Controversial Quotes

Quotes tagged as "controversial" Showing 1-30 of 38
Criss Jami
“To be truly positive in the eyes of some, you have to risk appearing negative in the eyes of others.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“If you have to say or do something controversial, aim so that people will hate that they love it and not love that they hate it.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Jimmy Tudeski
“It's not blind people who are blind - It's those racist arseholes who see a colour with their eyes wide open, then have a fucking problem with it”
Jimmy Tudeski, Comedian Gone Wrong 2

Erik Satie
“I came into the world very young, in an age that was very old.”
Erik Satie

Anton Sammut
“You religious men who boast so much that you live on charity including what the poor manage to scrape together out of their meagre income - how can you justify your actions? How can your moral conscience be clear when you acknowledge that in no way do you contribute to the society that is maintaining you, day after day? In your self complacent conceit, you denigrate and harshly condemn, those who, with their sweat and hard work, provide you with a life fit for a king. What is the reason you spend your lives living comfortably in some ashram or isolated monastery when life only makes sense if it is experienced with your fellow brothers and sisters by showing compassion to them? It is easy and simple enough to spend your lives meditating in the Himalayas being irritated by nothing and no one if not the occasional goat, rather than placing yourselves in the midst of your fellow men and living an ordinary life of toil as they do. Do not delude yourselves, because what you refer to as a state of internal peace represents nothing but the personal satisfaction of the conscious ego that is admiring and adoring itself..”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel of Jesus, AD 0-78

Criss Jami
“Everyone claims to be okay with freedom of religion, but the moment you mention God there is a strange tension that fills the air. If there was a 6th sense, that would be it.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

“Soon, she is dreaming:  I am reading a letter addressed to me by an unknown hand:  Dear Kate.  The moon rises over the tips of the mountain peaks as we sit here in the darkness thinking of you – and remembering.  Remembering the smells of flowers long ago dried and withered away, their faint fragrances hanging in the misty air.  Remembering whispers of times gone by.  As we have done in the past, we dig deep, looking for clues to your whereabouts.  Eyes peek out at us from within the stillness of the night – eyes filled with longing and desire – curious orbs floating like lanterns in the misty void.  Looking up from the letter still within her dream, Kate finds herself face to face with two golden beacons of love-filled radiance.”
Kathy Martone, Victorian Songlight: The Birthings of Magic & Mystery

C.D.  Hulen
“Truth does not depend upon you to believe it.”
C.D. Hulen, Abort

Siobhan     Davis
He's a mass of contradictions. Unfortunately, that only seems to enhance his appeal. I’m one sick bitch, that’s for sure.
Siobhan Davis, Finding Kyler

Osamu Dazai
“...I was cursed by the unhappy peculiarity that the more I feared people the more I was liked, and the more I was liked the more I feared them - a process which eventually compelled me to run away from everybody.”
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human

“Kate’s eyes grow dim as the past envelops her, pulling her into the silent black void of the desolate mother and her winged emissaries.  Rustling their feathers, the ever-vigilant ravens sink their claws into the deepest recesses of her mind as they seek control of her consciousness.”
Kathy Martone, Victorian Songlight: The Birthings of Magic & Mystery

Martha N. Beck
“...they needed someone to explain, to spin, the parts of the tale that couldn't be suppressed. Someone reputable and educated. Someone brilliant yet absolutely committed to the faith. Someone like my father.”
Martha Beck

Osamu Dazai
“Society won't stand for it.
It's not society, You're the one who won't stand for it - right?
If you do such a thing society will make you suffer for it.
It's not society. It's you, isn't it?
Before you know it, you'll be ostracized by society.
It's not society. You're going to do the ostracizing, aren't you?”
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human

H.G. Wells
“If my phrases shock the reader, that only shows it is high time he or she was shocked.”
H.G. Wells, You Can't Be Too Careful

Luke Rhinehart
“If our methods are so bad,' asked Dr Weinburger harshly, 'then why do any of our patients improve at all?'
'Because we've encouraged them to play new roles,' Dr Rhinehart answered promptly. 'Primarily the role of "being honest", but also the roles of feeling guilty, having sinned, being oppressed, discovering insights, being sexually liberated and so on. Of course, the patient and therapist are under the illusion that they are getting at true desires, when in fact they are only releasing and developing new and different selves.”
Luke Rhinehart, The Dice Man

“Sometimes a controversial statement can be used to determine where the loyalty of the subject lies.”

Erica Bauermeister
Erica Bauermeister, No Two Persons

Aaron Burr
“To the union of all honest men.”
Aaron Burr

Abhishek Ratna
“Many a time, we let go of some really good ideas just because we feel they are too controversial.”
Abhishek Ratna, No Parking. No Halt. Success Non Stop!

Osamu Dazai
“...I was cured by the unhappy peculiarity that the more I feared people the more I was liked, and the more I was liked the more I feared them - a process which eventually compelled me to run away from everybody.”
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human

“English teachers want to see essays written down in black and white , following the rules of grammar and spelling which directly conflicts with the freedom inherent in the act of thinking”
Peter Jenny, The Artist's Eye: (Learning to See)

Yuval Noah Harari
“Its principal tenet is that economic growth is the supreme good, or at least a proxy for the supreme good, because justice, freedom and even happiness all depend on economic growth.”
Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Michelle Stimpson
“Nobody wants to take a stand on one side or the other. Too much gray. Too much making excuses for their personal reasons and individual ways of thinking."
"What's wrong with, like, finding out the whole story, asking people for the whole context? What's the rush to categorize things as right or wrong, good or bad? For what? So we'll have an excuse to judge them quicker? Conserve our compassion for someone who deserves it more?”
Michelle Stimpson, Sisters with a Side of Greens

Charlotte Munro
“I can’t believe it.’ I whispered.
‘You can’t let him lure you back in, Felicia. He’s wrong. He’s wrong!’ Vanian pleaded, I could feel the quiver of his magic, the wisps that were fighting against the iron burning into his wrists, I could feel the crackle as it fought in the air, against his emotions, against his pain. I shook my head, was about to speak but Adam grabbed him by the front of his shirt; as if a few more tears and shreds couldn’t go amiss. The tightness of his grip paled the Faerie’s cheeks, caused the blood to trickle down faster, dropping to the floor.
‘My wife.’ He yelled, ‘She’s my wife, silverblood.’ With each growl of a syllable he accented it with a punch to Vanian’s face.
I couldn’t take much more. I jumped over and pulled at Adam’s shoulders, fingertips driving into the nook of his collarbone, pressing down with as much as I had in me, anything to break his hold. He recoiled and rose his hand to me, at first I flinched but I stopped. He wouldn’t hurt me. He wouldn’t.”
Charlotte Munro, Requiem City: The Butcher

Jessica Tom
“We're so exposed," Elliott said, as people tapped at the window, oohing at our neighbors' dishes. "This place is good, right?"
"Yeah," I said. "It's supposed to be awesome. Though the menu is pretty controversial."
"Controversial, huh? Well, I'll leave it up to you to navigate the terrain."
"Come on, really? Order with me. Please?"
"No, no, don't worry about it," he said. "Go crazy!"
"Okay..." I said. "What about... gizzard porridge?" That was actually on the menu.
"Sounds fabulous."
I giggled. "Or what about the pork with three sweetbread jellies?"
"Only three? I like at least a half dozen."
I held the menu up like an inspector with her clipboard.
"What about the strawberry ramen with peanut broth?" I challenged.
"Ah, the sweet nectar of my youth."
I spread out my elbows. "Okay, Mr. Chambers. I see your palate is quite sophisticated. Which means you simply must have the poached toothfish with nitro-chocolate ribbons."
"Darling, it would be heresy to not."
Elliott and I burst out laughing and a couple sitting next to us gave us dirty looks, which only made us laugh more. This was beginning to feel like old times.
"All right, for real," I said, rubbing his hand from across the table. "What do you want?"
"You decide, T. I trust you."
I gave in and decided on three of the most talked-about dishes: buttermilk Parmesan flan with maple broth, pork and snail dumplings with effervescent chive oil, and beef meatballs with deep-fried cilantro chips.”
Jessica Tom, Food Whore

“An element of human invention transforms the natural into the cultural, rendering a higher life form an invention, an effect of the operation of biopower.”
Neil Gerlach, Becoming Biosubjects: Bodies. Systems. Technology.

Michael Lopp
“Meetings are power struggles between those who want something and those who don’t want to give it to them. If you’re walking into a meeting and you need something, your first job is to identify this person. This person is the reason the meeting is happening, and if you don’t know who they are, you’re missing essential subtext. It’s actually pretty easy. Just wait for someone to say something controversial and see who everyone looks at.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Stewart Stafford
“John Lennon once claimed that his band, The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Lennon’s life paralleled Christ’s - both came from nothing, became figureheads of worldwide cults and changed the world. They also had premature, painful and undeserved deaths at the hands of others who envied and craved their abilities, influence and popularity. In the late Sixties, Lennon even seemed to adopt a Christ-like image with his long hair, beard and the various robes he started wearing, perhaps as a sly visual parody of his previous remarks.”
Stewart Stafford

“Our commitment to unbiased access to information defines Bronva's core. We don't bow to censorship pressures; instead, we present search results as they are, even if they're controversial. It's about empowering users with unfiltered knowledge, fostering a truly open digital space.”
James William Steven Parker

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