Découvrez nos formations

Responsible AI and AI Ethics

14 Heures

InVideo AI for Video Production

14 Heures

Introduction to AI for Administrative Operations

7 Heures

InVideo AI: Creating Engaging Short-Form Videos

14 Heures

InVideo AI for Social Media

7 Heures

Comprehensive AI, DeepFake & Voice Cloning

14 Heures

AI on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

14 Heures

AI for Healthcare using Google Colab

14 Heures

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Managers - 2 Days

14 Heures

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Managers

7 Heures

Ethical Considerations in AI Development with LangChain

21 Heures

AI for Daily Tasks: Enhancing Efficiency Across Departments

14 Heures

Enhancing User Experience with LangChain in Web Apps

14 Heures

AI and AR/VR in Education

14 Heures

Automating Workflows with LangChain and APIs

14 Heures

AI and AR/VR in Healthcare

14 Heures

LangChain for Data Analysis and Visualization

14 Heures

AI-Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Industrial Applications

21 Heures

AI-Augmented Software Engineering (AIASE)

14 Heures

Integrating LangChain with Cloud Services

14 Heures

Advanced AI Techniques for AR and VR Systems

14 Heures

Introduction to AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM)

21 Heures

Customer Care in the Age of AI

14 Heures

Building Conversational Agents with LangChain

14 Heures

Advanced AI Concepts with Perplexity

14 Heures

AI-Driven AR/VR Applications for Gaming and Entertainment

14 Heures

Fundamentals of Intelligent Driving

21 Heures

AI Automation with n8n and LangChain

14 Heures

Building Intelligent Applications with AI and ML

28 Heures

Perplexity AI for Research and Writing

7 Heures

Introduction to AI in AR and VR

14 Heures

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

35 Heures

Building AI Workflows in n8n

14 Heures

LangChain Fundamentals

14 Heures

Intelligent Applications Advanced

21 Heures

Perplexity AI for Educators

7 Heures

Introduction to Bing AI: Enhancing Search with Artificial Intelligence

14 Heures

Cybersecurity in AI Systems

14 Heures

Fiji: Image Processing for Biotechnology and Toxicology

14 Heures

LangChain: Building AI-Powered Applications

14 Heures

Intelligent Applications Fundamentals

14 Heures

Perplexity AI for Beginners

7 Heures

Introduction to Data Science and AI using Python

35 Heures

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for City Planning

14 Heures

AI in Digital Marketing

7 Heures

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Robotics

21 Heures

AI and Robotics for Nuclear - Extended

120 Heures

AI and Robotics for Nuclear

80 Heures

AI in Business and Society & The Future of AI - AI/Robotics

7 Heures

Certified AI Governance Professional (AIGP)

28 Heures

OptaPlanner in Practice

21 Heures

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Cours à venir

Weekend Artificial Intelligence cours, Soir AI formation, AI stage d’entraînement, AI (Artificial Intelligence) formateur à distance, AI formateur en ligne, AI formateur Online, AI cours en ligne, AI cours à distance, Intelligence Artificielle professeur à distance, AI visioconférence, AI (Artificial Intelligence) stage d’entraînement intensif, AI (Artificial Intelligence) formation accélérée, Intelligence Artificielle formation intensive, Formation inter Intelligence Artificielle, Formation intra Artificial Intelligence, Formation intra Enteprise Intelligence Artificielle, Formation inter Entreprise Artificial Intelligence, Weekend Artificial Intelligence formation, Soir Intelligence Artificielle cours, Artificial Intelligence coaching, Artificial Intelligence entraînement, Artificial Intelligence préparation, AI instructeur, Intelligence Artificielle professeur, Artificial Intelligence formateur, AI (Artificial Intelligence) stage de formation, Intelligence Artificielle cours, AI (Artificial Intelligence) sur place, Artificial Intelligence formations privées, AI (Artificial Intelligence) formation privée, Intelligence Artificielle cours particulier, AI (Artificial Intelligence) cours particuliers