5206 publications
- V Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
- V Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2011 May 16-21, 2011, Habana, Cuba
- V(D)J Recombination
- V-Invex Functions and Vector Optimization
- V-Learning
- V. Osteochondrosis Vertebrae, Hinterer Bandscheibenvorfall und Lumbago-Ischias-Syndrom
- V. S. Naipaul
- V. S. Naipaul
- V. Vergleichende Untersuchung der muskelerschlaffenden Mittel
- V.A. Yankov on Non-Classical Logics, History and Philosophy of Mathematics
- VAT and Financial Services
- VBA für Office-Automatisierung und Digitalisierung
- VBA mit Excel
- VBER 2022: EU Competition Law for Vertical Agreements
- VCO-Based Quantizers Using Frequency-to-Digital and Time-to-Digital Converters
- VDI Heat Atlas
- VDI-Lexikon Bauingenieurwesen
- VDI-Lexikon Bauingenieurwesen
- VDI-Lexikon Energietechnik
- VDI-Lexikon Informatik und Kommunikationstechnik
- VDI-Lexikon Maschinenbau
- VDI-Lexikon Umwelttechnik
- VDI-Taschenlexikon Immissionsschutz
- VDI-Wasserdampftafeln
- VDI-Wasserdampftafeln / VDI Steam Tables / Tables VDI de la vapeur d’eau / Tablas VDI de vapor de agua
- VDI-Wasserdampftafeln / VDI-Steam Tables / Tables VDI des constantes
- VDI-Wasserdampftafeln / VDI-Steam Tables / Tables VDI des constantes de la vapeur d’eau
- VDI-Wasserdampftafeln / VDI-Steam Tables / Tables VDI des constantes de la vapeur d’eau
- VDI-Wärmeatlas
- VDI-Wärmeatlas
- VDI-Wärmeatlas
- VDI-Wärmeatlas
- VDI-Wärmeatlas
- VDI-Wärmeatlas
- VDM '87 VDM — A Formal Method at Work
- VDM '88 VDM — The Way Ahead
- VDM '90 VDM and Z — Formal Methods in Software Development
- VDM '91 Formal Software Development Methods
- VDM'91 Formal Software Development Methods
- VEE Pro: Practical Graphical Programming
- VEGF Signaling
- VEGF Signaling
- VEGF in Development
- VELAS: Marketing-Management für Regionalzeitungen
- VENEZIA VERDE Umwelthauptstadt Europa 20xx
- VFX Fundamentals
- VGA und SuperVGA professionell programmiert
- VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies
- VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies
- VHDL Designer’s Reference
- VHDL Modeling for Digital Design Synthesis
- VHDL and FPLDs in Digital Systems Design, Prototyping and Customization
- VHDL for Simulation, Synthesis and Formal Proofs of Hardware
- VHDL: Hardware Description and Design
- VHDL’92
- VHS Recording Principles
- VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy
- VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná, Argentina 29, 30 & 31 October 2014
- VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
- VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, October 26th -28th, 2016
- VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
- VIII International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum
- VIII International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum
- VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and XLII National Conference on Biomedical Engineering
- VIIIth International Astronautical Congress Barcelona 1957 / VIII. Internationaler Astronautischer Kongress / VIIIe Congrès International D’Astronautique
- VIIth International Colloquium on Amphipoda
- VIS ’91 Verläßliche Informationssysteme
- VLISP A Verfied Implementation of Scheme
- VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium
- VLSI Algorithms and Architectures
- VLSI Algorithms and Architectures
- VLSI Analog Filters
- VLSI Artificial Neural Networks Engineering
- VLSI CAD Tools and Applications
- VLSI Chip Design with the Hardware Description Language VERILOG
- VLSI Design
- VLSI Design Methodologies for Digital Signal Processing Architectures
- VLSI Design and Test
- VLSI Design and Test
- VLSI Design and Test
- VLSI Design and Test
- VLSI Design and Test
- VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability
- VLSI Design for Manufacturing: Yield Enhancement
- VLSI Design for Video Coding
- VLSI Design of Neural Networks
- VLSI Design: Circuits, Systems and Applications
- VLSI Engineering
- VLSI Memory Chip Design
- VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure
- VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure
- VLSI Placement and Global Routing Using Simulated Annealing
- VLSI Placement and Routing: The PI Project
- VLSI Planarization
- VLSI Signal Processing Technology
- VLSI Specification, Verification and Synthesis
- VLSI Synthesis of DSP Kernels
- VLSI Systems and Computations
- VLSI Technology
- VLSI for Artificial Intelligence
- VLSI for Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
- VLSI for Embedded Intelligence
- VLSI for Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
- VLSI for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
- VLSI for Wireless Communication
- VLSI — Compatible Implementations for Artificial Neural Networks
- VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing
- VLSI, Microwave and Wireless Technologies
- VLSI-Design of Non-Volatile Memories
- VLSI-Entwurf eines RISC-Prozessors
- VLSI-SOC: From Systems to Chips
- VLSI-SoC 2023: Innovations for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
- VLSI-SoC: Advanced Research for Systems on Chip
- VLSI-SoC: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip
- VLSI-SoC: At the Crossroads of Emerging Trends
- VLSI-SoC: Design Methodologies for SoC and SiP
- VLSI-SoC: Design Trends
- VLSI-SoC: Design and Engineering of Electronics Systems Based on New Computing Paradigms
- VLSI-SoC: Design for Reliability, Security, and Low Power
- VLSI-SoC: Forward-Looking Trends in IC and Systems Design
- VLSI-SoC: From Algorithms to Circuits and System-on-Chip Design
- VLSI-SoC: Internet of Things Foundations
- VLSI-SoC: New Technology Enabler
- VLSI-SoC: Opportunities and Challenges Beyond the Internet of Things
- VLSI-SoC: Research Trends in VLSI and Systems on Chip
- VLSI-SoC: System-on-Chip in the Nanoscale Era – Design, Verification and Reliability
- VLSI-SoC: Technologies for Systems Integration
- VLSI-SoC: Technology Advancement on SoC Design
- VLSI: Integrated Systems on Silicon
- VLSI: Systems on a Chip
- VM/CMS — Virtuelle Maschinen
- VMware Cloud on AWS
- VMware vSphere Essentials
- VOB Bildband
- VOB Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen
- VOB Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen Gesamtkommentar zur VOB Ausgabe 2000
- VOB Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen. Gesamtkommentar
- VOB Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen — Gesamtkommentar
- VOB-Musterbriefe für Auftraggeber
- VOB-Musterbriefe für Auftragnehmer
- VOB-Musterbriefe für Auftragnehmer
- VOB-Musterbriefe für Auftragnehmer
- VOB/A 2012 - Textausgabe/Text Edition
- VOB/A 2016 - Textausgabe/Text Edition
- VOB/A 2019 - Textausgabe/Text Edition
- VOB/B 2012 - Textausgabe/Text Edition
- VOB/B 2016 - Textausgabe/Text Edition
- VOB/B 2019 - Textausgabe/Text Edition
- VOB/B nach Ansprüchen
- VOB/B nach Ansprüchen
- VOB/B nach Ansprüchen
- VOB/B nach Ansprüchen
- VOB/B nach Ansprüchen
- VOB/B-Musterbriefe für Auftraggeber
- VOCUS: A Visual Attention System for Object Detection and Goal-Directed Search
- VPC – Simulation und Test 2015
- VPC – Simulation und Test 2016
- VPC.plus 2014
- VR Integrated Heritage Recreation
- VR Technologies in Cultural Heritage
- VR, Simulations and Serious Games for Education
- VR-Journalismus
- VR/AR and 3D Displays
- VSOP Kursbuch Sozialplanung
- VTE - Venöse Thromboembolien
- VUV and Soft X-Ray Photoionization
- VWL für Berufsschulen
- VWL für Fachschüler
- Vaardigheden basisverpleegkunde
- Vacant to Vibrant
- Vacation Queueing Models Theory and Applications
- Vaccination Strategies Against Highly Variable Pathogens
- Vaccination in America
- Vaccination of Immunosuppressed Children in Clinical Practice
- Vaccine Adjuvants
- Vaccine Adjuvants
- Vaccine Adjuvants
- Vaccine Adjuvants
- Vaccine Analysis: Strategies, Principles, and Control
- Vaccine Communication Online
- Vaccine Delivery Technology
- Vaccine Design
- Vaccine Design
- Vaccine Design
- Vaccine Design
- Vaccine Design
- Vaccine Design
- Vaccine Design
- Vaccine Intervention Against Virus-Induced Tumours
- Vaccine Law and Policy
- Vaccine Protocols
- Vaccine Protocols
- Vaccine Science and Immunization Guideline
- Vaccine Technologies for Veterinary Viral Diseases