Helium Quotes

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Helium Quotes
Showing 1-30 of 75
“She asks me to kill the spider.
Instead, I get the most
peaceful weapons I can find.
I take a cup and a napkin.
I catch the spider, put it outside
and allow it to walk away.
If I am ever caught in the wrong place
at the wrong time, just being alive
and not bothering anyone,
I hope I am greeted
with the same kind
of mercy.”
― Helium
Instead, I get the most
peaceful weapons I can find.
I take a cup and a napkin.
I catch the spider, put it outside
and allow it to walk away.
If I am ever caught in the wrong place
at the wrong time, just being alive
and not bothering anyone,
I hope I am greeted
with the same kind
of mercy.”
― Helium
“The difference between a garden and a graveyard is only what you choose to put in the ground”
― Helium
― Helium
“On May 26th, 2003,
Aaron Ralston was hiking,
a boulder fell on his right hand,
he waited four days,
he then amputated
his own arm with a pocketknife.
On New Year’s Eve,
a woman was bungee jumping,
the cord broke,
she fell into a river
and had to swim back to land
in crocodile-infested waters
with a broken collarbone.
Claire Champlin was smashed in the face
by a five-pound watermelon
being propelled by a slingshot.
Mathew Brobst was hit by a javelin.
David Striegl was actually
punched in the mouth by a kangaroo.
The most amazing part of these stories
is when asked about the experience
they all smiled, shrugged and said
“I guess things could’ve been worse.”
So go ahead,
tell me you’re having a bad day.
Tell me about the traffic.
Tell me about your boss.
Tell me about the job you’ve been trying to quit for the past four years.
Tell me the morning is just a townhouse burning to the ground and the snooze button is a fire extinguisher.
Tell me the alarm clock
stole the keys to your smile,
drove it into 7 am
and the crash totaled your happiness.
Tell me.
Tell me how blessed are we to have tragedy
so small it can fit on the tips of our tongues.
When Evan lost his legs he was speechless.
When my cousin was assaulted
she didn’t speak for 48 hours.
When my uncle was murdered,
we had to send out a search party
to find my father’s voice.
Most people have no idea
that tragedy and silence
often have the exact same address.
When your day is a museum of disappointments,
hanging from events that were outside of your control,
when you feel like your guardian angel put in his two weeks notice two months ago
and just decided not to tell you,
when it seems like God
is just a babysitter that’s always on the phone,
when you get punched in the esophagus by a fistful of life.
every year
two million people die of dehydration.
So it doesn’t matter if
the glass is half full or half empty.
There’s water in the cup.
Drink it and stop complaining.
Muscle is created by lifting things
that are designed to weigh us down.
When your shoulders are heavy
stand up straight and call it exercise.
Life is a gym membership
with a really complicated cancellation policy.
you will survive,
things could be worse,
and we are never given
anything we can’t handle.
When the whole world crumbles,
you have to build a new one
out of all the pieces that are still here.
you are still here.
The human heart beats
approximately 4,000 times per hour
and each pulse,
each throb,
each palpitation is a trophy,
engraved with the words
“You are still alive.”
You are still alive.
So act like it.”
― Helium
Aaron Ralston was hiking,
a boulder fell on his right hand,
he waited four days,
he then amputated
his own arm with a pocketknife.
On New Year’s Eve,
a woman was bungee jumping,
the cord broke,
she fell into a river
and had to swim back to land
in crocodile-infested waters
with a broken collarbone.
Claire Champlin was smashed in the face
by a five-pound watermelon
being propelled by a slingshot.
Mathew Brobst was hit by a javelin.
David Striegl was actually
punched in the mouth by a kangaroo.
The most amazing part of these stories
is when asked about the experience
they all smiled, shrugged and said
“I guess things could’ve been worse.”
So go ahead,
tell me you’re having a bad day.
Tell me about the traffic.
Tell me about your boss.
Tell me about the job you’ve been trying to quit for the past four years.
Tell me the morning is just a townhouse burning to the ground and the snooze button is a fire extinguisher.
Tell me the alarm clock
stole the keys to your smile,
drove it into 7 am
and the crash totaled your happiness.
Tell me.
Tell me how blessed are we to have tragedy
so small it can fit on the tips of our tongues.
When Evan lost his legs he was speechless.
When my cousin was assaulted
she didn’t speak for 48 hours.
When my uncle was murdered,
we had to send out a search party
to find my father’s voice.
Most people have no idea
that tragedy and silence
often have the exact same address.
When your day is a museum of disappointments,
hanging from events that were outside of your control,
when you feel like your guardian angel put in his two weeks notice two months ago
and just decided not to tell you,
when it seems like God
is just a babysitter that’s always on the phone,
when you get punched in the esophagus by a fistful of life.
every year
two million people die of dehydration.
So it doesn’t matter if
the glass is half full or half empty.
There’s water in the cup.
Drink it and stop complaining.
Muscle is created by lifting things
that are designed to weigh us down.
When your shoulders are heavy
stand up straight and call it exercise.
Life is a gym membership
with a really complicated cancellation policy.
you will survive,
things could be worse,
and we are never given
anything we can’t handle.
When the whole world crumbles,
you have to build a new one
out of all the pieces that are still here.
you are still here.
The human heart beats
approximately 4,000 times per hour
and each pulse,
each throb,
each palpitation is a trophy,
engraved with the words
“You are still alive.”
You are still alive.
So act like it.”
― Helium
“When you choose to be a poet,
you become a place that people walk through
and then leave when they are ready”
― Helium
you become a place that people walk through
and then leave when they are ready”
― Helium
“I hope I haven’t already driven past my greatest moments. I hope there is something beautiful on the horizon that’s just as impatient as I am. Something so eager, it wants to meet me halfway. A moment that is diligently staring at its watch, trembling with nervousness, frustrated, and bursting at the seams, wondering what’s taking me so long to arrive.”
― Helium
― Helium
“He sketches you as the antagonist and suddenly his transgressions become deleted scenes. He blames you for his sadness. And this is how the wolf cries boy.”
― Helium
― Helium
“My hobbies include: editing my life story, hiding behind metaphors, and trying to convince my shadow that I’m someone worth following.”
― Helium
― Helium
“Being black is one of the most extreme sports in America.
We don't need to invent new ways of risking our lives
because the old ones have been working for decades.”
― Helium
We don't need to invent new ways of risking our lives
because the old ones have been working for decades.”
― Helium
“The word “repurpose”
means to take an object
and give it amnesia.
It means to make something forget what
it’s been trained to do so you can
use it for a better reason.
I am learning that this body is not a shotgun.
I am learning that this body is not a pistol.
I am learning that a man is not defined by what he can destroy.
I am learning that a person
who only knows how to fight
can only communicate in violence
and that shouldn’t be anyone’s first language.
I am learning that the difference between
a garden and a graveyard is only what
you choose to put in the ground.”
― Helium
means to take an object
and give it amnesia.
It means to make something forget what
it’s been trained to do so you can
use it for a better reason.
I am learning that this body is not a shotgun.
I am learning that this body is not a pistol.
I am learning that a man is not defined by what he can destroy.
I am learning that a person
who only knows how to fight
can only communicate in violence
and that shouldn’t be anyone’s first language.
I am learning that the difference between
a garden and a graveyard is only what
you choose to put in the ground.”
― Helium
“Youth promises us immortality, but doesn't have the means to uphold its end of the bargain.”
― Helium
― Helium
“When People Ask How I’m Doing I want to say, my depression is an angry deity, a jealous god a thirsty shadow that wrings my joy like a dishrag and makes juice out of my smile. I want to say, getting out of bed has become a magic trick. I am probably the worst magician I know. I want to say, this sadness is the only clean shirt I have left and my washing machine has been broken for months, but I’d rather not ruin someone’s day with my tragic honesty so instead I treat my face like a pumpkin. I pretend that it’s Halloween. I carve it into something acceptable. I laugh and I say, “I’m doing alright.”
― Helium
― Helium
“And the answer is
not every building that shakes
will collapse.
The answer is
not everything that chips
will crumble.”
― Helium
not every building that shakes
will collapse.
The answer is
not everything that chips
will crumble.”
― Helium
“I’m just sorry that she had to be your fortune cookie. Broken so you could learn a lesson you already should’ve known.”
― Helium
― Helium
“Let's sing loudly,
offbeat and out of tune.
Let the world know
we don't care how it sounds
because the only key we need
is already in the ignition.”
― Helium
offbeat and out of tune.
Let the world know
we don't care how it sounds
because the only key we need
is already in the ignition.”
― Helium
“If I could I would nail these hands to the edges of stars. I would sacrifice this body to the sky hoping to resurrect as someone spiteful enough to not care about you.”
― Helium
― Helium
“Volcano surfing
is a sport in which a person
rides down an active volcano
at speeds up to 50 miles per hour
using nothing but a wooden board.
When I heard about this activity,
I thought to myself,
it must be nice to feel so safe,
you have to invent new ways to
put yourself in danger.”
― Helium
is a sport in which a person
rides down an active volcano
at speeds up to 50 miles per hour
using nothing but a wooden board.
When I heard about this activity,
I thought to myself,
it must be nice to feel so safe,
you have to invent new ways to
put yourself in danger.”
― Helium
“I am learning that the difference between a garden and a graveyard is only what you choose to put in the ground.”
― Helium
― Helium
“They now know solitude does not scare people like us and our absence is something that we are not afraid to give to those who call for it.”
― Helium
― Helium
“Remember, every year two million people die of dehydration. So it doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty. There’s water in the cup. Drink it and stop complaining.”
― Helium
― Helium
“Do you know the human body is approximately
sixty percent water? When I walk into a room
full of people, all I see is an ocean.”
― Helium
sixty percent water? When I walk into a room
full of people, all I see is an ocean.”
― Helium
“I've never been in the military,
but I have a purple heart:
I got it from beating myself up
over things that I can't fix.”
― Helium
but I have a purple heart:
I got it from beating myself up
over things that I can't fix.”
― Helium
“On the day you couldn't hold yourself together anymore,
you called for me, voice crackling like two sets of knuckles
before an altercation.
I found you, looking like a damaged wine glass.
I hugged your shatter, I cut all of my fingers
trying to jigsaw puzzle you back together.
When it was over,
you looked at the stains on the carpet
and blamed me for making a mess.”
― Helium
you called for me, voice crackling like two sets of knuckles
before an altercation.
I found you, looking like a damaged wine glass.
I hugged your shatter, I cut all of my fingers
trying to jigsaw puzzle you back together.
When it was over,
you looked at the stains on the carpet
and blamed me for making a mess.”
― Helium
“I wonder how long it will take the planet to tell us we can’t live here and the locks are changed.”
― Helium
― Helium
“I have an odd fascination with sandcastles
and ice sculptures:
things that will only last a few moments.
That’s also why I fall in love with women
who will never love me back.”
― Helium
and ice sculptures:
things that will only last a few moments.
That’s also why I fall in love with women
who will never love me back.”
― Helium
“Alternatives to “Bae” The one who wins all of the arguments, the keeper of the remote, the girl who turns my stomach into a butterfly nest, the pink Starburst, the one I will always choose first no matter what else is in the pack, the red Kool-Aid, the right amount of sugar, the pulp, the part that makes the juice seem real.”
― Helium
― Helium