28211 publications
- A Concise Introduction to Linear Algebra
- A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
- A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
- A Concise Introduction to Measure Theory
- A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
- A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
- A Concise Introduction to Models and Methods for Automated Planning
- A Concise Introduction to Multiagent Systems and Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- A Concise Introduction to Scientific Visualization
- A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering
- A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering
- A Concise Introduction to Traffic Engineering
- A Concise Introduction to the Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
- A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Integration
- A Concise Reader of Chinese Culture
- A Concise Semisynthesis of Hederagonic Acid
- A Concise Survey of German Literature
- A Concise and Practical Introduction to Programming Algorithms in Java
- A Concrete Approach to Classical Analysis
- A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra
- A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra
- A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra
- A Concurrent Pascal Compiler for Minicomputers
- A Configurational Model of Matter
- A Confucian Analysis on the Evolution of Chinese Patent Law System
- A Connectionist Machine for Genetic Hillclimbing
- A Connotational Theory of Program Structure
- A Conrad Chronology
- A Conrad Chronology
- A Conrad Companion
- A Conservative Against Hitler
- A Conservative Walks Into a Bar
- A Conspiracy Against Obamacare
- A Constitutional History of the Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland), 1960–1982
- A Construction Manual for Robots' Ethical Systems
- A Constructional Approach to Interpersonal Metaphor of Modality
- A Consumer's Guide to Archaeological Science
- A Contemporary Analysis of Kenya’s Foreign Policy
- A Contemporary Manual of Left Atrial Appendage Closure
- A Contemporary Portrait of Life in Korea
- A Contemporary Theology for Ecumenical Peace
- A Contemporary Theory of Mathematics Education Research
- A Contemporary Turkish Prison Diary
- A Contingency-Based View of Chief Executive Officers’ Early Warning Behavior
- A Continuing Trial of Treatment
- A Contrario Line Segment Detection
- A Contrastive Grammar of English and Dutch
- A Contrastive View of Discourse Markers
- A Contribution to Moving Force Identification in Bridge Dynamics
- A Contribution to the Vector and Tensor Analysis
- A Contrived Countryside
- A Controlled Phase Gate Between a Single Atom and an Optical Photon
- A Conversation with Martin Heidegger
- A Cookbook with Probability One
- A Copernican Critique of Kantian Idealism
- A Copyright Gambit
- A Cornish Anthology
- A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings
- A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings
- A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings
- A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings
- A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings
- A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI
- A Corpus-Based Analysis of Discourses on the Belt and Road Initiative
- A Corpus-Based Approach to Clause Combining in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective
- A Corpus-Based Study of Projection in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective
- A Corpus-assisted Multimodal Analysis to Policy Addresses of Macao SAR Government
- A Counter-History of Crime Fiction
- A Course Book in English Grammar
- A Course Book in English Grammar
- A Course in Algebraic Error-Correcting Codes
- A Course in Applied Stochastic Processes
- A Course in Arithmetic
- A Course in BE-algebras
- A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis
- A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis
- A Course in Classical Physics 1—Mechanics
- A Course in Classical Physics 2—Fluids and Thermodynamics
- A Course in Classical Physics 3 — Electromagnetism
- A Course in Classical Physics 4 - Waves and Light
- A Course in Combinatorics and Graphs
- A Course in Commutative Algebra
- A Course in Commutative Banach Algebras
- A Course in Complex Analysis
- A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory
- A Course in Computational Probability and Statistics
- A Course in Constructive Algebra
- A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications
- A Course in Derivative Securities
- A Course in Differential Geometry
- A Course in Differential Geometry and Lie Groups
- A Course in Elasticity
- A Course in Enumeration
- A Course in Formal Languages, Automata and Groups
- A Course in Functional Analysis
- A Course in Functional Analysis
- A Course in Functional Analysis and Measure Theory
- A Course in Homological Algebra
- A Course in Homological Algebra
- A Course in H∞ Control Theory
- A Course in In-Memory Data Management
- A Course in In-Memory Data Management
- A Course in Lens Design
- A Course in Linear Algebra
- A Course in Mathematical Logic
- A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians
- A Course in Mathematical Physics
- A Course in Mathematical Physics 1
- A Course in Mathematical Physics 1 and 2
- A Course in Mathematical Physics 2
- A Course in Mathematical Physics 3
- A Course in Mathematical Statistics and Large Sample Theory
- A Course in Mathematical and Statistical Ecology
- A Course in Model Theory
- A Course in Modern Geometries
- A Course in Modern Geometries
- A Course in Multivariable Calculus and Analysis
- A Course in Natural Language Processing
- A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography
- A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography
- A Course in Point Set Topology
- A Course in Pure and Applied Mathematics
- A Course in Python
- A Course in Quantum Many-Body Theory
- A Course in Rasch Measurement Theory
- A Course in Real Algebraic Geometry
- A Course in Robust Control Theory
- A Course in Simple-Homotopy Theory
- A Course in Stochastic Processes
- A Course in Topological Combinatorics
- A Course in Triangulations for Solving Equations with Deformations
- A Course in p-adic Analysis
- A Course in the Calculus of Variations
- A Course in the Theory of Groups
- A Course in the Theory of Groups
- A Course of Stochastic Analysis
- A Course on Basic Model Theory
- A Course on Borel Sets
- A Course on Borel Sets
- A Course on Damage Mechanics
- A Course on Damage Mechanics
- A Course on Finite Groups
- A Course on Holomorphic Discs
- A Course on Hopf Algebras
- A Course on Integral Equations
- A Course on Integral Equations with Numerical Analysis
- A Course on Integration Theory
- A Course on Integration Theory
- A Course on Mathematical Logic
- A Course on Mathematical Logic
- A Course on Nonlinear Waves
- A Course on Optimal Control
- A Course on Optimization and Best Approximation
- A Course on Point Processes
- A Course on Rough Paths
- A Course on Rough Paths
- A Course on Small Area Estimation and Mixed Models
- A Course on Topological Groups
- A Course on Topological Vector Spaces
- A Course on Tug-of-War Games with Random Noise
- A Cp-Theory Problem Book
- A Cp-Theory Problem Book
- A Cp-Theory Problem Book
- A Cp-Theory Problem Book
- A Crash Course in Mathematica
- A Crash Course on Kleinian Groups
- A Creeping Transformation? The European Commission and the Management of EU Structural Funds in Germany
- A Criminology of the Human Species
- A Critical Analysis of Basic Income Experiments for Researchers, Policymakers, and Citizens
- A Critical Appraisal of Germany's Thermal Retrofit Policy
- A Critical Appraisal of Karl Olivecrona's Legal Philosophy
- A Critical Approach to International Water Management Trends
- A Critical Companion to Jorge Semprún
- A Critical Companion to Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere"
- A Critical Companion to Spenser Studies
- A Critical Companion to Zoosemiotics:
- A Critical Discourse Analysis of South Asian Women's Magazines
- A Critical Edition of Ibn al-Haytham’s On the Shape of the Eclipse
- A Critical Evaluation of the Chicago School of Antitrust Analysis
- A Critical Examination of Ethics in Health Care and Biomedical Research
- A Critical History of Economics
- A Critical History of Schizophrenia
- A Critical Humanitarian Intervention Approach
- A Critical Impulse to e-Governance in the Asia Pacific
- A Critical Inquiry into Queer Utopias
- A Critical Introduction to Henry Green’s Novels
- A Critical Introduction to Language Evolution
- A Critical Introduction to the Poems of Thomas Hardy
- A Critical Legal Examination of Liberalism and Liberal Rights
- A Critical Legal Study of the Ideology Behind Solvency II
- A Critical Mind
- A Critical Overview of Biological Functions
- A Critical Pedagogy for Native American Education Policy
- A Critical Pedagogy of Embodied Education
- A Critical Pedagogy of Resistance
- A Critical Psychology: Interpretation of the Personal World
- A Critical Public Relations Approach to Crisis Communication and Management
- A Critical Reflection on Automated Science
- A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy
- A Critical Study in Method