25098 publications
- D-Amino Acids
- D-Brane
- D-Finite Functions
- D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, and Representation Theory
- D-Xylitol
- D-modules, Representation Theory, and Quantum Groups
- D-type Cyclins and Cancer
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence The Thinker as Poet
- D. H. Lawrence and the Authoritarian Personality
- D. H. Lawrence and the Idea of the Novel
- D. H. Lawrence and the Phallic Imagination
- D. H. Lawrence in Italy and England
- D. H. Lawrence, Transport and Cultural Transition
- D. H. Lawrence: New Studies
- D. H. Lawrence: Sexual Crisis
- D. H. Lawrence’s Language of Sacred Experience
- D. H. Lawrence’s Manuscripts
- D. H. Lawrence’s Poetry: Demon Liberated
- D.D. Kosambi
- D.H. Lawrence in the Modern World
- D.H. Lawrence, Music and Modernism
- D.H. Lawrence, Science and the Posthuman
- D.H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference
- D.H. Lawrence: The Novels
- D.M. Armstrong
- D.W. Winnicott and Political Theory
- D2C – Direkte Kundenbeziehungen statt Plattformabhängigkeit
- DARE to be You
- DAX-Firms and Human Rights
- DAX-Future-Arbitrage
- DAX-Future-Arbitrage
- DB2 Common Server
- DB2/2 kompakt
- DBA Survivor
- DBA Transformations
- DBT-A Dialektisch-behaviorale Therapie für Jugendliche
- DC Arc Analysis
- DC Electric Machines, Electromechanical Energy Conversion Principles, and Magnetic Circuit Analysis
- DC Electrical Circuit Analysis
- DC Motors
- DC Wind Generation Systems
- DCE — Das OSF Distributed Computing Environment
- DCE — The OSF Distributed Computing Environment Client/Server Model and Beyond
- DCE: Sicherheit für die Praxis
- DC—DC Converters for Future Renewable Energy Systems
- DDR und Osteuropa
- DDR — Von der friedlichen Revolution zur deutschen Vereinigung
- DDR-Dissertationen
- DDR-Jugend
- DDR-Nostalgie
- DDT Das Insektizid Dichlordiphenyltrichloräthan und Seine Bedeutung
- DDT: The Insecticide Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and Its Significance / Das Insektizid Dichlordiphenyltrichloräthan und Seine Bedeutung
- DEA-Effizienz
- DECOMP: an Implementation of Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Linear Programming
- DEFA international
- DEFINITE DEcisions on a FINITE set of alternatives
- DEKORP-Atlas
- DEMOS A System for Discrete Event Modelling on Simula
- DERIVE für den Mathematikunterricht
- DESider – A European Effort on Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling
- DFT - Diskrete Fourier-Transformation
- DFT-Domain Based Single-Microphone Noise Reduction for Speech Enhancement
- DFÜ, Datenfernübertragung im Apple-Pascal-System
- DGIM Innere Medizin
- DGOR Papers of the 11th Annual Meeting Vorträge der 11. Jahrestagung
- DGOR Papers of the Annual Meeting 1973 / Vorträge der Jahrestagung 1973
- DGT-based Measurement of Phosphorus in Sediment Microzones and Rhizospheres
- DIANA An Intermediate Language for Ada
- DIANA Computational Mechanics ‘94
- DIFFRACTION 2002: Interpretation of the New Diffractive Phenomena in Quantum Chromodynamics and in the S-Matrix Theory
- DIIS Theory and Methodology in Think Tanks
- DIN-Normen in der Verfahrenstechnik
- DIOCLES On Burning Mirrors
- DISKOVER II Ganzheitliche Bestimmung von Sicherheitsbeständen
- DISKOVER Neuartiges Dispositionsverfahren zur Bestandsreduzierung
- DITA – der topic-basierte XML-Standard
- DITA – the Topic-Based XML Standard
- DJ-1/PARK7 Protein
- DLP and Extensions
- DNA Alterations in Lynch Syndrome
- DNA Arrays
- DNA Barcodes
- DNA Barcoding
- DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogeny
- DNA Barcoding in Marine Perspectives
- DNA Beyond Genes
- DNA Binders and Related Subjects
- DNA Cloning and Assembly
- DNA Cloning and Assembly Methods
- DNA Cloning: A Hands-on Approach
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing
- DNA Computing Based Genetic Algorithm
- DNA Computing Models
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Computing and Molecular Programming
- DNA Conformation and Transcription
- DNA Damage Detection In Situ, Ex Vivo, and In Vivo
- DNA Damage Responses
- DNA Damage and Repair
- DNA Damage and Repair
- DNA Damage and Repair
- DNA Damage and Repair in Human Tissues
- DNA Electrophoresis
- DNA Electrophoresis
- DNA Electrophoresis Protocols for Forensic Genetics
- DNA Fingerprinting
- DNA Fingerprinting: Advancements and Future Endeavors
- DNA Fingerprinting: Approaches and Applications
- DNA Fingerprinting: State of the Science
- DNA Helicases and DNA Motor Proteins
- DNA Information: Laws of Perception
- DNA Know Thyself
- DNA Manipulation and Analysis
- DNA Methods in Clinical Microbiology
- DNA Methylation
- DNA Methylation
- DNA Methylation
- DNA Methylation Protocols
- DNA Methylation Protocols
- DNA Methylation and Cancer Therapy
- DNA Methylation and Cellular Differentiation
- DNA Methylation, Epigenetics and Metastasis
- DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms
- DNA Methylation: Development, Genetic Disease and Cancer
- DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function
- DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function
- DNA Microarrays for Biomedical Research
- DNA Microarrays: Gene Expression Applications
- DNA Modification Detection Methods
- DNA Modifications
- DNA Nanotechnology
- DNA Nanotechnology
- DNA Nanotechnology
- DNA Nanotechnology
- DNA Polymorphisms as Disease Markers
- DNA Profiling and DNA Fingerprinting
- DNA Recombination
- DNA Repair
- DNA Repair
- DNA Repair Disorders
- DNA Repair Mechanisms and Their Biological Implications in Mammalian Cells
- DNA Repair Protocols
- DNA Repair Protocols
- DNA Repair Protocols
- DNA Repair Protocols
- DNA Repair and Human Disease
- DNA Repair and Mutagenesis in Eukaryotes
- DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy
- DNA Repair of Cancer Stem Cells
- DNA Replication
- DNA Replication
- DNA Replication
- DNA Replication - Damage from Environmental Carcinogens
- DNA Replication Control in Microbial Cell Factories
- DNA Replication and the Cell Cycle
- DNA Replication, Recombination, and Repair
- DNA Replication: The Regulatory Mechanisms
- DNA Sequencing Protocols
- DNA Sequencing Protocols
- DNA Synthesis
- DNA Systems Under Internal and External Forcing
- DNA Topoisomerase Protocols
- DNA Topoisomerase Protocols