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- 概覽 Weka
- 了解數據挖掘過程
- 安裝與設定Weka
- 瞭解 Weka UI
- 設置環境和專案
- 探索 Weka 工作臺
- 載入和瀏覽數據集
- 瞭解不同的回歸模型
- 處理和保存已處理的數據
- 使用交叉驗證評估模型
- 序列化和可視化決策樹模型
- 瞭解特徵選擇和數據處理
- 構建和評估分類模型
- 構建和可視化決策樹模型
- 以數位形式對文本數據進行編碼
- 對文本數據執行分類
- 瞭解 K-means 聚類分析
- 規範化和可視化數據
- 執行 K-means 聚類分析
- 執行分層聚類
- 執行 EM 集群
部署 Weka 模型
- 數據挖掘過程和技術的基本知識
- 數據分析師
- 數據科學家
14 時間:
客戶評論 (5)
how the trainor shows his knowledge in the subject he's teachign
john ernesto ii fernandez - Philippine AXA Life Insurance Corporation
Course - Data Vault: Building a Scalable Data Warehouse
Very useful in because it helps me understand what we can do with the data in our context. It will also help me
Nicolas NEMORIN - Adecco Groupe France
Course - KNIME Analytics Platform for BI
I genuinely enjoyed the hands passed exercises.
Yunfa Zhu - Environmental and Climate Change Canada
Course - Foundation R
Richard's training style kept it interesting, the real world examples used helped to drive the concepts home.
Jamie Martin-Royle - NBrown Group
Course - From Data to Decision with Big Data and Predictive Analytics
The example and training material were sufficient and made it easy to understand what you are doing.