Yun's Reviews > The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, favorite-series

I'm going to call it right now. Even though I only just finished book one, I'm certain The Three-Body Problem will go down as my favorite sci-fi series of all time.

This book blew my mind so thoroughly that it leaves only destruction in its wake. Where could Liu Cixin have possibly come up with all of these ideas and concepts? No wonder everyone says this is wildly imaginative. Even a single one of the ideas in here would have sufficed for a book of its own, but to put them all together into a single cohesive epic tale is absolutely jaw-dropping.

The pacing is relentless and the surprises just keep coming. In fact, it has more twists and turns than most mysteries and thrillers I've read. Not only is the story utterly riveting, but it's also insightful and thought-provoking, touching upon science, politics, philosophy, and history. I found myself glued to the pages. I wanted to inhale the story as fast as I could, but I had to slow myself down periodically to reread and fully absorb all that the book was trying to tell me.

This is my favorite type of science fiction, one that puts science front and center and unabashedly celebrates everything about it. There's no handwaving, no hocus pocus. Every point brought up is eventually explained via actual science in ways that made complete sense. And what ingenious explanations they are, sure to stun and amaze any reader.

I found the initial pages, set during the Cultural Revolution, to be enlightening. This was the defining event of my parents' generation, yet they hardly talk about it. How do you put into words the frenzy that overtook a whole country, such that science and learning were denounced, and friends turned on friends, neighbors turned on neighbors? It's like a fever burned through the population, and left famine, trauma, and destruction in its wake. This emotionally fraught experience influences all who went through it, including the characters in this book.

With translations, there's always the fear that some vital but intangible part of the story will be lost. And this is especially the case when the two languages in question do not share a common linguistic ancestor, so translating between them is not as simple as one-to-one. In the translator's notes at the end of the book, Ken Liu mentions that he was cognizant of this and tried hard to preserve not only the story, but also the cadence and feel of the Chinese language and culture in his translation. I think he did an excellent job.

One thing to note is that the official book blurb is quite short for this story, but in my opinion, even that gives away too much. This is a book best experienced blind, so if you're going to read it, don't look up anything about it ahead of time.

What a tremendous way to start the trilogy. My expectations for the remaining two books are sky high, and I'm assured by everyone I know who has already read them that they will be met and exceeded. I have no doubt only goodness awaits me.

See also, my thoughts on:
#2. The Dark Forest
#3. Death's End

The Cretaceous Past

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Comments Showing 1-50 of 282 (282 new)

Bruce Chang-Gu look forward to your review!! I want to read this book but have not gotten a chance yet.

message 2: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Bruce wrote: "look forward to your review!! I want to read this book but have not gotten a chance yet."
Thanks, Bruce! I haven't gotten too far in yet, but it's already soo good! :)

message 3: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily Carter-Dunn You've sold it to me! Time to move this up the TBR. Great review as always

message 4: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ amazing review, yun! so glad to see you’ve possible found a new favorite series, despite this only being book 1. hopefully the rest of the series is as a good as this!

message 5: by nastya (new)

nastya great review! I really need to read this one day!

Sylvia I totally recommend that you complete the entire trilogy. I do not like the second part as much (I am no rom-com fan), but overall the entire series is interesting and thought-provoking.

Melissa (Always Behind) Excellent review Yun!

message 8: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Emily wrote: "You've sold it to me! Time to move this up the TBR. Great review as always"
Thanks, Emily! I cannot recommend this highly enough if you enjoy sci-fi! Hope you love it too when you get to it! :)

message 9: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun elena wrote: "amazing review, yun! so glad to see you’ve possible found a new favorite series, despite this only being book 1. hopefully the rest of the series is as a good as this!"
Thanks, Elena! This feels like one of those once-in-a-lifetime sort of books, so I'm very excited! :)

message 10: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun nastya wrote: "great review! I really need to read this one day!"
Thanks, Nastya! Yes for sure, especially if you enjoy sci-fi! :)

message 11: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Sylvia wrote: "I totally recommend that you complete the entire trilogy. I do not like the second part as much (I am no rom-com fan), but overall the entire series is interesting and thought-provoking."
Thanks, Sylvia! I bought all three books in one go, so I'm committed to reading them! ;)

message 12: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "Excellent review Yun!"
Thanks, Melissa! :)

message 13: by Maureen (new)

Maureen High praise Yun, glad you enjoyed it so much!

message 14: by Michael (new)

Michael David (on hiatus) Wow...this one really made an impression on you! That's awesome, Yun! Fantastic review! :)

message 15: by Christi (new) - added it

Christi M I'm with several of the others - you've inspired me to move it up on my TBR list. Crossing fingers that I still have a spot left in the number of books I can place on hold because I'm sure this one has a waitlist!

message 16: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Amazing review Yun! What a start of the series!

message 17: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Great review, Yun! I’ve been hearing lots of good things about this one recently! I’m glad it lived up to the hype!

message 18: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Maureen wrote: "High praise Yun, glad you enjoyed it so much!"
Thanks, Maureen! It was amazing! :)

message 19: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Michael wrote: "Wow...this one really made an impression on you! That's awesome, Yun! Fantastic review! :)"
Thanks, Michael! This might have been one of those once-in-a-lifetime reading experiences, so I'm pretty stoked! :)

message 20: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Christi wrote: "I'm with several of the others - you've inspired me to move it up on my TBR list. Crossing fingers that I still have a spot left in the number of books I can place on hold because I'm sure this one..."
Thanks, Christi! I can't recommend this enough, especially if you enjoy science-based sci-fi! Hope you have a spot left on your holds (a problem I understand well haha), and you love this too! :)

message 21: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Holly wrote: "Amazing review Yun! What a start of the series!"
Thanks, Holly! Yes indeed! :)

message 22: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Jasmine wrote: "Great review, Yun! I’ve been hearing lots of good things about this one recently! I’m glad it lived up to the hype!"
Thanks, Jasmine! Me too! This has been sitting on my tbr for ages, and now I'm wondering why it's taken me so long to read this! :)

message 23: by Beth (new) - added it

Beth I love it. A 'no hocus pocus' science loving science fiction book! Great review Yan. Glad you found a good one to start 2022.

message 24: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Beth wrote: "I love it. A 'no hocus pocus' science loving science fiction book! Great review Yan. Glad you found a good one to start 2022."
Thanks, Beth Ann! I couldn't have asked for a better first book of the year! :)

marta the book slayer Seeing a 5 star review from Yun on a book I have been waiting to read is SO EXCITING. This just verified that whenever I do get to this I’m sure I’ll like it as much as you did (no pressure)

message 26: by Barbara (new) - added it

Barbara I don't read sci-fi as much these days as I did in my youth, but your review definitely piqued my curiosity, Yun! Added to my list. Thank you!

message 27: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun marta the book slayer wrote: "Seeing a 5 star review from Yun on a book I have been waiting to read is SO EXCITING. This just verified that whenever I do get to this I’m sure I’ll like it as much as you did (no pressure)"
Haha! Thanks, Marta! I can't recommend this one highly enough, especially if you enjoy science-based sci-fi! When you get to it, I hope you love it too! :)

message 28: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Barbara wrote: "I don't read sci-fi as much these days as I did in my youth, but your review definitely piqued my curiosity, Yun! Added to my list. Thank you!"
Thanks, Barbara! If you enjoy sci-fi, I totally recommend this one. It's about as good as I've ever come across in the genre (in my humble opinion). If you get to it, I hope you think so too! :)

message 29: by Anne (new) - added it

Anne Loved your review, Yun! Perfect timing for me, sci-fi is one of the genres I've targeted to concentrate on reading this year. And I love it when science supports the story. 🤗

message 30: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Anne wrote: "Loved your review, Yun! Perfect timing for me, sci-fi is one of the genres I've targeted to concentrate on reading this year. And I love it when science supports the story. 🤗"
Thanks, Anne! I'm also wanting to read more sci-fi this year, and this book was the perfect start! If you end up getting to this, I hope you enjoy it too! 🤗

message 31: by Baba (new) - rated it 5 stars

Baba Wow. Parise! I have to read this book asap. Thanks Yun!

Serge Great review Yun! Wow, this seems very interesting, especially since it makes sense and satisfies the "science" portion of SF, unlike some other books lol! Since I will be focusing on SF as a genre this year, I will be adding this to my tbr, and looking forward to reading it! :)

message 33: by Julie (new)

Julie A great, enthusiastic review!! Glad you enjoyed!! 💖

message 34: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Baba wrote: "Wow. Parise! I have to read this book asap. Thanks Yun!"
Thanks, Baba! This was everything I wanted and more! If you get a chance to read it, I hope you enjoy too! :)

message 35: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Serge wrote: "Great review Yun! Wow, this seems very interesting, especially since it makes sense and satisfies the "science" portion of SF, unlike some other books lol! Since I will be focusing on SF as a genre..."
Thanks, Serge! I'm also wanting to read more sci-fi this year, and this book was the perfect start! If you end up getting to it, I hope you enjoy it too! Will be most curious to see your thoughts! :)

message 36: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Julie wrote: "A great, enthusiastic review!! Glad you enjoyed!! 💖"
Thanks, Julie! I couldn't have asked for more! 💖

Kathryn in FL Wow, Yun, what an endorsement. I seldom read Science Fiction but your thoughts and enthusiasm make me want to pick it up!
I am looking forward to it.

message 38: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Kathryn in FL wrote: "Wow, Yun, what an endorsement. I seldom read Science Fiction but your thoughts and enthusiasm make me want to pick it up!
I am looking forward to it."

Thanks, Kathryn! It's hard with sci-fi recommendations because I know a lot of readers find the genre hard to get into. For me, I love reading about science, so this is right up my alley. If you end up giving this a try, I hope it totally works out for you too! :)

message 39: by Tim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tim Enjoyed this review Yun. I’ll have to add this to my list.

message 40: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Tim wrote: "Enjoyed this review Yun. I’ll have to add this to my list."
Thanks, Tim! Hope you enjoy when you get to it! :)

message 41: by Icey (new) - rated it 4 stars

Icey I’m glad you enjoyed this book! It’s such a popular book in China and although I am not a big fan of hard sci-fi I still enjoyed it! Wonderful review❤️

message 42: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Icey wrote: "I’m glad you enjoyed this book! It’s such a popular book in China and although I am not a big fan of hard sci-fi I still enjoyed it! Wonderful review❤️"
Thanks, Icey! I'm glad you enjoyed this too, even though you aren't a huge fan of this style of sci-fi! 💖

message 43: by JanB (new)

JanB 2022 is off to a great start! Awesome that you found an all-time favorite. Terrific review Yun!

message 44: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun JanB wrote: "2022 is off to a great start! Awesome that you found an all-time favorite. Terrific review Yun!"
Thanks, Jan! It sure did... I can't imagine a better book to kick off the year! :)

message 45: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca Neely Awesome! Do glad you enjoyed this.. adding to my TBR 😀📚

Left Coast Justin I'll remember this next time I'm going to dip a toe into the SF ocean.

message 47: by Jayme (new)

Jayme High praise indeed! Great review! 💕

message 48: by Linda (new)

Linda Great review! Sounds like a fantastic read.

message 49: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Rebecca wrote: "Awesome! Do glad you enjoyed this.. adding to my TBR 😀📚"
Thanks, Rebecca! If you enjoy science-based sci-fi, this one isn't to be missed. I hope you enjoy it too when you get to it! 🤗

message 50: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Left Coast Justin wrote: "I'll remember this next time I'm going to dip a toe into the SF ocean."
If you get to it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :)

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