Neurotheology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "neurotheology" Showing 1-30 of 167
Ed Khouri
“Attachment is the central organizing principle of the brain. We’re born with billions of neurons in our developing brain – and connections with other people guide the trillions of connections of interactions between those neurons. Grace-based, joyful attachments with others optimize these connections.”
Ed Khouri, Becoming a Face of Grace: Navigating Lasting Relationship with God and Others

Ed Khouri
“Jesus: “If you should be loving me, you will be keeping my precepts.” (John 14:15, Concordant Literal New Testament.”
Ed Khouri, Becoming a Face of Grace: Navigating Lasting Relationship with God and Others

Abhijit Naskar
“Helper is Herald (The Sonnet)

Every peacemaker is muslim,
Every lover is christian.
Every helper is buddhist,
Every lifter is human.
Every lovenut is sufi,
Every braveheart is latin.
Every collectivist is jew,
Every secularist is advaitin.
All labels are futile,
If there's no substance underneath.
Focus on substance as a whole being,
Leave the labeling to the elite.
The helper is the herald,
the lifter is the light.
In a world with double vision,
selflessness is the only sight.”
Abhijit Naskar, Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love

Abhijit Naskar
“My First Love (The Sonnet)

My first love was not science,
My first love was theology.
Then what got me hooked on science,
Was the spark of electronic circuitry.

Eventually through happy and sad accidents,
Everything fell into its proper place.
Science, theology, and much more
got mixed up, and I ended up pioneering
the empire of humanitarian science.

I am a better scientist because of theology,
I am a better theologian because of science.
Hand in hand they found fulfillment,
When with poetry I built a heartfelt alliance.

I have no gift, it's just that, expansion is my lifeblood.
In a world run by narrowness, the smallest act
of expansion seems like an act of God.”
Abhijit Naskar, Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love

Abhijit Naskar
“I am a better scientist because of theology, I am a better theologian because of science.”
Abhijit Naskar, Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love

Abhijit Naskar
“Fervor of faith is not the problem, bigotry of faith is the problem. Or to put it simply. Religion is not the problem, fundamentalism is the real problem. But we must be aware of what a fundamentalist is. A fundamentalist is not necessarily a person who takes the scripture literally, rather, a fundamentalist is a person who deems their own religion as the only true religion, and all others as heresy. Some fundamentalists do interpret the scripture metaphorically, and still manage to remain a bigot.

After all, you see outside, what is inside. So the point is, if you want to see integration in the world, first you gotta irrigate your heart, not your colon, of all division. Until you understand undivision, you won't understand divinity. No sabes unidad, no sabes divinidad.

Even if you have never heard of Jesus, even if you have never heard of Buddha, even if you have never heard of Moses and Mohammed, even if you have never heard of Nanak and Naskar, you can still be divine. But if you never treat another person with kindness and dignity, you can never be divine.

It's your behavior that makes you religious, not your belief. Besides, even in this day and age, if your belief still keeps raising walls, instead of bringing them down, it's time you seek medical help. Because you see, bigotry is not a legal problem, it is a medical problem, just like alcoholism is a medical problem. Fundamentalism is not a neurodivergence, fundamentalism is a lethal neuropsychiatric condition, which requires immediate medical attention.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“Fundamentalism is not a neurodivergence, fundamentalism is a lethal neuropsychiatric condition, which requires immediate medical attention.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“If you believe, God is the supreme creator of everything, then God is also the one who gave you a brain. Use it. Likewise, if you know that we have evolved from the apes through natural selection, then you should also know about the fascinating mental faculty we developed alongside reason, called empathy. Use it.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“If you believe, God is the supreme creator of everything, then God is also the one who gave you a brain. Use it. Likewise, if you know that we have evolved from the apes through natural selection, then you should also know about the fascinating mental faculty we developed alongside reason, called empathy. Use it.

Some might say, it is cowardly of me to not pick any side with confidence. Well, I am a behaviorist after all. You don't expect me to peddle the same old dualistic ideologies that philosophers and theologians have been peddling for centuries, do you - that too with a complete disregard for the necessities of the everyday mind! I want to induce integration in the world, not conversion.

So I say, if you believe in God, make it a reason for assimilation, not segregation. If you prefer reason, use it for warm ascension, not cold and fancy descension.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“What is Afterlife (The Sonnet)

Read a few books, you live a little.
Help a few beings, you live a lifetime.
Heaven is not a place high above the sky,
Heaven is the moment you're someone's lifeline.
Even I enjoy a good dc and marvel story,
But it mustn't turn you blind to reality.
To live selfish is the animal's purgatory,
To die while living for others is humanity.
Memory is the fabric upon which time is carved.
Where there is no memory, there is no time.
Neurons are the building blocks of mind and memory.
Where there is no neuron, there is no paradise.
There's not one but two paradise, one real, another fiction.
The real one is made of action, the other imagination.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“Take the beliefs of any fundamentalist, and replace all mentions of their particular religion with any other religion, and you won't be able to tell the difference. Why? Because fundamentalism changes only label from one religion to another, but the underlying prejudice, biases and bigotry remain the same. Because underneath every fundamentalism, there is the same old primitive, animal mind trying its darndest to defend the integrity of its personal mental universe.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“Mis palabras son tus palabras. My words are your words. My ideas are your ideas. Do with them as you see fit for your time and age. I leave them in your caring, courageous and conscientious hands, with the hope that, you shall use them as tools to lift the world, and not abuse them as weapons to oppress the people or divide the people.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“My theology is not rooted in God, but in people. My philosophy is not rooted in knowledge, but in people. My science is not rooted in reason, but in people.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“Personal fiction is a psychological necessity of the individual – hence, a right - why can't we simply accept it as such! Why do we have to diss another person for not believing in the same kind of fiction that we believe in! It is time we become an aid to each other's light, not an impediment.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“I get visions of words,
But it ain't nothing supernatural.
It's just a natural expression,
of divergently wired circuits neural.

Much of my literary universe
is born of intense transcendental states.
Had I let it overwhelm my common sense,
I'd've risen a supernatural figurehead.

Instead, I looked for a tangible explanation,
that flatters my curiosity, not ignorance.
Thus, I stumbled upon the neurochemical roots,
from which all normal and paranormal manifest.

Mind is not a gateway to another realm,
Mind is a wondrous universe on its own.
The messages we think we get from the heavens,
Are actually subconscious constructs of our own.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Abhijit Naskar
“Mind is not a gateway to another realm,
Mind is a wondrous universe on its own.
The messages we think we get from the heavens,
Are actually subconscious constructs of our own.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Abhijit Naskar
“I get visions of words,
But it ain't nothing supernatural.
It's just a natural expression,
of divergently wired circuits neural.

Much of my literary universe
is born of intense transcendental states.
Had I let it overwhelm my common sense,
I'd've risen a supernatural figurehead.

Instead, I looked for a tangible explanation,
that flatters my curiosity, not ignorance.
Thus, I stumbled upon the neurochemical roots,
from which all normal and paranormal manifest.

Mind is not a gateway to another realm,
Mind is a wondrous universe on its own.
The messages we think we get from the heavens,
Are actually subconscious constructs of our own.

Be conscious of consciousness,
but more of your subconsciousness.
Your eyes will open up to new vistas,
with wider and more meaningful sapience.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Abhijit Naskar
“I get visions of words,
But it ain't nothing supernatural.
It's just a natural expression,
of divergently wired circuits neural.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Abhijit Naskar
“There is nothing supernatural about visions - or to be more accurate, contrary to traditional belief, it's not messages from some extraterrestrial domain. Visions are indeed messages from a mysterious realm alright, but like the everyday realm of human perception, the transcendental realm as well is creation of brain chemicals. I won't go into details here, as I already did that in my early days. One of my earliest works, Autobiography of God, contains a detailed analytical account of the neurobiology of transcendental experiences. However, the question is not whether there is an explanation, the question is, is it worth explaining! Because, while sometimes the lack of explanation facilitates superstition, some things are better left unexplained - such as, love.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Comic book fans
come in many forms -
Some attend comicon,
Some visit the vatican,
Some visit vrindavan.

Some bury head in the bible,
Some bury head in das kapital.
When pages of books are
prioritized over humanity,
world gets infested with sheeple.

Mind begins in the wake of chains,
Life begins in the wake of sect.
A hundred hajj won't make you holy,
If your heart is ever cold and dead.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Comic book fans
come in many forms -
Some attend comicon,
Some visit the vatican,
Some visit vrindavan.

Some bury head in the bible,
Some bury head in das kapital.
When pages of books are
prioritized over humanity,
world gets infested with sheeple.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Personal fiction is a psychological necessity of the individual – hence, a right - why can't we simply accept it as such!”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Best way apes know to make sure nobody questions their words is to call them divine intervention, rather than human creation. But if you could transcend the primitive instinct of connecting divinity with the supernatural, you would plainly see, human creation is divine creation - human intervention is the most divine it gets. That is why, my creations are divine creation, but that divinity is firmly rooted in my own consciousness - not in some imaginary heaven, but in my own organic and very much mortal human brain.

Quran, Bible, Vedas - it's all human creation, no matter how much their proponents peddle them otherwise. Sure, they have a divine element to them, hence, there is good in them, but that divinity, that goodness, is rooted in humans, not in some anthropomorphic supernatural deity.

Naskarism, Marxism, Buddhism, Sufism, Confucianism, Christianism, Judaism, it's all human construct. As such, none of it is infallible. Yours truly admits that, so did my friend Sid (Buddha), as well as my brother Mevlana (Rumi). And what's wrong with acknowledging the possibility of folly anyway! It is only through folly that fervor unfolds - it is only through mistakes that the mind expands.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

Abhijit Naskar
“Best way apes know to make sure nobody questions their words is to call them divine intervention, rather than human creation. But if you could transcend the primitive instinct of connecting divinity with the supernatural, you would plainly see, human creation is divine creation - human intervention is the most divine it gets. That is why, my creations are divine creation, but that divinity is firmly rooted in my own consciousness - not in some imaginary heaven, but in my own organic and very much mortal human brain.

Quran, Bible, Vedas - it's all human creation, no matter how much their proponents peddle them otherwise. Sure, they have a divine element to them, hence, there is good in them, but that divinity, that goodness, is rooted in humans, not in some anthropomorphic supernatural deity.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

Abhijit Naskar
“Best way apes know to make sure nobody questions their words is to call them divine intervention, rather than human creation. But if you could transcend the primitive instinct of connecting divinity with the supernatural, you would plainly see, human creation is divine creation - human intervention is the most divine it gets. That is why, my creations are divine creation, but that divinity is firmly rooted in my own consciousness - not in some imaginary heaven, but in my own organic and very much mortal human brain.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

Abhijit Naskar
“God is Schrodinger's cat,
one moment it's there, the next it's not -
all depends on the state of mind -
God is the oldest fear-bending construct.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Humanitarian Dictator

Abhijit Naskar
“Those who don't understand religion, quote verses upon verses from scripture. Those who've attained true holiness, barely ever mention doctrine whatsoever.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Humanitarian Dictator

Abhijit Naskar
“Neurons are the birthplace of God,
Neurons produce all ghosts and goblins.
Life is a concoction of neurochemistry,
Boon and bane are both our own making.”
Abhijit Naskar, Neurosonnets: The Naskar Art of Neuroscience

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