Henrik's thoughts on life in IT, data and information management, cloud computing, cognitive computing, covering IBM Db2, IBM Cloud, Watson, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and more.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Decode JWTs in bash
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
flatpak: How to deal with unwanted package updates
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Not all software is available as package for my Linux distribution. That's why I use flatpak for some applications. Recently, a new app version introduced a bug. It resulted in random crashes. So I looked into a way to get back to an older, more stable app version.
Monday, May 9, 2022
A simple nginx deployment on IBM Cloud Code Engine
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HTML files as configmap in Code Engine |
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Password expiration and vacation planning
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Ready for vacation: Passwords |
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Wireshark with Lua on RHEL / CentOS
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Wireshark with Lua-based dissector |
What do you do on a rainy public holiday with COVID19 restrictions in place? Finally get Wireshark to work with Lua support to have custom dissectors. Dissectors are useful to turn binary garbage into readable TCP or UDP packet content. Lua is a scripting language and a supported way of adding dissectors in Wireshark. Unfortunately, the install package for Red Hat Enterprise Linux does not include Lua support. Compiling Wireshark on my RHEL 8.3 does not simply work because it requires Lua version 5.2 for my scripts to work. And RHEL either has version 5.3 or 5.1 which both are incompatible (long story). So, let's get going.
Monday, December 28, 2020
OBS on Linux: Green screen and virtual camera for video conferencing
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OBS Studio: My monkey enjoys the beach |
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Use alfaview on rpm-based Linux (Fedora, Red Hat, CentOs)
Recently, I tried to prepare for an alfaview session. alfaview is a video conferencing system and used by the university where I teach data security. Only earlier this year alfaview introduced Linux support, and only for Debian-based systems. My system is rpm-based (Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Fedora / CentOS), so what to do? A tool like alien did not work for me. Here is what I did to make alfaview run on my rpm-based Linux system.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Covid19 phone challenge: My old Nokia has Android now
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My reliable Nokia phone |
Monday, March 23, 2020
Obtaining device metadata for FIDO / FIDO2 security devices
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Zoo of FIDO2 security keys |
Monday, October 7, 2019
Quick notes on using FIDO2 security keys on Linux
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Using FIDO2 keys for 2FA |
Friday, November 16, 2018
Incorporate Git and IBM Cloud information into BASH command prompt
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Bluemix: Where Python and Watson are in a Dialog
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Converse with Watson from the Command Line |
Here is a small overview of my Python client that helps to register, update, delete and list dialogs and that can even drive a dialog (converse with Watson) from the shell window on your machine. The code and for now some short documentation is available on GitHub as watson-dialog-client.
In order to use the tool, you need to have the Watson Dialog Service provisioned on IBM Bluemix. The service credentials need to be stored in a file config.json in the same directory as the tool "henriksDialog". The credentials look like shown here:
"credentials": {
"url": "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/dialog/api",
"password": "yourServicePassword",
"username": "yourUserIDwhichIsALongString"
The credentials are read by the tool to "chat" with the dialog service. The following commands are available:
- register a dialog by providing a new dialog name and the XML definition file
"henriksDialog -r -dn dialogName -f definitionFile" - update a dialog by identifying it by its ID and providing a definition file
"henriksDialog -u -id dialogID -f definitionFile" - delete a dialog identified by its ID
"henriksDialog -d -id dialogID" - list all registered dialogs
"henriksDialog -l" - converse, i.e., test out a registered dialog which is identified by its ID
"henriksDialog -c -id dialogID"
Monday, May 4, 2015
Dealing with DB2 Security and my Stupidity...
In my previous blog entries I already showed you how to create an encrypted DB2 database using the new "native encryption" and how to rotate the master keys using built-in procedures. Next in my list to test was taking an encrypted database backup. It is pretty straight-forward, just call BACKUP DATABASE and add the ENCRYPT option:
[henrik@mymachine]$ db2 backup database enc1 encrypt
Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20150504135739
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Tuning your DB2 CLP environment: Customize appearance and editor
Tuning World Bodensee via Wikipedia |
All the recent versions of DB2 provide three environment variables to tune the editing experience in the interactive DB2 CLP: DB2_CLP_EDITOR, DB2_HIST_SIZE, and DB2_CLPPROMPT. The first variable, DB2_CLP_EDITOR, is used to specify an external editor to be used for editing SQL statements. On my Linux system, I did the following:
export DB2_CLP_EDITOR=gedit
Now you can edit previous statements using the EDIT command. "EDIT 1" would call the editor with the first statement in the command history, "E 1" would do the same. To know which statements are available, use the HISTORY command or its short version "H". The maximum number of available commands is determined by the variable DB2_HIST_SIZE. It accepts numbers from 1 to 500.
export DB2_HIST_SIZE=100
To reduce the number of statements listed with the HISTORY commands, you can limit it: "H 10" would return the last 10 statements in history, "H R 5" would return the last five in reverse order. Instead of the option "R" you could also use the full word "REVERSE", e.g., "H REVERSE" or "HISTORY REVERSE". Editing commands is fun, but actually executing them is probably why they were edited. To execute a specific statement from the history, you can utilize RUNCMD. The short version is just "R" and a valid parameter would be the number corresponding to a "historic" statement.
Both RUNCMD and EDIT, if not invoked with a number, will pick the newest statement in history. Both also accept negative numbers with "-1" being the most recent statement.
What is left is to "decorate" the command line processor in your personal style. DB2_CLPPROMPT is used to modify the command prompt. It accepts different tokens and most characters. Here is my version which prints the current database name followed by "=> ":
export DB2_CLPPROMPT="DB: %d => "
Here is a small sample session with the bew prompt:
DB: => connect to hltest
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 10.5.3
SQL authorization ID = HLOESER
Local database alias = HLTEST
DB: HLTEST => values 'Good Morning'
Good Morning
1 record(s) selected.
DB: HLTEST => e -1
DB: HLTEST => values 'That''s it, good bye!'
Do you want to execute the above command ? (y/n) y
That's it, good bye!
1 record(s) selected.
DB: HLTEST => h r
4 h r
3 values 'That''s it, good bye!'
2 values 'Good Morning'
1 connect to hltest
Monday, February 4, 2013
(DB2) Redbooks as eBooks (epub)
As usual, the IBM Redbooks are free to download and free to use, but highly valuable. Here are some IBM Redbooks on DB2 which are available in the EPUB format:
- Unleashing DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
- DB2 Virtualization
- DB2 Workload Manager for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
- Oracle to DB2 Conversion Guide: Compatibility Made Easy
- MySQL to DB2 Conversion Guide
- IBM Optim Performance Manager for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
- DB2 for z/OS Performance Topics
- Security Functions of DB2 10 for z/OS
- and several more by searching on the Redbooks page
Monday, June 25, 2012
How to communicate within your family (kids, significant other, DB2)...
When I give talks about the DB2 family I always mention that we strive to coordinate new features, learn from each other (yes, even mistakes), and try to speak the same language. Time travel queries (temporal data), row and column access control, the XML data type, binary XML, etc. are some of the more visible recent coordinated endeavors. Now the so-called SQL Reference for Cross-Platform Development has been updated to reflect new DB2 features. That page is very useful for some other reasons:
- It offers links to older versions of the SQL Reference for Cross-Platform Development.
- It has links to a lot of documentation for DB2 z/OS, DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, and for DB2 i.
- All versions combined, it has 10 years of best practices of application development.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Quick answer: Yes, there is DB2 LUW on the mainframe under zLinux
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Experience: Switching the laptop from Windows to Linux
The actual move was quick and included copying over all my two data directories with all kinds of documents and the Lotus Notes databases. I also needed some selected configuration files, but overall I was up and running again after about an hour.
The first trouble I had was to (persistently!) configure a two-screen environment with my laptop on the right and the monitor on the left. The default is the monitor on the right side. Depending on the hardware in the machine there are different tools to solve that. Just using the Display Preferences works fine now (most of the time).
On Windows I was a big user of hibernation and tried to avoid rebooting the machine as long as possible (2 months or longer). Hibernation is supported on Linux/Ubuntu, too, but it takes significantly longer to revive the machine than on Windows. Overall, the felt one or two minutes more is ok since it is once a day. After logging in I most of the time run into the issue that both screens display the same. Using Control+Alt+F1 and then Control+Alt+F7 switches to the correct settings. It took me a while to figure out this workaround.
As a heavy user of MS Powerpoint and MS Word I feared the switch to Lotus Symphony and OpenOffice.org the most based on experiences with my private computer. For most documents the import filters are "ok", but sometimes macros or special formatting does not work.
The biggest shock was to try to give a presentation without a presenter mode which Powerpoint has. However, after some research I found out that there is a suitable presenter console extension which seems to be even more powerful than the one in Powerpoint.
After few weeks with the new machine and OS environment, I am mostly fine as the problems above are so far the only ones I ran into. For most software there are Linux versions or suitable replacements. My USB UMTS stick for mobile Internet works (mostly? some speed issues) fine out of the box, DB2 is available on Linux (big surprise here, right?), and Firefox and Flash (here that, A!) work as well. And for one Windows-based program I had to make use of wine.
Is it worth switching? So far I would say it is a definitive yes.