Showing posts with label commercial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commercial. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

IBM Commercial: Back in Mobile Computing

I came across this old commercial about IBM's first mobile computer. The compter is lightweight, works everywhere, and yes, it is mobile. But all this based on 1970er standards. Compare this to today, check your emails on your smartphone and enjoy the weekend...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

pureXML: The two most beautiful words in the English language

From 2008, but still current and funny: "Dragons are green, my friend"

The Pitch Meeting, part 1

The Pitch Meeting, part 2

The Pitch Meeting, part 3

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

A box of ice cream?

Some years back IBM was advertising a very special box. In the commercial they showed what it could be good for. One thing is definitely missing: ice cream. Today is a hot day here in the South of Germany and I am looking forward to some ice cream after work and then some fun at the Kulturufer ("shore of culture" - a well-known tent festival at the shores of Lake Constance in Friedrichshafen with music, theater, comedy, magic, and much more).

But now back to the magic box:

Friday, May 25, 2012

IBM Commercial from the past with a still up-to-date problem

Remember when IBM sold the first Personal Computers? When manuals got printed? And there were IBM printers? And there were real friends (not just on Facebook)...? :)

Enjoy the (long) weekend, maybe an upcoming vacation, or just Spring...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Fun: IBM Commercial from the past

Ever got stopped by someone from "help desk"...?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Food: Where business and life meet

Working at home has advantages. There is the "lunch is ready in 5 minutes" call to remind me to get ready to make the few meters from my desk to the table on time. Sometimes, those instant messaging windows pop up (US East Coast wakes up or urgent European business) and it becomes a struggle to be at the table when food is served. And I usually don't help to prepare lunch during the work week. But all that changed today.

I can point to the following video, actually a recent IBM commercial, and claim: "Darling, see how I helped with the food?".

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Servers For Truth or IBM vs. Oracle

Youtube has a new IBM commercial, officially by "Servers For Truth", dealing with the still ongoing discussion about Oracle's TPC benchmark-related claims and the facts behind them. If you ever experienced election campaigns in the US, this commercial comes close to some of those election-related spots.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The most advanced voice recognition system of its kind

Maybe this is how all started. Over the years in the US I had to deal with lots of the then more advanced systems where it was a battle of human vs. machine. Having a foreign accent didn't help and often the machines won. And so I learned that there is almost always a "*0" to get into the "cheat mode"...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why? Motivation (based on fun)

Over the weekend I took a look at the Top Viral Video Ad Campaigns and noticed something by Volkswagen. It's not directly by them but by a project they sponsor which is called The Fun Theory. The idea is to introduce a fun factor to (at least for short term) change habits for the better. So far they have three videos and all are very interesting and funny.

By introducing something unusual into a common, daily setting they are creating curiosity and then fun. With that they are motivating people to change habits, maybe only once, maybe for longer.

Many people (I **not** included) come up with New Year's Resolution. Usually those resolutions are related to changing a habit for the good and people tend to fall back to their regular routine after a month or so. And in most cases they do so because one important ingredient is missing: Motivation (and fun).

Monday, February 9, 2009

Some San Francisco fun / Mit Skiern durch San Francisco

Over the weekend I saw a funny commercial for a German car. Being a German who has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area it is nice to see how they make use of the unique landscape.

The original video and a "Making Of" are available at the Audi TV website.

Mit Skiern durch San Francisco
Wenn man mal im Grossraum San Francisco gelebt hat und sich, wie ich, in die ungewoehnliche und ganz besondere Landschaft - insbesondere die Huegel - von San Francisco verliebt hat, ist es immer etwas Schoenes, diese auf Fotos oder Videos zu sehen. Am Wochenende bin ich durch Zufall ueber das oben eingebettete Werbevideo von Audio gestolpert. Auf der Webseite von Audi TV gibt es noch einen interessanten Blick hinter die Kulissen des Videos.