178 publications
- X Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
- X und Motif
- X- and Gamma-Ray Astronomy
- X-Chromosome Inactivation
- X-Efficiency: Theory, Evidence and Applications
- X-Efficiency: Theory, Evidence and Applications
- X-Planes from the X-1 to the X-60
- X-Rated!
- X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Semiconductors
- X-Ray Astronomy
- X-Ray Astronomy
- X-Ray Astronomy
- X-Ray Astronomy in the Exosat Era
- X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite
- X-Ray Binaries and Recycled Pulsars
- X-Ray CT
- X-Ray Computed Tomography in Biomedical Engineering
- X-Ray Contrast Media
- X-Ray Contrast Media
- X-Ray Differential Diagnosis in Small Bowel Disease
- X-Ray Diffraction
- X-Ray Diffraction Crystallography
- X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of Biological Cells
- X-Ray Diffraction by Disordered Lamellar Structures
- X-Ray Diffraction by Macromolecules
- X-Ray Diffuse Scattering from Self-Organized Mesoscopic Semiconductor Structures
- X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) in Geoarchaeology
- X-Ray Imaging Systems for Biomedical Engineering Technology
- X-Ray Lasers 2006
- X-Ray Lasers 2008
- X-Ray Lasers 2010
- X-Ray Lasers 2012
- X-Ray Lasers 2014
- X-Ray Lasers 2016
- X-Ray Lasers 2018
- X-Ray Lasers 2023
- X-Ray Measurements in the Auroral Zone from July to October 1964
- X-Ray Microscopy
- X-Ray Microscopy II
- X-Ray Microscopy III
- X-Ray Microscopy and Spectromicroscopy
- X-Ray Multiple-Wave Diffraction
- X-Ray Optics
- X-Ray Optics
- X-Ray Phase-Contrast Tomography
- X-Ray Radiation of Highly Charged Ions
- X-Ray Scattering from Soft-Matter Thin Films
- X-Ray Scattering of Soft Matter
- X-Ray Spectrometry in Electron Beam Instruments
- X-Ray Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Spectroscopy for Chemical State Analysis
- X-Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics
- X-Ray Spectroscopy in Atomic and Solid State Physics
- X-Ray Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation
- X-Ray and Electron Probe Analysis in Biomedical Research
- X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction in Nonideal Crystals
- X-Ray and Neutron Dynamical Diffraction
- X-Ray and Neutron Structure Analysis in Materials Science
- X-Rays and Their Applications
- X-ray Free Electron Lasers
- X-ray Imaging of the Soil Porous Architecture
- X-ray Microscopy
- X-ray Nanochemistry
- X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging Using Near-Field Speckles
- X-ray Photon Processing Detectors
- X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation
- X-ray Studies of the Central Engine in Active Galactic Nuclei with Suzaku
- X-ray and Neutron Reflectivity
- X-ray and Neutron Reflectivity: Principles and Applications
- X-ray and Neutron Techniques for Nanomaterials Characterization
- X-ray fluorescent scanning of the thyroid
- X-rays for Archaeology
- XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials, and Surfaces
- XBRL for Interactive Data
- XCOR, Developing the Next Generation Spaceplane
- XI Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes
- XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2010
- XII Symposium of Probability and Stochastic Processes
- XIII General Meeting of the Russian Mineralogical Society and the Fedorov Session
- XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
- XIII Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes
- XIII. Congressus Internationalis Dermatologiae
- XIIIth International Astronautical Congress Varna 1962
- XIIIth International Astronautical Congress Varna 1962 / XIIIe Congrès International D’astronautique / XIII MeждyhapoдhbiЙ ҚohГpecc Пo ActpohabtИқe
- XIIIth International Symposium on Spermatology
- XIIth I. S. C. E. R. G. Symposium
- XIV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2021"
- XIV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2021”
- XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016
- XIth European Conference on Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Polymorphism
- XIth I.S.C.E.R.G. Symposium
- XIth International Astronautical Congress Stockholm 1960 / XI. Internationaler Astronautischer Kongress / XIe Congrès International D’Astronautique
- XIth International Astronautical Congress Stockholm 1960 / XI. Internationaler Astronautischer Kongress / XIe Congrès International D’Astronautique
- XIth International Astronautical Congress Stockholm 1960 / XI. Internationaler Astronautischer Kongress / XIe Congrès International D’Astronautique
- XL. Internationales μ-Symposium 2023 Bremsen-Fachtagung
- XLV Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering
- XLVI Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering
- XLVI Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering
- XLVII Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering
- XLVII Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering
- XLVIII. Jahresbericht des Sonnblick-Vereines für das Jahr 1950
- XML Programming Using the Microsoft XML Parser
- XML Retrieval
- XML and FrameMaker
- XML and JSON Recipes for SQL Server
- XML and Web Technologies for Data Sciences with R
- XML for Bioinformatics
- XML-Based Data Management and Multimedia Engineering — EDBT 2002 Workshops
- XML-Komponenten in der Praxis
- XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes
- XNA 3.0 Game Programming Recipes
- XPS-99: Knowledge-Based Systems. Survey and Future Directions
- XQuery und SQL/XML in DB2-Datenbanken
- XR Case Studies
- XR and Metaverse
- XR-Metaverse Cases
- XUV Pump-Probe Experiments on Diatomic Molecules
- XV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2022”
- XV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2022”
- XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019
- XVA Desks — A New Era for Risk Management
- XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress
- XXI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium
- XXII DAE High Energy Physics Symposium
- XXIII DAE High Energy Physics Symposium
- XXIV International Conference on High Energy Physics
- XXVI Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering
- XXVI Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering
- XXVII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering
- XXX Russian-Polish-Slovak Seminar Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (RSP 2021)
- XXXII. Tagung gehalten in Westerland/Sylt vom 16. bis 20. September 1980
- XXXIX. Internationales μ-Symposium 2022 Bremsen-Fachtagung
- XXXVII. Internationales μ-Symposium 2018 Bremsen-Fachtagung
- XXXVIII. Internationales μ-Symposium 2019 Bremsen-Fachtagung
- Xamarin Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Xamarin Mobile Application Development
- Xamarin.Forms Essentials
- Xamarin.Forms Solutions
- Xanthomonas
- XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language
- Xeno-transplantation
- Xenobiotic Metabolic Enzymes: Bioactivation and Antioxidant Defense
- Xenobiotics in Aquatic Animals
- Xenobiotics in Fish
- Xenobiotics in Urban Ecosystems
- Xenobiotics in the Soil Environment
- Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle
- Xenophobia in South Africa
- Xenophobia, Nativism and Pan-Africanism in 21st Century Africa
- Xenophobic Mountains
- Xenophon the Socratic Prince
- Xenopus
- Xenopus Protocols
- Xenopus Protocols
- Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome
- Xenotransplantation
- Xenotransplantation
- Xenotransplantation
- Xenotransplantation
- Xenotransplantation
- Xenotransplantation
- Xenotransplantation von Zellen, Geweben oder Organen
- Xi Jinping's New Development Philosophy
- Xiangsheng and the Emergence of Guo Degang in Contemporary China
- XploRe — Learning Guide
- XploRe: An Interactive Statistical Computing Environment
- XploRe® — Application Guide
- Xth I.S.C.E.R.G. Symposium
- Xth International Astronautical Congress London 1959 / X. Internationaler Astronautischer Kongress / Xe Congrès International d’Astronautique
- Xu Bing
- Xylem
- Xylem
- Xylem Structure and the Ascent of Sap
- Xylem Structure and the Ascent of Sap
- Xylorama
- xxAI - Beyond Explainable AI