Glass Half Full Quotes
Quotes tagged as "glass-half-full"
Showing 1-24 of 24

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.”
― A Tour Round My Garden
― A Tour Round My Garden

“Don't ignore the love you DO have in your life by focusing on the love you DON'T.”
― The Single Woman–Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass: Embracing Singleness with Confidence
― The Single Woman–Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass: Embracing Singleness with Confidence

“On May 26th, 2003,
Aaron Ralston was hiking,
a boulder fell on his right hand,
he waited four days,
he then amputated
his own arm with a pocketknife.
On New Year’s Eve,
a woman was bungee jumping,
the cord broke,
she fell into a river
and had to swim back to land
in crocodile-infested waters
with a broken collarbone.
Claire Champlin was smashed in the face
by a five-pound watermelon
being propelled by a slingshot.
Mathew Brobst was hit by a javelin.
David Striegl was actually
punched in the mouth by a kangaroo.
The most amazing part of these stories
is when asked about the experience
they all smiled, shrugged and said
“I guess things could’ve been worse.”
So go ahead,
tell me you’re having a bad day.
Tell me about the traffic.
Tell me about your boss.
Tell me about the job you’ve been trying to quit for the past four years.
Tell me the morning is just a townhouse burning to the ground and the snooze button is a fire extinguisher.
Tell me the alarm clock
stole the keys to your smile,
drove it into 7 am
and the crash totaled your happiness.
Tell me.
Tell me how blessed are we to have tragedy
so small it can fit on the tips of our tongues.
When Evan lost his legs he was speechless.
When my cousin was assaulted
she didn’t speak for 48 hours.
When my uncle was murdered,
we had to send out a search party
to find my father’s voice.
Most people have no idea
that tragedy and silence
often have the exact same address.
When your day is a museum of disappointments,
hanging from events that were outside of your control,
when you feel like your guardian angel put in his two weeks notice two months ago
and just decided not to tell you,
when it seems like God
is just a babysitter that’s always on the phone,
when you get punched in the esophagus by a fistful of life.
every year
two million people die of dehydration.
So it doesn’t matter if
the glass is half full or half empty.
There’s water in the cup.
Drink it and stop complaining.
Muscle is created by lifting things
that are designed to weigh us down.
When your shoulders are heavy
stand up straight and call it exercise.
Life is a gym membership
with a really complicated cancellation policy.
you will survive,
things could be worse,
and we are never given
anything we can’t handle.
When the whole world crumbles,
you have to build a new one
out of all the pieces that are still here.
you are still here.
The human heart beats
approximately 4,000 times per hour
and each pulse,
each throb,
each palpitation is a trophy,
engraved with the words
“You are still alive.”
You are still alive.
So act like it.”
― Helium
Aaron Ralston was hiking,
a boulder fell on his right hand,
he waited four days,
he then amputated
his own arm with a pocketknife.
On New Year’s Eve,
a woman was bungee jumping,
the cord broke,
she fell into a river
and had to swim back to land
in crocodile-infested waters
with a broken collarbone.
Claire Champlin was smashed in the face
by a five-pound watermelon
being propelled by a slingshot.
Mathew Brobst was hit by a javelin.
David Striegl was actually
punched in the mouth by a kangaroo.
The most amazing part of these stories
is when asked about the experience
they all smiled, shrugged and said
“I guess things could’ve been worse.”
So go ahead,
tell me you’re having a bad day.
Tell me about the traffic.
Tell me about your boss.
Tell me about the job you’ve been trying to quit for the past four years.
Tell me the morning is just a townhouse burning to the ground and the snooze button is a fire extinguisher.
Tell me the alarm clock
stole the keys to your smile,
drove it into 7 am
and the crash totaled your happiness.
Tell me.
Tell me how blessed are we to have tragedy
so small it can fit on the tips of our tongues.
When Evan lost his legs he was speechless.
When my cousin was assaulted
she didn’t speak for 48 hours.
When my uncle was murdered,
we had to send out a search party
to find my father’s voice.
Most people have no idea
that tragedy and silence
often have the exact same address.
When your day is a museum of disappointments,
hanging from events that were outside of your control,
when you feel like your guardian angel put in his two weeks notice two months ago
and just decided not to tell you,
when it seems like God
is just a babysitter that’s always on the phone,
when you get punched in the esophagus by a fistful of life.
every year
two million people die of dehydration.
So it doesn’t matter if
the glass is half full or half empty.
There’s water in the cup.
Drink it and stop complaining.
Muscle is created by lifting things
that are designed to weigh us down.
When your shoulders are heavy
stand up straight and call it exercise.
Life is a gym membership
with a really complicated cancellation policy.
you will survive,
things could be worse,
and we are never given
anything we can’t handle.
When the whole world crumbles,
you have to build a new one
out of all the pieces that are still here.
you are still here.
The human heart beats
approximately 4,000 times per hour
and each pulse,
each throb,
each palpitation is a trophy,
engraved with the words
“You are still alive.”
You are still alive.
So act like it.”
― Helium

“There is nothing that can happen TO you that can’t also happen FOR you…if you’ll let it.”
― The Single Woman–Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass: Embracing Singleness with Confidence
― The Single Woman–Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass: Embracing Singleness with Confidence

“Something important I have learned is patience, and turning each failure into a learning experience. ..Instead of calling them "failures" I call them "lessons". Instead of saying, "I failed at that," I say, "I learned from that." Each failure has taught me something incredibly valuable and by recognizing this I can see the hand of God in my life in situations where most people would feel abandoned by Him.”
― Successful Failures: Recognizing the Divine Role That Opposition Plays in Life's Quest for Success
― Successful Failures: Recognizing the Divine Role That Opposition Plays in Life's Quest for Success

“De leur meilleur côté tâchons de voir les choses:
Vous vous plaignez de voir les rosiers épineux;
Moi je me réjouis et rends grâces aux dieux
Que les épines aient des roses.”
― A Tour Round My Garden
Vous vous plaignez de voir les rosiers épineux;
Moi je me réjouis et rends grâces aux dieux
Que les épines aient des roses.”
― A Tour Round My Garden

“Some people see the liquid and think half full. Others only see the air and think half empty. Sometimes I get the sense Chatham sees it all, which is kind of terrifying. I don't know if I want him to see me--the real me.”
― The Thing with Feathers
― The Thing with Feathers

“The optimist sees the glass as half full, the pessimist as half empty. What I see is water that can save someone's life.”
― Build Bridges not Walls: In the name of Americana
― Build Bridges not Walls: In the name of Americana

“Some say the glass is half full and blush,
Some say it’s half empty and sink,
I feel you are in the midst of,
reaching out for another awesome drink!”
Some say it’s half empty and sink,
I feel you are in the midst of,
reaching out for another awesome drink!”

“Forget about what you might have lost but instead focus on what you have room to gain.”
― Successful Failures: Recognizing the Divine Role That Opposition Plays in Life's Quest for Success
― Successful Failures: Recognizing the Divine Role That Opposition Plays in Life's Quest for Success

“The moment when a man's head drops off is seldom or never, I am inclined to think, precisely the most agreeable of his life. Nevertheless, like the greater part of our misfortunes, even so serious a contingency brings its remedy and consolation with it, if the sufferer will but make the best, rather than the worst, of the accident which has befallen him.”
― The Scarlet Letter
― The Scarlet Letter

“Discouragers are the folks who regularly see the glass as half-empty, and they do not want anyone else to get one that's half full.”
― Encouragement: How to Be and Find the Best
― Encouragement: How to Be and Find the Best

“Humans often thought the glass was empty when there was still more in there. I guess if you reached deep enough, you could find something even when there seemed to be nothing left.
I always did.”
― The Cat Who Ate His Tail
I always did.”
― The Cat Who Ate His Tail
“They say the glass is half full or half empty, well let me tell you I'm just glad there's a glass at all.”

“And besides, we’re not really all that different. Although I think I’m a little more . . . ”
“Optimistic.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “You’re Eeyore.”
He blinked. “You think I’m Eeyore?”
“You tell me. I take my empty glass and try to fill it up with what happiness I can find. Friends, family, my work . . . And then there’s you.”
He raised a brow. “Me.”
She nudged him again, looking playful and damn sexy while she was at it. It was the short shorts with the boots, he decided. Or everything. It was everything.
“You take that empty glass,” she said, happily analyzing him. “And you wonder what the heck to do with it. You don’t need the glass, you don’t have time for the glass. Hell, you’ll just drink from a spigot if you get thirsty. And in any case, there’s probably another one up the road if that one runs out, so—”
― Animal Magnetism
“Optimistic.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “You’re Eeyore.”
He blinked. “You think I’m Eeyore?”
“You tell me. I take my empty glass and try to fill it up with what happiness I can find. Friends, family, my work . . . And then there’s you.”
He raised a brow. “Me.”
She nudged him again, looking playful and damn sexy while she was at it. It was the short shorts with the boots, he decided. Or everything. It was everything.
“You take that empty glass,” she said, happily analyzing him. “And you wonder what the heck to do with it. You don’t need the glass, you don’t have time for the glass. Hell, you’ll just drink from a spigot if you get thirsty. And in any case, there’s probably another one up the road if that one runs out, so—”
― Animal Magnetism

“Together, we overcome the drought of happiness and goodness, by seeing our glasses half full and helping fill others’ glasses back up with love.”

“Looking at the glass half full seems to help others do the same and help fill their glasses too.”
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