20914 publications

  1. E(n)stranged: Rethinking Defamiliarization in Literature and Visual Culture
  2. E-Bilanz
  3. E-Bilanz
  4. E-Bilanz
  5. E-Branding
  6. E-Branding-Strategien
  7. E-Business
  8. E-Business
  9. E-Business @ Print
  10. E-Business Applications
  11. E-Business Essentials
  12. E-Business Management
  13. E-Business Management mit E-Technologien
  14. E-Business and Telecommunication Networks
  15. E-Business and Telecommunications
  16. E-Business and Telecommunications
  17. E-Business and Telecommunications
  18. E-Business and Telecommunications
  19. E-Business and Telecommunications
  20. E-Business and Telecommunications
  21. E-Business and Telecommunications
  22. E-Business and Telecommunications
  23. E-Business and Telecommunications
  24. E-Business and Telecommunications
  25. E-Business and Telecommunications
  26. E-Business and Telecommunications
  27. E-Business and Virtual Enterprises
  28. E-Business im Export
  29. E-Business in der Immobilienwirtschaft
  30. E-Business kompakt
  31. E-Business mit Cloud Computing
  32. E-Business — Handbuch für Entscheider
  33. E-Business — Handbuch für den Mittelstand
  34. E-Business — Wer geht? Wer bleibt? Wer kommt?
  35. E-Business, M-Business und T-Business
  36. E-Business-Generator
  37. E-Business-Management
  38. E-Business. Digital Empowerment for an Intelligent Future
  39. E-Business. Digital Empowerment for an Intelligent Future
  40. E-Business. New Challenges and Opportunities for Digital-Enabled Intelligent Future
  41. E-Business. New Challenges and Opportunities for Digital-Enabled Intelligent Future
  42. E-Business. New Challenges and Opportunities for Digital-Enabled Intelligent Future
  43. E-Business@Print
  44. E-Cell System
  45. E-Cigarettes and the Comparative Politics of Harm Reduction
  46. E-Coaching und Online-Beratung
  47. E-Collaboration
  48. E-Commerce
  49. E-Commerce
  50. E-Commerce Agents
  51. E-Commerce Big Data Mining and Analytics
  52. E-Commerce Industry Chain
  53. E-Commerce Law in Europe and the USA
  54. E-Commerce Security and Privacy
  55. E-Commerce Strategy
  56. E-Commerce Strategy
  57. E-Commerce Trends in China
  58. E-Commerce als strategische Option für regionale Online-Zeitungen
  59. E-Commerce and Intelligent Methods
  60. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  61. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  62. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  63. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  64. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  65. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  66. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  67. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  68. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  69. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  70. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  71. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  72. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  73. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  74. E-Commerce and Web Technologies
  75. E-Commerce für klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen
  76. E-Commerce für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen
  77. E-Commerce und Datenschutzrecht im Konflikt
  78. E-Commerce und E-Payment
  79. E-Commerce und Hackerschutz
  80. E-Commerce und Hackerschutz
  81. E-Commerce, Marktplätze und Online-Marketing
  82. E-Commerce-Geschäftsmodelle im deutschen Tourismusmarkt
  83. E-Commerce-Recht in Europa und den USA
  84. E-Commerce-Strategien für produzierende Unternehmen
  85. E-Conomics
  86. E-Content
  87. E-Democracy for Smart Cities
  88. E-Democracy – Citizen Rights in the World of the New Computing Paradigms
  89. E-Democracy – Privacy-Preserving, Secure, Intelligent E-Government Services
  90. E-Democracy – Safeguarding Democracy and Human Rights in the Digital Age
  91. E-Democracy, Security, Privacy and Trust in a Digital World
  92. E-Energy
  93. E-Engineering
  94. E-Entrepreneurship
  95. E-Entrepreneurship
  96. E-Expertise: Modern Collective Intelligence
  97. E-FOOD: Closing the Online Enforcement Gap in the EU Platform Economy
  98. E-Finance
  99. E-Financial Strategies for Advancing Sustainable Development
  100. E-Governance for Smart Cities
  101. E-Governance in India
  102. E-Governance in the European Union
  103. E-Government
  104. E-Government
  105. E-Government Ict Professionalism and Competences Service Science
  106. E-Government Strategy, ICT and Innovation for Citizen Engagement
  107. E-Government und virtuelle Organisation
  108. E-Government, E-Services and Global Processes
  109. E-Government: Towards Electronic Democracy
  110. E-Health
  111. E-Health für ältere Menschen: Deutsche Leichte Sprache als Türöffner
  112. E-Health-Ökonomie
  113. E-Health-Ökonomie II
  114. E-Health: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit
  115. E-Infrastructures and E-Services on Developing Countries
  116. E-Infrastuctures and E-Services for Developing Countries
  117. E-Learning
  118. E-Learning
  119. E-Learning 2010
  120. E-Learning Networked Environments and Architectures
  121. E-Learning Paradigms and Applications
  122. E-Learning Practice in Higher Education: A Mixed-Method Comparative Analysis
  123. E-Learning Systems
  124. E-Learning Systems, Environments and Approaches
  125. E-Learning and Games
  126. E-Learning and Games
  127. E-Learning and Games
  128. E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports
  129. E-Learning im Hochschulverbund
  130. E-Learning im Lehralltag
  131. E-Learning im digitalen Zeitalter
  132. E-Learning in der Praxis
  133. E-Learning in der beruflichen Bildung
  134. E-Learning in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region
  135. E-Learning in the Workplace
  136. E-Learning mit Business TV
  137. E-Learning und Blended Learning
  138. E-Learning, E-Didaktik und digitales Lernen
  139. E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training
  140. E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training
  141. E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training
  142. E-Librarian Service
  143. E-Life after the Dot Com Bust
  144. E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life
  145. E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life
  146. E-Mail-Beratung
  147. E-Mail-Marketing
  148. E-Mail-Marketing kompakt
  149. E-Mail-Marketing kompakt
  150. E-Man
  151. E-Man
  152. E-Man
  153. E-Manufacturing: Business Paradigms and Supporting Technologies
  154. E-Markets
  155. E-Mental-Health
  156. E-Mental-Health in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
  157. E-Merging Media
  158. E-Merging Media
  159. E-Mobility
  160. E-Mobility
  161. E-Mobility in Europe
  162. E-Organisation
  163. E-Participation in Smart Cities: Technologies and Models of Governance for Citizen Engagement
  164. E-Payment und E-Billing
  165. E-Portfolios in Higher Education
  166. E-Privacy
  167. E-Procurement
  168. E-Public
  169. E-Publishing-Management
  170. E-Roadmapping
  171. E-Science and Information Management
  172. E-Service Intelligence
  173. E-Services
  174. E-Shock
  175. E-Shock 2020
  176. E-Shopping
  177. E-Sport
  178. E-Sports-Management
  179. E-Supply-Chain-Management
  180. E-Supply-Chain-Management
  181. E-Technologies
  182. E-Technologies: Embracing the Internet of Things
  183. E-Technologies: Innovation in an Open World
  184. E-Technologies: Transformation in a Connected World
  185. E-Therapy for Substance Abuse and Co-Morbidity
  186. E-Training Practices for Professional Organizations
  187. E-Venture
  188. E-Venture-Capital
  189. E-Venture-Management
  190. E-Vergabe – Praxishinweise und Marktüberblick
  191. E-Voting and Identify
  192. E-Voting and Identity
  193. E-Voting and Identity
  194. E-Voting and Identity
  195. E-Voting and Identity
  196. E-World
  197. E-banking, Fintech, & Financial Crimes
  198. E-business Technology and Strategy
  199. E-business and Telecommunication Networks
  200. E-business and Telecommunications