Effectiveness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "effectiveness" Showing 1-30 of 409
Henry David Thoreau
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”
Henry David Thoreau, Walden, or Life in the Woods

Dorothy Day
“Don't worry about being effective. Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth.”
Dorothy Day

Criss Jami
“If you have to say or do something controversial, aim so that people will hate that they love it and not love that they hate it.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Stephen R. Covey
“To maintain the P/PC Balance, the balance between the golden egg (production) and the health and welfare of the goose (production capability) is often a difficult judgment call. But I suggest it is the very essence of effectiveness.”
Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Effective board governance hinges on fostering a culture of ethics and
integrity throughout the organization.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Effective board governance hinges on adapting strategic direction
based on changing market conditions and emerging opportunities.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

Jacques Ellul
“Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity.”
Jacques Ellul

Bessel van der Kolk
“Because drugs have become so profitable, major medical journals rarely publish studies on nondrug treatments of mental health problems.31 Practitioners who explore treatments are typically marginalized as “alternative.” Studies of nondrug treatments are rarely funded unless they involve so-called manualized protocols, where patients and therapists go through narrowly prescribed sequences that allow little fine-tuning to individual patients’ needs. Mainstream medicine is firmly committed to a better life through chemistry, and the fact that we can actually change our own physiology and inner equilibrium by means other than drugs is rarely considered.”
Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“If the company is going to thrive financially, then the board must inquire about the effectiveness of financial controls and risk management practices.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

Henry Mintzberg
“Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition”
Henry Mintzberg

Maria V. Snyder
“Move back,” the man on the left ordered Valek. “Or I’ll skewer your friend.”

Valek considered the threat. “Do you plan to wound, maim or kill him?” he asked the guard.

“Threats should be specific in order to have the maximum impact.”

The man just stared at him.

“Skewer is just too vague. I think if you say, ’Stand back or I’ll stab him in the stomach,’ then I have an idea about how serious you are. After all, Leif’s stomach is his favorite body part so that’s a decent threat.”
Maria V. Snyder , Ice Study

Larry Correia
“I'm not in the redemption business”
Larry Correia, Monster Hunter International

Toba Beta
“Do what you want that works.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

“Our work activities are perhaps most interesting when the element of competition is present.”
Ralph Alfred Habas, The Art of Self-Control

“To be productive, effective and to live a life of understanding and wisdom is not to waste time”
Sunday Adelaja

“To bring relevance to people, you have to be able to speak their language effectively”
Sunday Adelaja

“You can only be fulfilled and accomplished in life when you effectively maximize yourself”
Sunday Adelaja

“The fundamental challenge of ancient man was to be wise. The fundamental challenge of medieval man was to be holy. The fundamental challenge of modern man was to be effective. The fundamental challenge of contemporary man is not to be ridiculous.”
Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

“Time utilization and effectiveness is a major marker for success”
Sunday Adelaja

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“With effective communication, we have the ability to take the vision from living on wall posters and slide decks to living in the hearts and minds of the company's people where it can actually be brought to life materially.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.

“Time should be assessed as seconds, minutes and hours so as to be maximized effectively”
Sunday Adelaja

“To work for God effectively, you have to expand and stretch yourself”
Sunday Adelaja

“You have to discover how best you can manage your time to carry out your work effectively”
Sunday Adelaja

Jeanette Lynes
“Lavender's thoughts returned to the poetry, and Robert reading it, canting, rich-toned, about hands, kisses.
It shall be you.
Having no smelling salts nearby, Lavender moved matters to a more pragmatic realm. "I must warm the tea," she told Robert. For the pot had sat, untouched, for some time, and had surely cooled.
(In the kitchen, she loosened her collar, to alleviate her overheated state, to avoid becoming a sweaty brook.)”
Jeanette Lynes, The Apothecary's Garden

Steven Magee
“Combining vitamin C with other supplements improves its effectiveness.”
Steven Magee, Long COVID Supplements

Toba Beta
“Kecerdasan adalah kemampuan menjawab pertanyaan.
Kebijaksanaan adalah kemampuan mengungkap pertanyaan yang tepat.”
Toba Beta

“You cannot be a high performer and totally escape harsh criticism of men. If you dare let them stop you, they will yet show no mercy tearing you to shreds.”
Oluwasola Omole

Abdellatif Raji
“Ethics and effectiveness are not adversaries but allies. Ethically crafted policies consider long-term societal impacts, fostering sustainable solutions that address core issues. Aligning with Maqasid ensures policies not only achieve their goals but also nurture the common good.”
Abdellatif Raji, Heaven Is Under the Feet of Governments: Steering Nations With Maqasid

“The ultimate goal of this book is to share what I consider to be life-saving and life-changing lessons that I was fortunate enough to learn as a key participant in many of recent history’s most impactful events. The single most important lesson I learned, and the plain but powerful foundation that supports the entire book, is that the most effective weapon on any battlefield—whether it be combat, business, or life—is our mind’s ability to recognize life’s underlying patterns.

Patterns of thinking, patterns of nature, and patterns of history are just a few of the infinite examples of life’s underlying patterns that inform the behavior of the complex world that swirls around us. Patterns reveal how the real world works. When recognized, they allow us to understand, adapt, and master the future as it unfolds in front of us.”
Pete Blaber, The Mission, the Men, and Me: Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander

“Renewal generally refers to extending the life, validity, or effectiveness of something beyond its original term.”
Nkahloleng Eric Mohlala

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