Patron Exim Private Limited

Patron Exim Private Limited is a Non-govt company, incorporated on 02 Jan, 2012. It's a private unlisted company and is classified as'company limited by shares'.

Company's authorized capital stands at Rs 5.0 lakhs and has 40.0% paid-up capital which is Rs 2.0 lakhs.

Patron Exim Private Limited is majorly in Business Services business from last 13 years and currently, company operations are strike off. Current board members & directors are SAMIR KUMAR MUKHOPADHYAY and MAHUA MUKHOPADHYAY .

Company is registered in Kolkata (West Bengal) Registrar Office. Patron Exim Private Limited registered address is N-3B, BIVA APARTMENT A-27, RAMGARH KOLKATA Kolkata WB 700047 IN.

Patron Exim Private Limited Details

Date of Incorporation02 Jan, 2012
StatusStrike Off
Company CategoryCompany limited by Shares
Company Sub-categoryNon-govt company
Company ClassPrivate
Business ActivityBusiness Services
Authorized Capital5.0 lakhs
Paid-up Capital2.0 lakhs
Paid-up Capital %40.0
Registrar Office CityKolkata
Registered StateWest Bengal
Registration Number171581
Registration Date02 Jan, 2012
Listing StatusUnlisted

*Ministry of Corporate Affairs, 2019, Company/LLP Data, (Government of India administrative body to govern and regulate corporate affairs through the Companies Act 1956 & 2013 including other allied Acts, Bills and Rules), Updated as on 04 Dec, 2018.

Please Note: Data on this page may not be updated vis-à-vis company's current credentials.