Friday, November 29, 2019

New Db2 Fix Packs and Mod Packs available

A quick update: Over the past few days, new fix packs and mod packs for Db2 became available. The page "Download DB2 Fix Packs by Version" lists Db2 as the most recent fix pack. The related Mod Pack and Fix Pack Updates page in the Db2 Knowledge Center for version 11.1 has details.

Although the overview page lists Db2 11.5 GA as most recent, the page Mod Pack and Fix Pack Updates for 11.5 reveals new container-only Db2 Mod Pack releases.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

ETL in the cloud using SQL Query and Db2

From COS to Db2 using SQL
The SQL Query service on IBM Cloud allows to process data stored on Cloud Object Storage (COS) by writing SQL queries. So far, results were either shown in the console and / or written back to files on COS. Thus, I was happy to notice a new feature: Query results can now be written back to Db2 tables (on cloud). From my tests both Db2 on Cloud and Db2 Warehouse on Cloud are supported.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Control your database encryption keys for Db2 on Cloud

Db2 master key managed by IBM Cloud Key Protect
Since Db2 10.5 I have blogged a couple of times about the native database encryption built into Db2. Today, I want to show you how easy it is to take control of the database encryption keys for Db2 on Cloud. All Db2 database on IBM Cloud are encrypted by default, but with a system encryption key. You can increase data security even further by using your own encryption key (BYOK - bring your own key). Want to know how? Read on...

Friday, October 18, 2019

My passwordless app on IBM Cloud thanks to FIDO2

Passwordless login for cloud app
In my recent post I discussed how I could use a FIDO2 dongle as second factor for an app on IBM Cloud. Today, I want to give you an update because I managed to go passwordless. With the latest October update Cloud Identity started to offer passwordless login with either FIDO2 or QR code (using the IBM Verify app). I put that to a quick test for my secure file storage app. Here is what I did to go passwordless.