9964 publications

  1. N = 2 Supergravity in D = 4, 5, 6 Dimensions
  2. N Nitrogen
  3. N Nitrogen
  4. N* Physics and Nonperturbative Quantum Chromodynamics
  5. N-Acetylaspartate
  6. N-Heterocycles
  7. N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Transition Metal Catalysis
  8. N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Transition Metal Catalysis and Organocatalysis
  9. N-Oxidation of Drugs
  10. N4-Macrocyclic Metal Complexes
  11. N=2 Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians
  12. NAC 2019
  13. NADPH Oxidases
  14. NADPH Oxidases Revisited: From Function to Structure
  15. NAFLD and NASH
  16. NAFTA 2.0
  17. NAFTA and the Mexican Manufacturing Sector
  18. NAFTA — Past, Present and Future
  19. NAFTA’s Impact on Mexico’s Regional Development
  20. NANO-CHIPS 2030
  21. NANOLITHOGRAPHY: A Borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies
  22. NAPAW 92
  23. NASA Formal Methods
  24. NASA Formal Methods
  25. NASA Formal Methods
  26. NASA Formal Methods
  27. NASA Formal Methods
  28. NASA Formal Methods
  29. NASA Formal Methods
  30. NASA Formal Methods
  31. NASA Formal Methods
  32. NASA Formal Methods
  33. NASA Formal Methods
  34. NASA Formal Methods
  35. NASA Formal Methods
  36. NASA Formal Methods
  37. NASA Spaceflight
  38. NASA and the Politics of Climate Research
  39. NASA in the World
  40. NASA's First Space Shuttle Astronaut Selection
  41. NASA's Voyager Missions
  42. NASA’s Scientist-Astronauts
  43. NASH and Nutritional Therapy
  44. NASSAU 2006
  45. NATO 2000
  46. NATO AND TERRORISM Catastrophic Terrorism and First Responders: Threats and Mitigation
  47. NATO After 9/11
  48. NATO Enlargement during the Cold War
  49. NATO Expansion and US Strategy in Asia
  50. NATO Renewed
  51. NATO and Collective Security
  52. NATO and the Gulf Countries
  53. NATO and the Quest for Post-Cold War Security
  54. NATO and the Transatlantic Alliance in the 21st Century
  55. NATO and the War in Ukraine
  56. NATO and the Western Balkans
  57. NATO at 70
  58. NATO beyond 9/11
  59. NATO in Contemporary Times
  60. NATO in the First Decade after the Cold War
  61. NATO in the New European Order
  62. NATO in the Post-Cold War Era
  63. NATO in the Post-Cold War Era
  64. NATO ‘Fair Trial’ Safeguards: Precursor to an International Bill of Procedural Rights
  65. NATO, Britain, France and the FRG
  66. NATO, Civilisation and Individuals
  67. NATO, Climate Change, and International Security
  68. NATO, The Warsaw Pact and Africa
  69. NATO, Zivilisation und Individuen
  70. NATO: The Power of Partnerships
  71. NATO’s Burden-Sharing Disputes
  72. NATO’s Conventional Defences
  73. NATO’s European Allies
  74. NATO’s Expansion After the Cold War
  75. NATO’s Future
  76. NATO’s Post-Cold War Politics
  77. NATO’s Post-Cold War Trajectory
  78. NB-IoT Use Cases and Devices
  79. NBC Risks Current Capabilities and Future Perspectives for Protection
  80. NBD-Prognosemodelle im Kundenbeziehungsmanagement
  81. NBS/NRC Wasserdampftafeln
  82. NC-Fräsen gekrümmter Flächen
  83. NC-Musterprogrammierung für die rechnerintegrierte Textilfertigung
  84. NC-Programmiersystem
  85. NC-Programmierung
  86. NC-Programmierung
  87. NC-gerechte Beschreibung von Werkstücken in fertigungstechnisch orientierten Programmiersystemen
  88. NC-gerechte Beschreibung von Werkstücken mit gekrümmten Flächen
  89. NEETs in European rural areas
  90. NEIS Conference 2016
  91. NEO 2015
  92. NEO 2016
  93. NETWORKING 2002: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications
  94. NETWORKING 2005. Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications Systems
  95. NETWORKING 2006. Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications Systems
  96. NETWORKING 2007. Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet
  97. NETWORKING 2008 Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet
  98. NETWORKING 2009
  99. NETWORKING 2010
  100. NETWORKING 2011
  101. NETWORKING 2011
  102. NETWORKING 2011 Workshops
  103. NETWORKING 2012
  104. NETWORKING 2012
  105. NETWORKING 2012 Workshops
  106. NEUROLOGIE für Praktiker
  107. NEWCAT: Parsing Natural Language Using Left-Associative Grammar
  108. NEXAFS Spectroscopy
  109. NF- und HF-Messtechnik
  110. NF- und HF-Messtechnik
  111. NF-kB in Health and Disease
  112. NF-kappa B
  113. NF-κB Transcription Factors
  114. NF-κB-Related Genetic Diseases
  115. NF-κB/Rel Transcription Factor Family
  116. NFTs for Business
  117. NGO Politics in Sri Lanka
  118. NGOs Mediating Peace
  119. NGOs als Kapitalmarktakteure
  120. NGOs als Legitimationsressource
  121. NGOs als besondere Akteure der Interessenvermittlung
  122. NGOs and Accountability in China
  123. NGOs and the Millennium Development Goals
  124. NGOs and the United Nations
  125. NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  126. NGOs as Legitimate Partners of Corporations
  127. NGOs im Spannungsfeld von Krisenprävention und Sicherheitspolitik
  128. NGOs in China’s Foreign Policy
  129. NGOs in Contemporary Britain
  130. NGOs und Medien
  131. NGOs under Pressure in Partial Democracies
  132. NGOs, Africa and the Global Order
  133. NGOs, Civil Society and Structural Changes
  134. NGOs, IGOs, and the Network Mechanisms of Post-Conflict Global Governance in Microfinance
  135. NGOs, Policy Networks and Political Opportunities in Hybrid Regimes
  136. NGOs, Social Capital and Community Empowerment in Bangladesh
  137. NHG Standaarden voor praktijkassistente en -ondersteuner 2009
  138. NHG-Standaarden 2009
  139. NHG-Standaarden voor de praktijkassistente 2013
  140. NHG-Standaarden voor praktijkassistente 2010
  141. NHG-standaarden voor de praktijkassistente 2014
  142. NHS Data Book
  143. NHS Handbook
  144. NHS Reform and Health Politics in the UK
  145. NII Testbeds and Community for Information Access Research
  146. NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2016
  147. NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2018
  148. NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2019
  149. NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2020
  150. NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2021
  151. NLP im Business
  152. NLR Proteins
  153. NLR Proteins
  154. NMDA Antagonists as Potential Analgesic Drugs
  155. NMDA Receptor Protocols
  156. NMDA Receptors
  157. NMDA Receptors
  158. NMR
  159. NMR
  160. NMR Applications in Biopolymers
  161. NMR Band Handbook
  162. NMR Basic Principles and Progress / Grundlagen und Fortschritte
  163. NMR Basic Principles and Progress / NMR Grundlagen und Fortschritte
  164. NMR Data for Carbon-13
  165. NMR Data for Carbon-13
  166. NMR Data for Carbon-13. Part 4: Natural Products
  167. NMR Methods for the Investigation of Structure and Transport
  168. NMR Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry
  169. NMR Spectroscopy of Annulenes
  170. NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers
  171. NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers
  172. NMR as a Structural Tool for Macromolecules
  173. NMR at Very High Field
  174. NMR for Chemists and Biologists
  175. NMR in Biological Systems
  176. NMR in Chemistry
  177. NMR in Living Systems
  178. NMR in Medicine
  179. NMR in Medicine and Biology
  180. NMR in Supramolecular Chemistry
  181. NMR in the Life Sciences
  182. NMR of Biological Macromolecules
  183. NMR of Ordered Liquids
  184. NMR of Paramagnetic Molecules
  185. NMR of Proteins
  186. NMR of Proteins and Small Biomolecules
  187. NMR — From Spectra to Structures
  188. NMR — From Spectra to Structures
  189. NMR • 3D Analysis • Photopolymerization
  190. NMR-Based Metabolomics
  191. NMR-Bioassay Guided Isolation of the Natural 20S Proteasome Inhibitors from Photorhabdus Luminescens
  192. NMR-MRI, μSR and Mössbauer Spectroscopies in Molecular Magnets
  193. NMR-Spektren richtig ausgewertet
  194. NMR-Tomographie und -Spektroskopie in der Medizin
  195. NMR-Tomography and -Spectroscopy in Medicine
  196. NMR-Tomography of the Normal Brain
  197. NMR-Untersuchungen an Komplexverbindungen
  198. NMR: Principles and Applications to Biomedical Research
  199. NOTES and Endoluminal Surgery
  200. NOx-Speicherkatalysatorregeneration bei Dieselmotoren mit variablem Ventiltrieb