Showing posts with label version 11.5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label version 11.5. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A look at local external tables in Db2

Surprising Db2 results or not?
My recent post about Db2 backup to S3 or Object Storage triggered a question. And the answer to it is that I wrote about external tables first in 2017, about 7 years ago. Since then, some features were added or changed for external tables and remote storage support, most recently in Db2 11.5.7 (AFAIK). With my new Db2 playground in place, I thought it was nice to test external tables again.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Revisited: Db2 backup to S3 / Object Storage

Db2 backup in an S3 bucket
One of the popular posts I have written is on Db2 and S3-compatible Cloud Object Storage, a follow-up from an older article on that same topic. Because things change and I recently set up my new test environment, I just tested backing up a Db2 database to an S3-compatible bucket in my IBM Cloud storage service. Here are my notes.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Three plus one simple (and free) ways to test Db2

Getting started with Db2
Recently, I switched jobs and now want to set up a "playground" on my machine. First on the list is IBM Db2. So, what options are available to anyone to test Db2 and build up some Db2 skills? In this blog, I plan to provide an overview and share what I option I am going with. Why titled I this blog post "three plus one"? Because a possible solution for quickly testing Db2 queries is not really a full Db2 database. So let's start with that one...

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Unicode string length, code points, and Db2

Byte length of (Unicode) strings
After my recent blog post "🎃 Unicode characters and Db2 🕸️ 🏚️", I had some follow-up discussions. One was around how to determine the Unicode UTF-8 byte length of strings in a non-Unicode Db2 database. There were solutions proposed that required data export to analyze the data externally or to implement some functions or procedures. I insisted that there is an SQL-based solution. Here is my proposal.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Db2 11.5.9 is available

The latest release of Db2 is available, labeled Db2 11.5.9 (or Db2 11.5 Mod 9 Fix Pack 0). The usual page, download Db2 fix packs by version for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, has the binaries. The highlights of Db2 11.5.9 have their own page in the Db2 documentation.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Db2 SQL PL book as PDF and many useful doc links

Tell the world about Db2 documentation
Yesterday was one of those days when I, again, worked as information broker. I received a question, asked around myself, passed on information that I learned, and finally handed back an answer to the originator. With this blog post, I am closing the loop and share what I learned. A, I forgot, it is about the Db2 documentation.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Db2 11.5.6 is available

You probably already have noticed that a new release of Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows is available, Db2 11.5.6. You can download the Db2 Fix Pack via the usual support site. The related documentation highlights the following features:

  • Improved high availability with Advanced Log Space Management,
  • Graph modeling and analysis of Db2 data using IBM Db2 Graph,
  • Restrictions lifted on accessing column-organized tables
  • Technical preview update to Machine Learning Optimizer
  • New Click-to-Containerize utility

Aside from the highlights page, I usually go over the enhancements by category. Here are my personal highlights:

I am sure that we are going to learn all the details at the IDUG EMEA 2021 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, in October. Mark your calendars.

Monday, March 1, 2021

JWT token authentication in Db2 runtimes like Python or Node.js

Python script connecting to Db2 with JWT
Some weeks ago I discussed how to configure JWT-based token authentication in Db2. I set up Db2 to accept JWS identity tokens and then connected to my test database using the command line. But how do you connect from a programming language like Python or Node.js? Here is what I needed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Db2 Security: Configure JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication

Db2 login using JWT access token
Db2 login utilizing a JWT
Since V11.5.4, Db2 allows to consume JWT (JSON Web Token). The business case is to support SSO (single sign-on). You can configure Db2 to accept access tokens issued by external Identity Provider (IDPs), including the IBM solutions or open source projects like gluu. V11.5.5 brought some JWT improvements, e.g., support for multiple labels. On a recent Friday, I set up my Db2 Docker container to accept JWTs, not those issued by an external identity service, but my own.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

New Db2 V11.5 Mod Pack 5

During the currently ongoing virtual IDUG EMEA 2020 conference IBM released Mod Pack 5 for Db2 11.5. As it is with modification packs, it brings a long list of new features and enhancements to the current version of Db2. You can download this new release and other Db2 versions from the usual Db2 download page. As of this writing, the Db2 Docker image has not been updated.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Db2 and S3-compatible Cloud Object Storage

A look at Db2 and S3 storage
A look at Db2 and S3 storage

Recently, I was contacted about an old blog post where I discussed how to access Cloud Object Storage from Db2. Since writing that article, both Db2 and (IBM) Cloud Object Storage have evolved. Thus, it is time for an update on how to backup data to cloud storage, load from external storage and even directly query data somewhere in the Internet...

Monday, August 17, 2020

New JWT-based SSO in Db2 11.5

Another security lock for Db2
In my last blog I quickly pointed out the new Db2 11.5 Mod Pack 4. I mentioned that one of the new features is support for JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Today, I want to take a deeper look at this new security feature in Db2. Probably all of you have used JWTs before, maybe not knowingly - but this is going to change...

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Db2 11.5 Mod Pack 4 is available

A quick note that Db2 Version 11.5 and its Mod Pack 4 are now available. You can read more about its new features and changes in the "What's new" section of the Db2 docs.

An interesting new security feature is the support for JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication. It simplifies the integration of SSO (single sign-on) environments.

The Adaptive Workload Manager which we have heard about at past IDUG conferences is now GA. Other enhancements are for log space management and compression and there are several performance improvements.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New performance and security feature in Db2: Authentication cache

New security feature in Db2
The recent release of Db2 11.5.3 (Db2 V11.5 Mod Pack 3) includes a small gem that impacts both performance and security. It is a cache for User ID and Password-based authentication. That feature is great when your system uses LDAP / Active Directory for authentication because lookup results can be cached by Db2. By default, that feature is not active and you need to configure it. In this post, I am going to discuss how to enable and configure it.

Friday, November 29, 2019

New Db2 Fix Packs and Mod Packs available

A quick update: Over the past few days, new fix packs and mod packs for Db2 became available. The page "Download DB2 Fix Packs by Version" lists Db2 as the most recent fix pack. The related Mod Pack and Fix Pack Updates page in the Db2 Knowledge Center for version 11.1 has details.

Although the overview page lists Db2 11.5 GA as most recent, the page Mod Pack and Fix Pack Updates for 11.5 reveals new container-only Db2 Mod Pack releases.

Friday, June 28, 2019

New! Db2 11.5 is available

Db2 11.5 is available
A quick post to inform you that Db2 11.5 has been released. Check out the What's New for Db2 Version 11.5 GA section in the Db2 Knowledge Center. You can download the GA version from the regular Download Db2 Fix Packs by Version site.

With a new release I typically go over the What's changed documentation to look for changes to registry variables, system views and deprecated functionality.

So much for the quick update. If you have feedback, suggestions, or questions about this post, please reach out to me on Twitter (@data_henrik) or LinkedIn.