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Mercantile competition

Mercatorio is a medieval economy simulator with real market mechanics.
Prices in each town are exclusively determined by the supply and demand of you and the other market participants. Build, produce, transport and trade, in cooperation or competition with other players.

The game runs in the browser (mobile friendly) at hourly ticks with players interacting through economic competition and cooperation, chasing financial success and, ultimately, prestige.

Production and logistics are core elements in Mercatorio, and will be recognizable to players familiar town-building or economy simulation games, like the great games of the Anno and Victoria series, with chains of production buildings and production methods refining raw materials into more valuable finished products, and ships or carts bringing raw materials in or shipping the finished products to their markets.

What is new in Mercatorio is a mercantile environment where prices and product availability are determined exclusively by the supply and demand of other market participants, akin to how modern mercantile exchanges function.

In addition, and maybe in contrast to this, Mercatorio strives to simulate the medieval economy as historically accurate as possible, with buildings, products and production methods all modeled after the activities of the era. Put this together and you get a game with a lot of depth and possibilities to explore, hopefully offering an interesting and challenging experience.

See more at mercatorio.io

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Mercatorio Season 3


Mercatorio season 3 kicks off tomorrow, Saturday February 1st. The medieval trade and economy simulator with true markets is getting more products to produce and trade, new places to produce them, more ways to upgrade buildings, more influential apprentices as well as new sources of product demand.

New buildings

The gold camp is a cheaper alternative to the gold mine (seen in the background)
offering quicker access to gold ore in the early game

  • Gold and iron camps allowing for surface collection of resources, cheaper and quicker to set up than mines, but less efficient
  • Weaponsmith taking over crafting and forging of arms and swords
  • Nailworks for more efficient nail production
  • Cooperage takes over cask production
  • Pulleyworks produces tackles for heavy lifting
  • Lime kiln takes over lime burning from the quarry

New products

  • Gears — made in the machine workshop, used for power transmission, shaping presses, loom fabric traction and cord winding
  • Tackles — block and tackles made in the new pulleyworks, used for heavy lifting and in the rigging of large ships
  • Lathes — wood turning machines made in the machine workshop, used for making wheels and other round things from wood
  • Hinges — made by smithy, predominantly used in building construction

More impactful household workers

  • Each skill level gives an additional management point, both from the head of household and every apprentice (not incl. specialisation)
  • More production methods available at novice level, threshold for worker level increased, specialisation threshold reduced
  • Production bonuses from higher level skills (+2% at journeyman, +6% at master, +20% at specialist)
  • Workers training for journeyman or master will lose some progress (10%) when changing assignments or production method

Buildings and upgrades updates

  • Upgrades increase management cost of buildings, scaled by the size of the building
  • Town center expansions take more management points (from 0.05 to 0.1 for most buildings)
  • Upgrades now increase the management cost of the buildings (scaled by size)
  • New class of upgrades increase the productivity of buildings (adding output bonus). These upgrades are gated on household skill level.
  • Construction clock progress pauses if one or more materials are lacking
  • Reduced management points from prestige (partially compensated by points from workers)

Production methods

  • Advanced (master level) production methods no longer require workers guiding them, though assigning one gives bonus output. These production methods also get a ramp up period of 6 turns, during which they have slightly reduced output.
  • Specialised production methods are removed and replaced with an increased production bonus when a specialist worker is assigned to a advanced (master level) production method
  • Major updates to existing production methods:
    - Burn cookware changes class from crafting to forging
    - Make casks moved from carpentry to the new cooperage building
    - Crafting and forging of arms and swords changes class to weaponry and moves to the new weaponsmith building
    - Quarry loses lime kiln and stonecutter upgrades and becomes a pure limestone extraction building
  • Lots of balancing changes

Commoners and town mayor

  • New spending categories for both commoners and town mayor
  • Increased demand for household goods (crafting) and construction materials, slightly reduced demand for nutrition and textile products
  • Commoners population growth shifted towards fulfilment of needs, including some positive impact from satisfaction over 100%, reduced impact from salaries
  • Tax on town centre plots increased from 5d to 6d per turn
  • Fee for buying land with special resources increased to reduce early game hoarding


  • Hulk operation cost reduced
  • Tumbrel cargo capacity increased

How to start playing?

Go to Mercatorio.io to play and join the discord server to meet other players, plan strategies and strike deals.

Market strength gauges

Market strength gauges


New market gauges make it easier to judge the strength of supply or demand for your raw materials or produced products at a glance, and simplify the process...

Mercatorio Introduction (updated)

Mercatorio Introduction (updated)


Mercatorio is an economy simulation game with true markets, where prices are set solely by supply and demand, which in turn is always against a counterparty...

Hospitals and Town Health

Hospitals and Town Health


Healthcare was an important aspect of the medieval era, bestowing great prestige upon the monks and others taking upon themselves to tend to the inform...

Inventory management

Inventory management

News 1 comment

Management of inventory levels is an important part of operating a production business. Inventory ties up capital, which may have better uses elsewhere...

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LunarShuriken - - 1,386 comments

looks interesting

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viroidgames - - 3 comments

This looks like an interesting project. I am a fan of medieval setups and also economic simulations games. Is this a hobby project or are there plans for a commercial release?

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rune1 Creator
rune1 - - 2 comments

Hi! It's already available, you can now join the last days of season 1 for free (it concludes on Sept 1st). Season 2 will kick off around the middle of September. Check it out at Mercatorio.io

Reply Good karma+3 votes
viroidgames - - 3 comments

Thank you. Although I have a very busy schedule, I should give it a try soon.

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oscarfabianleites - - 202 comments

Congratulations on the progress! Keep it up!

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rune1 Creator
rune1 - - 2 comments


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