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Course Outline
General Econometrics Concept
- Understanding the basic concepts of Econometrics
- Understanding variables and measures
- Overview of probability and confident level
- Statistical interference and percentiles
- Theoretical probability distributions
- Significance test and confidence interval method
- Working with Asymmetry
- Kurtosis
- Anova
Regression Analysis
- Concepts of regression
- Understanding linear regression
- Regression estimation
- Regression interference
- Understanding statistical assumptions
- Violation of assumptions and implications testing
- Understanding spurious regression
- Understanding regression models
- Transforming variables
- Interpreting coefficients
- Linear and non-linear regression models
Time Series Analysis
- Components of time series
- Different decomposition methods
- Understanding trends, cycles, and seasonality
- Performing stationarity tests
- Interpreting graphs and correlogram
- Performing unit root test
- Transforming non-stationary time series
- Stationary processes
- Understanding complex transformations in the model
- Economic and time series forecasting
Neural Networks
- Understanding neural network concepts and methodology
- Neural network composition
- Overview of machine learning
- Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
- Machine learning vs. econometrics
Financial Risk Modeling
- Measuring risks
- Occurrence probability
- Understanding the coefficient of variation
- Risk adjustment capital
Markov Chain and Montecarlo Simulation
- Understanding the concept of simulation and model
- Distribution of fits and probability
- Creating profiles
- Random and outcome variables
Evaluating a Project
- Defining project selection criteria
- Understanding the elasticity of demand
- Project economic feasibility
- Risk breakeven analysis
- Understanding the net flow
- Using analytical tools
- Stress analysis
Summary and Next Steps
- Basic understanding of econometrics
- Economists
- Statisticians
21 Hours
Testimonials (1)
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