemen, Syria and Iraq
- UNESCO, Religious Cultural Heritage and Political Contestation
- UNICODE — ein Verfahren zur Optimierung der begrifflichen Denkleistung
- UNIGRAPHICS NX5 — kurz und bündig
- UNIGRAPHICS-Praktikum mit NX5
- UNIX Operating System
- UNIX System V.4
- UNIX Transparent
- UNIX Workshop
- UNIX für Führungskräfte
- UNIX für Software-Entwickler
- UNIX für Systemverwalter
- UNIX … im Alleingang
- UNIX, C und Internet
- UNIX, C und Internet
- UNIX-Systemadministration
- UNIX-Werkzeuge
- UNIX-Werkzeuge zur Textmusterverarbeitung
- UNIX™ Das Betriebssystem und die Shells
- UR:BAN Human Factors in Traffic
- US Army's Effectiveness in Reconstruction According to the Guiding Principles of Stabilization
- US Assistance, Development, and Hierarchy in the Middle East
- US Defence Bases in the United Kingdom
- US Defense Budget Outcomes
- US Economic Development Policies towards the Pacific Rim
- US Economic Policy in the 21st Century
- US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin
- US Environmental Policy in Action
- US Environmental Policy in Action
- US Environmental Policy in Action
- US Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field
- US Firms’ Business Competence in the Taiwanese IT Industry
- US Foreign Policy Decision-Making from Kennedy to Obama
- US Foreign Policy Decision-Making from Truman to Kennedy
- US Foreign Policy and the Iranian Revolution
- US Foreign Policy and the Modernization of Iran
- US Foreign Policy and the Multinational Force in Lebanon
- US Foreign Policy in a Challenging World
- US Foreign Policy in the 1990s
- US Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean
- US Foreign Policy in the Middle East
- US Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era
- US Foreign Service Women in the Middle East and Islamic North Africa, 1945–2001
- US Hegemony and the Project of Universal Human Rights
- US Human Rights Conduct and International Legitimacy
- US Immigration Reform and Its Global Impact
- US Intelligence and the Soviet Strategic Threat
- US Jews
- US Leadership in Political Time and Space
- US Military Bases and Anti-Military Organizing
- US Military Bases, Quasi-bases, and Domestic Politics in Latin America
- US Military Power in the 1980s
- US Narratives of Nuclear Terrorism Since 9/11
- US National Security Concerns in Latin America and the Caribbean
- US Nuclear Strategy
- US Poetry in the Age of Empire, 1979–2012
- US Policy on the UN Command
- US Power and the Internet in International Relations
- US Power in International Finance
- US Presidents and Cold War Nuclear Diplomacy
- US Presidents and the Destruction of the Native American Nations
- US Programs Affecting Food and Agricultural Marketing
- US Public Diplomacy and Democratization in Spain
- US Public Schools and the Politics of Queer Erasure
- US Spacesuits
- US Withholding Tax
- US Withholding Tax
- US and Cross-National Policies, Practices, and Preparation
- US and EU External Labor Governance
- US-China Rivalry and Taiwan's Mainland Policy
- US-China Strategic Competition
- US-Chinese Strategic Triangles
- US-GAAP als Steuerungsgrundlage für Unternehmen
- US-Grenada Relations
- US-Japan Trade Friction
- US-Kongreß und Deutscher Bundestag
- US-Sandinista Diplomatic Relations
- US-South Asian Relations, 1940–47
- US-West European Relations During the Reagan Years
- US-amerikanische Discovery und deutsches Datenschutzrecht
- US-amerikanische Subpart F-legislation und deutsche Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung
- US-amerikanische und deutsche Geschäftsberichte
- USDA Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges
- UTLEON3: Exploring Fine-Grain Multi-Threading in FPGAs
- UV Atlas of Organic Compounds / UV Atlas organischer Verbindungen
- UV Light Self Organizing Network Theory
- UV Radiation and Arctic Ecosystems
- UV Radiation in Global Climate Change
- UV Solid-State Light Emitters and Detectors
- UV-A
- UV-B Radiation and Crop Growth
- UV-B and Biosphere
- UV-GOÄ 2013 Kommentar - Arbeitsunfälle und Berufskrankheiten
- UV-GOÄ 2014 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2015 Kommentar - Arbeitsunfälle und Berufskrankheiten
- UV-GOÄ 2018 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2019 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2020 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2021 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2022 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2023 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2024 Kommentar
- UV-GOÄ 2025 Kommentar
- UV-VIS Spectroscopy and Its Applications
- UV-VIS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization
- UV-VIS-Spektroskopie und ihre Anwendungen
- UV-Visible Reflection Spectroscopy of Liquids
- UV/Vis-Absorptions- und Fluoreszenz-Spektroskopie
- UWB Communication Systems: Conventional and 60 GHz
- UX Design with Figma