
DEVE priorities first half 10th legislature agreed by Coordinators on 21 October 2024

6 strategic priorities in the area of development:

  • Priority 1: Financing for development, including ODA, leveraging private sector, aid efficiency, debt relief and management, with specific attention to fragile states and LDCs
  • Priority 2: Global Gateway: strategic orientation, scrutiny and oversight
  • Priority 3: EU- Africa Partnership;
  • Priority 4: Human Development and engagement with/support to CSOs and local actors
  • Priority 5: SDGs and PCD
  • Priority 6: Migration and development

4 strategic priorities in the area of humanitarian aid:

  • Priority 1: Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus
  • Priority 2: Future of humanitarian aid and funding in light of the increasing number and duration of crises
  • Priority 3: Foreign interference in the delivery of humanitarian aid worldwide
  • Priority 4: Respect for International Humanitarian Law