394 publications
- Y12M
- YAC Protocols
- YAC Protocols
- YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other
- YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future
- YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2020
- YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2021
- YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2022
- YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2023
- Yabar
- Yakov Ilich Frenkel
- Yamabe-type Equations on Complete, Noncompact Manifolds
- Yammer
- Yang–Baxter Deformation of 2D Non-Linear Sigma Models
- Yanzhuang Meteorite: Mineralogy and Shock Metamorphism
- Yari Religion in Iran
- Yarrowia lipolytica
- Yarrowia lipolytica
- Yarrowia lipolytica
- Year 2000 and Mental Retardation
- Yearbook Maritime Law
- Yearbook of Asymmetric Synthesis 1991
- Yearbook of Cell and Tissue Transplantation 1996–1997
- Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2013
- Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2014
- Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2015
- Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2016
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1992
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1993
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1994
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1997
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1998
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1999
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2000
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2001
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2002
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2005
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2010
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law - 2010
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 2011 - Volume 14
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 2013
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 15, 2012
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 17, 2014
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 18, 2015
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 19, 2016
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 20, 2017
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 21 (2018)
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 22 (2019)
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 23 (2020)
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 24 (2021)
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 25 (2022)
- Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2015
- Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2016
- Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2017
- Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2018–2020
- Yearbook of Morphology 1991
- Yearbook of Morphology 1992
- Yearbook of Morphology 1993
- Yearbook of Morphology 1994
- Yearbook of Morphology 1995
- Yearbook of Morphology 1996
- Yearbook of Morphology 1997
- Yearbook of Morphology 1998
- Yearbook of Morphology 1999
- Yearbook of Morphology 2000
- Yearbook of Morphology 2001
- Yearbook of Morphology 2002
- Yearbook of Morphology 2003
- Yearbook of Morphology 2004
- Yearbook of Morphology 2005
- Yearbook of Sustainable Smart Mining and Energy 2021
- Yearbook of Sustainable Smart Mining and Energy 2022
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Right/Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire De La Convention Europeenne des Droits De L’homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’homme
- Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de l’Homme
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2006/2007
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2007/2008
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2008/2009
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2009/2010
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2010/2011
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2011/2012
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2012/2013
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2014
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2015
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2016
- Yearbook on Space Policy 2017
- Yearning for Inclusive Growth and Development, Good Jobs and Sustainability
- Yeast Biotechnology
- Yeast Biotechnology: Diversity and Applications
- Yeast Cell Surface Engineering
- Yeast Cytokinesis
- Yeast Diversity in Human Welfare
- Yeast Functional Genomics
- Yeast Functional Genomics
- Yeast Functional Genomics and Proteomics
- Yeast Genetic Networks
- Yeast Genetics
- Yeast Genetics
- Yeast Genetics
- Yeast Membrane Transport
- Yeast Metabolic Engineering
- Yeast Metabolic Engineering
- Yeast Protocol
- Yeast Protocols
- Yeast Protocols
- Yeast Protocols
- Yeast Stress Responses
- Yeast Surface Display
- Yeast Surface Display
- Yeast Systems Biology
- Yeast Systems Biology
- Yeast Technology
- Yeast as a Tool in Cancer Research
- Yeasts in Biotechnology and Human Health
- Yeasts in Food and Beverages
- Yeasts in Natural Ecosystems: Diversity
- Yeasts in Natural Ecosystems: Ecology
- Yeasts in Natural and Artificial Habitats
- Yeasts in the Production of Wine
- Yeats Annual
- Yeats Annual No. 1
- Yeats Annual No. 10
- Yeats Annual No. 11
- Yeats Annual No. 13
- Yeats Annual No. 2
- Yeats Annual No. 3
- Yeats Annual No. 4
- Yeats Annual No. 5
- Yeats Annual No. 7
- Yeats Annual No. 8
- Yeats and English Renaissance Literature
- Yeats and Nietzsche
- Yeats and Politics in the 1930s
- Yeats and Women
- Yeats and Women
- Yeats and the Occult
- Yeats as Precursor
- Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage
- Yeats, Eliot and R. S. Thomas
- Yeats, Ireland and Fascism
- Yeats’s Golden Dawn
- Yeats’s Heroic Figures
- Yeats’s Poems
- Yeats’s Poems
- Yeats’s Poetry and Poetics
- Yeats’s Vision Papers
- Yeats’s Vision Papers
- Yellow Alkaline Noodles
- Yellow Biotechnology I
- Yellow Biotechnology II
- Yellow Perch, Walleye, and Sauger: Aspects of Ecology, Management, and Culture
- Yellow Tourism
- Yemen’s Democracy Experiment in Regional Perspective
- Yersinia Pestis Protocols
- Yersinia pestis: Retrospective and Perspective
- Yes Logo
- Yes, she can!
- Yet Another Introduction to Dark Matter
- Yetter-Drinfel’d Hopf Algebras over Groups of Prime Order
- Yiddish and Power
- Yield Curve Modeling
- Yield Curves and Forward Curves for Diffusion Models of Short Rates
- Yield Point Phenomena in Metals and Alloys
- Yield Simulation for Integrated Circuits
- Yield and Variability Optimization of Integrated Circuits
- Yield-Aware Analog IC Design and Optimization in Nanometer-scale Technologies
- Yin Yang and Organizational Performance
- Yitzhak Rabin
- Yo.V.A.3 - Young Viennese Architects
- Yoga Traveling
- Yoga Zurück ins Leben
- Yoga and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
- Yoga and Yantra
- Yoga bei Angsterkrankungen
- Yoga bei Brustkrebs
- Yoga to go
- Yoga und Meditation für Führungskräfte
- Yolande of Aragon (1381–1442) Family and Power
- York's Hidden Stories
- Yoruba in Diaspora