
Declare correct `ws` options type
v14.0.0 Release Notes
Release next version as 14.0.0
chore: set min node version
chore: 🤖 import and improve outdate typings from DT
Upgrade to ws@8.x
chore: change CI target for next
chore: bump hoek
breaking changes
Support node v18 and hapi v21, drop node v12 and hapi v18/19
Fix client reconnect retry attempts
client - _reconnect update, single reconnection timer
migrate to new travis format
upgrade to hapi 20
switch to validate and other package updates
Upgrade deprecated `@hapi/call@6.x.x`
fix: pass remoteAddress when injecting request
#305 is always in request handler
Prevent beat timeout from disconnecting newly connecting sockets
Remove unused dep
breaking changes
Change plugin name to @hapi/nes
Require hapi 19
Only node 12
Unknown authentication strategy
Update deps
Add ability to revoke a socket ignoring if it is already closed
cleanup called twice if there is an onUnsubscribe handler
Passing remoteAddress and x-forwarded-for is in whitelist when connect
Fix name
breaking changes
Remove client dist
eachSocket behaves as synchronous without filter, but async with filter
Change module namespace
Error in the browser with 10.0.1
Update dependencies
breaking changes
hapi v18
Document minAuthVerifyInterval and make it less restrictive
Close the socket when authentication verification fails
Close the socket when authentication expires
Reconnect on error
Add client.onHeartbeatTimeout hook
breaking changes
Update ws to 5.x.x
Mark NesErrors as coming from nes
Add object
Delay heartbeats until server is started
Allow isSameSite cookie option to be passed
Update hapijs/call to 5.x.x
Ignore node network errors after opening client socket
Do not replace message for all sockets with override from filter
Handle ws socket error events
Better error handling
breaking changes
hapi v17
Update ws
Update babel script
Fix test
Update ws
`maximum call stack exceeded` if web socket gets disconnected while nes is sending packets
Handle undefined payloads from server in client
server falls with bad cookie header
Expose server and connection on socket
Update deps
Disable inject() validate
Verify request Origin
Reconnection timeout conflicts
Add client.js and dist/ to npm tarball -Closes #140
Missing root client.js and dist
Update deps
Always call onConnection before onSubscribe
Reuse pre-stringified hapi response
Cookie auth fails to register socket
Per user connection limit
Timeout sockets if hello takes too long
Client indicates wasRequested when calling disconnect() on dead socket
Incorrectly reports wasRequested when internally disconnects
Include reason disconnected in log object
Test on node v6
Handle cases when client._ws is null
breaking changes
Connect fails to check for previous internal socket when connecting.
Adjust unsub processing timing on server
Check is socket is still around while disconnecting
Prevent server from sending data when stopping
breaking changes
Properly clean up sockets and subscriptions on server stop
Support user filter in eachSocket()
Subscription revoke()
Keep separate subscription per connection
Race condition between unsubscribe and disconnect when using auth index on sub
User-specific broadcast
User-specific publish
Expose socket and support publish override
Typo: listners -> listeners
Fix UMD global handling
Client.js getting root as undefined
Expose params on unsubscribe callback
Provide a way to replace auth credentials before an automatic reconnect
breaking changes
Add required callback to subscription onSubscribe option
Pause heartbeat disconnect while sending
Server disconnects client after a long message transmission
breaking changes
Break large messages into smaller chunks
Support sending initial subscription update
breaking changes
Update Iron and increase auto-generated password to 32 characters
Emit error when disconnecting due to missing server heartbeat
Client requests fail if the request response takes longer than heartbeat timeout
Return close event reason in onDisconnect
NesError breaks if passed an error event from onerror.
Pass the onclose information to onDisconnect
Decorate errors with source type
onDisconnect() reports reconnect state incorrectly
The update to ws 1.0.x introduces breaking changes
update ws to 1.0.x
breaking changes
Change client.subscribe() to require a callback
Add version check in hello
Fix illegal invocation error when using default onError handler.
Possible to subscribe, unsubscribe, and resubscribe? v1.2.0
breaking changes
Update to create a es5 client artifact
Decorate request with socket
ES6 style changes
Use internal auth endpoint id for lookup
Plugin route prefix cause mismatch with default internal auth endpoint
Return auth error message in response
Implement internal data for filtering messages
Add message metadata for publish
Implement eachSocket iterator
Implement per-subscription lifecycle
Add onDisconnection callback
Add disconnection callback
breaking changes
Rename onBroadcast to onUpdate
Max reconnect retries
Connection timeout
Add heartbeat
Allow for custom callback data to Client.connect()
Request timeout
breaking changes
Remove duplicated statusCode in errors
Filter headers in responses
Consistent error transmission
Prevent client from including a request authorization header
Prevent client from subscribing multiple times to same path
Change server onConnect to onConnection and delay until after auth when required
Block all client requests when channel requires auth
Fix typo
Implement unsubscribe on the server
Expose socket authentication state
Ability to force disconnect for specific clients
'data' vs 'message' for incoming data
Subscriptions are not cleaned on client disconnect
Drop support for non-protocol messages
Change default auth method to direct
Race condition exists in client reconnect logic
Allow for custom messages
Turn auth on by default
Add onConnect callback option
Add event callback for client connection
Add browser packaging entry points
Initial publish/subscribe interface
Use console.error() when no onError handler
Re-auth on reconnect
Allow any authentication method when using token auth
Allow handler to handle unknown message types
How will adding additional functionality work?