Programa do Curso
- Kubernetes implantação: Azure vs AWS vs no local
Visão geral dos recursos e suporte do Azure Kubernetes Serviço (AKS)
Usando o Azure Portal e a Azure CLI (Interface de Linha de Comando)
Criar e carregar uma imagem de contentor para o Azure Registo de Contentores
Criando um Kubernetes Cluster
Networking Kubernetes Pods
Integrando Kubernetes com ferramentas e processos de integração contínua (CI)
Atualizando um aplicativo em execução em Kubernetes
Integrando Kubernetes com o Active Diretory
Identidade e Segurança Management em AKS
Avançado Networking
Monitorando um Kubernetes Cluster
Dimensionando um Kubernetes Cluster
Migrando do local para Azure
Garantia de alta disponibilidade e recuperação de desastres em Kubernetes
Resolução de problemas
Resumo e conclusão
- Conhecimento de contentores (por exemplo, Docker) e Kubernetes noções básicas
- Experiência com a linha de comando Linux
Público alvo
- Desenvolvedores
- Administradores de sistema
- DevOps Engenheiros
Declaração de Clientes (7)
It was really useful seeing the full pipeline from start to finish, it led to a better understanding of how to use the technology which you wouldn't get by just focusing on a few different parts out of context.
Scott Fisher - Derivco
Curso - Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
Gave some good insight into kubernetes
Adam Braidwood - Derivco
Curso - Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
Dawid is a really good at what he does, he makes something very complicated seem like a stroll in the park.
Dirk Nagel - Derivco IOM
Curso - Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
The hand-on part was really good. I would just give students a headsup to have 2 screens (as I started with a laptop only) - as you have to follow and do it yourself.
Theresa Conradie
Curso - Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
The the virtual machines with Visual Studio and the provided Azure tenant usernames/passwords that were already setup for us made for a very engaging process. Training is so much more better when you can follow along using the actual systems you are being trained on. Dawid was extremely knowledgeable and clearly knew the subject inside out.
Steven Martin
Curso - Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
The exercises and materials related to the developing for ASF were abundant and a good example for real life situations.
Diego Alonso San Alberto - Unit4 Business Software Holding B.V.
Curso - Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
The amount of hands on and content was brilliant. The scope was wide, and we were able to deploy loads of elements for Azure k8s, container registry, managed identity, sql azure DB, istio etc. It's great that now I have actually deployed these elements as opposed to just have theoretical knowledge about them.