Day One:語言基礎
- 課程介紹
- 關於 Data Science
- Data Science 定義
- 執行過程 Data Science。
- 介紹 R Language
- 變數和類型
- 控制結構 (Loops / Conditionals)
- R Scalars、向量和矩陣
- 定義 R 向量
- 預科
- 字串和文本操作
- 字元數據類型
- 檔IO
- 清單
- 功能
- 函數介紹
- 閉包
- lapply/sapply 函數
- 數據幀
- 所有部分的實驗室
第二天:中級 R Programming
- DataFrames 和檔 I/O
- 從檔中讀取數據
- 數據準備
- 內置數據集
- 可視化
- 圖形包
- plot() / barplot() / hist() / boxplot() / 散點圖
- 熱圖
- ggplot2 包 (qplot(), ggplot())
- 使用 Dplyr 進行探索
- 所有部分的實驗室
- 有基本程式設計背景者優先
- 數據分析師
客戶評論 (5)
Day 1 and Day 2 were really straight forward for me and really enjoyed that experience.
Mareca Sithole - Africa Health Research Institute
Course - R Fundamentals
I genuinely enjoyed the hands passed exercises.
Yunfa Zhu - Environmental and Climate Change Canada
Course - Foundation R
The pace was just right and the relaxed atmosphere made candidates feel at ease to ask questions.
Rhian Hughes - Public Health Wales NHS Trust
Course - Introduction to Data Visualization with Tidyverse and R
the matter was well presented and in an orderly manner.
Marylin Houle - Ivanhoe Cambridge
Course - Introduction to R with Time Series Analysis
Michael the trainer is very knowledgeable and skillful about the subject of Big Data and R. He is very flexible and quickly customize the training meeting clients' need. He is also very capable to solve technical and subject matter problems on the go. Fantastic and professional training!.