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Luc Francey

A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Game and sounds are good. It's pretty hard to get a good feel of how to gain / keep momentum. I mainly cheased my way spamming space ^^ Made it to level 2. It's not like ragy rage game, I mean I always felt like I could have done better. One mistake is not over punishing you just retry and try to get better. Tutorial was already super hard for me tho.

Congrats, it's fun and I like the feeling of improving to progress.

I will drop an update after the jam that fixes a lot of stuff. Thank you for playing the game !

Wow, this game is awesome. The atmosphere, the art and the sound design are incredible. The audio track is awesome aswell. The levels are very well build !

The only constructive feedback I can think of is that it would be nice to see where you are gonna impact with you sword. It's incredibly satisfying to do a double kill, but it is incredibly frustrating to miss it. If you don't want to make the emphasis on the detexterity of the player it would completely make sense to show the whole trajectory of the sword.

Maybe a key to restart immediatly would be nice too (your animation is gorgeous, I just saw it too many times).

Congratulations, you made something awesome.

The game looks and sounds super good.

I am not sure to understand what should happen when I die. I was not able to restart, I was just unable to move and my little bomb became a smoke. The extra life did not work aswell.

The greens attacks slowed me down quite a bit. I wonder how the game plays if the attacks get destroyed when hitting a wall.

It would be nice to see the range of your explosion aswell.

Congrats on making something fun !

I will just begin by saying that I am probably not the kind of player you target.

The controls are interesting, but it took me quite some time to figure out how to pass the gap using the head slide. I'd say that it feels kind of unintuitive to have the slam on the same button.

The game feels super hard and unforgiving. I took me 10-15 tries just to beat the green thingy and then I cornered myself in the bottom left side only to discover that I have to do it all over again. I feel like given the pace of the attacks it feels impossible for me to not die at least a couple of times. This does not feel rewarding enough for me to continue, I just wonder when it will stop.

The tutorial explains all the mechanis at the same time, which is great. But then you enter a level and you only use the jump and the enemy is not the one you saw in the tutorial. I think that if the level had been split in "rooms" where one room is one enemy I would have played a bit longer. You could use tutorial between these rooms to teach what the player needs for the next level.

I still played until I reached the weird big ball that almost instantly killed me.

Congrats on making a game !

This game is really fun.

The pickup sound effect becomes kinda cursed once there are too many at the same time. I like that the game becomes harder. It felt pretty easy in the beginning, but once the ranged dudes appear and the little running blue thingys are there, oooh boy.

Congrats !

The key bindings are a bit weird. it took me quite some time to figure out that it was z to confirm in the menu instead of enter or space. You could mention it on your itch page.

The games feels very polished, its goregous and the sound design is really good. Is the game in a fixed amount of rounds ? I was under the impression that I sill had lives left when the score screen displayed.

Other than that I can't think of anything else to say, congrats !

I think that it was near the egg.

The game is fun !

There might be some improvement you could make to the log. It's pretty hard to understand who does what when.

Congrats the game looks polished.

This is really well done congrats !

Only constructive feedback I can think of is that the delay after the sprint is very punishing and sometimes the camera when grows feels a bit weird.

Good job.

Feel free to reach out when you need some feedback :)

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Yaay I finished the demo.

The number of baits does not reset after you death and a slime falling stops its fall to jump. I like the controls how they are, I only wished that a jump input would be "queued" to allow me to jump right before I land. There is one frame in the bread animation that has a black line at the top. You could add some variations to the background audio loop.

Congrats and thanks for sharing !

I will drop a linux version with my next update. Sorry for the bug :(

The zombies feels too fast for me. If they have to be that fast at least let me see where they are before they see me. Hotline miami does that, it lets you plan ahead (remember) and then execute. Here I think the main problem might be the rather limited vision.

I wish that I could restart directly in the level instead of clicking on the button, I died A LOT.

The reload felt a bit too long and it would be even better if it was automatic.

You created something really cool that gave me Alien swarm vibes.

You should consider adding your names to your itch page, just to make anyone know that you made this :)

Congrats you made something fun.

It took me some time to understand the controls, I think that it comes down to how the maze looks. Everything is very similar so it's hard to understand what you did after you pressed a key. Some kind of transition and more diversity in the look of the maze would help for sure.

It's pretty hard to track where you are and where you already went. You could add some kind of trail to help the player.

If you want to reward the fastest players you could add some kind of score to each creature and each creature you get fills a "combo" gauge that gets depleted when you don't kill anything. You could have some kind of score that represents the most optimal path in the maze.

Loved the audio track :)

Congratulations !

You managed to create a very moody atmosphere. The sound design is excellent. As a player I don't feel the weight of the decision. I feel like if I'm not the weapon I lose the fun, but it might just be me. I really like what you did as it almost feels like an escape room.

Congrats, your game is fun :)

You should release this. This feels like an almost finished game. Congrats, it's fun.

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You found a clever way to tell a story, it works really well.

The music and sound design is pretty good, you could slightly offset the pitch of the slash to add more variations.

Now the combat:

I don't see why I would want to block 75% of the damage, I don't know how much damage the enemy will do and I don't know how much health I have. If you vary the amount of damage from attack to attack, but you clearly indicate its intention it would give me an incentive to use the defense.

To chose which attack I want to lend I think that I need to know the enemy's health point or at least I think that I want to know the impact my attack might have.

I did not find the stats impactful enough.  I would have loved to play the game without having all my skills (attack & defense) and unlock them based on my stats or make them synergize with some attribute. For example an attacks that deals X * dexterity. This would even give a stronger incentive to use items at the right time.

Congrats I had fun playing through the whole game.

The game lacks some feedback and explanations. It wasn't obvious to me what I could interact with. You could write on your itch page with what you can interact and what it does. It would help newcomers a lot.

I had a hardtime with the dash to cross the first obstacle. I had to release every input except for the '1' key while looking at the right direction. I am not sure if I used it correctly. Making it work while also having a movement key pressed would make it way more intuitive.

It's hard to make the enemies do what you want. I had a clear plan in my mind, but my plan would almost always fail and I had to rely on luck instead.

You could easily add some more juice to the game with some sound effects (on interactable, canons and enemies).

I did not complete the whole game, I stopped at the level where there are a lot of enemies and two cannons (one on each side). I tried multiple times to make the enemy follow me, but I always died to their attack in the doorway. I also tried to use 2 bombs to kill them all, but I did not manage to stack them enough.

Congratulations on making a game ! I had fun trying it :)

You are awesome.

I tried to skip the tutorial to see other cards, Infect is the only one that I am unable to drag.

The game is fun, but feels unbalanced. I think that it all comes down to how the enemies behave, if you just spam left click in their face, I don't think they can hurt you. I think that having more challenge would be good and balance the cost of upgrade to make them meaningful. What happens if you die with a character you posses ?

I am not really sure to get why the title screen is an anime girl and what's up with the girl sounds so I will just ignore them.

My heart almost stopped the first time  the gun sound is played on the title screen, it's too loud ^^

There is something weird with the reload, I think that after I do it once I briefly see it start over. It would be nice to have more feedbacks: when you hit something, the damage you did, the health remaining on the zombies and the purpose of the style.

Congrats on making an FPS.

I finished your game ! I did the last one in 9 deaths, nice mental gymnastic :)

I can make an in depth feedback if you want to, but I don't know it this is relevant so feel free to ask.

Congratulations on making a game that works, is fun and has audio. I really like the narration you put in your game, its a nice addition. It's extremely rewarding to know that I beat a level that your dad designed. Keep doing games like this one, it's amazing !

The game crashed on the web so I played the windows build. The core mechanics are very intersting. The tutorial level works really well.  I had trouble to do exactly what I wanted as the movements are a bit "floaty". Especially in the level 2 I wanted to climb the spiral of platform using ground pound into jump, but in the reality I always had to stop, perfect my timing then execute. I might just be bad ^^

I kinda wish there was a retry key available and that falling would bring me to the start.

The movements needs a bit more work, but you sure got a good speedrunning vibe going on there. I wonder what the secrets are as I didn't find any.

Congrats ! I had fun :)

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Game looks great and sound seems on point, but I can't understand how to drag the infect card. it plays a sound, but it does not do anything else.

Would you mind sharing the version of the browser you used and your OS ?

Thanks for making a video ! Yeah most of the people that played the game were not used to this genre and felt the game was too difficult, so I made sure that you have at least 1-2 anomalies at all time. That's probably why it feels quick to you. You are spot on with your feedback, this game will receive a big update soon ! Thank you.

A nice improvement would be to indicate visually when you are about to fart. I love your take on the theme, it's refreshing to see peaceful games ! Overall cute game, congrats.

Congrats, you made something really polished and fun. The combat is well designed.

Yup I rage quit, congrats.

This game filled me with rage, congrats.

Played it up until wave 23, then the game crashed (memory access out of bounds). Overall you nailed the juiciness of the game (visual and audio). I didn't find the game challenging, once you get the lifesteal with the beam you essentially can't die. The first few level are pretty fast, almost too fast. I felt like I didn't had the time to enjoy my new skill that I the game was paused and I had to chose something.

Congrats and thank you for making something that fun to play.

Thank you for making this, it's somehow peaceful in its own way. I really like the art and audio, congrats !

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Would you mind sharing the version of the browser you used ? Thanks a lot for your feedback :)

Congrats your game is super original. This game feels like a trip, I don't know where, but somewhere.

Congrats the game is really fun !

You are awesome.

Thank you for playing and recording yourself !

You are awesome.