How task decomposition and smaller LLMs can make AI more affordable

“Agentic workflows” that use multiple, fine-tuned smaller LLMs — rather than one large one — can improve efficiency.

The expanding use of generative-AI applications has increased the demand for accurate, cost-effective large language models (LLMs). LLMs’ costs vary significantly based on their size, typically measured by the number of parameters: switching to the next smaller size often results in a 70%–90% cost savings. However, simply using smaller, lighter-weight LLMs is not always a viable option due to their diminished capabilities compared to state-of-the-art "frontier LLMs."

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While reduction in parameter size usually diminishes performance, evidence suggests that smaller LLMs, when specialized to perform tasks like question-answering or text summarization, can match the performance of larger, unmodified frontier LLMs on those same tasks. This opens the possibility of balancing cost and performance by breaking complex tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. Such task decomposition enables the use of cost-effective, smaller, more-specialized task- or domain-adapted LLMs while providing control, increasing troubleshooting capability, and potentially reducing hallucinations.

However, this approach comes with trade-offs: while it can lead to significant cost savings, it also increases system complexity, potentially offsetting some of the initial benefits. This blog post explores the balance between cost, performance, and system complexity in task decomposition for LLMs.

As an example, we'll consider the case of using task decomposition to generate a personalized website, demonstrating potential cost savings and performance gains. However, we'll also highlight the potential pitfalls of overengineering, where excessive decomposition can lead to diminishing returns or even undermine the intended benefits.

I. Task decomposition

Ideally, a task would be decomposed into subtasks that are independent of each other. That allows for the creation of targeted prompts and contexts for each subtask, which makes troubleshooting easier by isolating failures to specific subtasks, rather than requiring analysis of a single, large, black-box process.

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Sometimes, however, decomposition into independent subtasks isn’t possible. In those cases, prompt engineering or information retrieval may be necessary to ensure coherence between subtasks. However, overengineering should be avoided, as it can unnecessarily complicate workflows. It also runs the risk of sacrificing the novelty and contextual richness that LLMs can provide by capturing hidden relationships within the complete context of the original task.

But we’ll address these points later. First, let us provide an example where the task of personalized website generation is decomposed into an agentic workflow. The agents in an agentic workflow might be functional agents, which perform specific tasks (e.g., database query), or persona-based agents that mimic human roles in an organization (e.g., UX designer). In this post, I'll focus on the persona-based approach.

A simple example: Creating a personalized website

In our scenario, a business wants to create a website builder that generates tailored web experiences for individual visitors, without human supervision. Generative AI's creativity and ability to work under uncertainty make it suitable for this task. However, it is crucial to control the workflow, ensuring adherence to company policies, best practices, and design guidelines and managing cost and performance.

Generated web pages.png
Examples of web pages produced with generative AI.

This example is based on an agentic-workflow solution we published on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Machine Learning Blog. For that solution, we divided the overall process into subtasks of a type ordinarily assigned to human agents, such as the personalizer (UX/UI designer/product manager), artist (visual-art creator), and website builder (front-end developer).

LLM decomposition.png
Generating a personalized website using a single large LLM (top) versus decomposing the task using smaller LLMs (bottom).

The personalizer agent aims to provide tailored experiences for website visitors by considering both their profiles and the company's policies, offerings, and design approaches. This is an average-sized text-to-text LLM with some reasoning skills. The agent also incorporates retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to leverage vetted "company research".

Here’s a sample prompt for the personalizer:

You are an AI UI/UX designer tasked with creating a visually appealing website. Keep in mind the industry pain points [specify relevant pain points — RAG retrieved] to ensure a tailored experience for your customer [provide customer profile — JSON to natural language]. In your response, provide two sections: a website description for front-end developers and visual elements for the artists to follow. You should follow the design guidelines [include relevant design guidelines].

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The artist agent's role is to reflect the visual-elements description in a well-defined image, whether it's a background image or an icon. Text-to-image prompts are more straightforward, starting with "Create an [extracted from personalizer response]."

The final agent is the front-end developer, whose sole responsibility is to create the front-end website artifacts. Here, you can include your design systems, code snippets, or other relevant information. In our simple case, we used this prompt:

You are an experienced front-end web developer tasked with creating an accessible, [specify the website's purpose] website while adhering to the specified guidelines [include relevant guidelines]. Carefully read the 'Website Description' [response from personalizer] provided by the UI/UX designer AI and generate the required HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to build the described website. Ensure that [include specific requirements].

Here, you can continue the approach with a quality assurance (QA) agent or perform a final pass to see if there are discrepancies.

II. The big trade-off and the trap of overengineering

Task decomposition typically introduces additional components (new LLMs, orchestrators), increasing complexity and adding overhead. While smaller LLMs may offer faster performance, the increased complexity can lead to higher latency. Thus, task decomposition should be evaluated within the broader context.

Let's represent the task complexity as O(n), where n is the task size. With a single LLM, complexity grows linearly with task size. On the other hand, in parallel task decomposition with k subtasks and k smaller language models, the initial decomposition has a constant complexity — O(1). Each of the k language models processes its assigned subtask independently, with a complexity of O(n/k), assuming an even distribution.

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After processing, the results from the k language models need coordination and integration. This step's complexity is O(km), where fully pairwise coordination gives m = 2, but in reality, 1 < m ≤ 2.

Therefore, the overall complexity of using multiple language models with task decomposition can be expressed as

Ok-LLMs = O(1) + k (O(n/k)) + O(km) O(n) + O(km)

While the single-language-model approach has a complexity of O(n), the multiple-language-model approach introduces an additional term, O(km), due to coordination and integration overhead, with 1 < m ≤ 2.

For small k values and pairwise connectivity, the O(km) overhead is negligible compared to O(n), indicating the potential benefit of the multiple-language-model approach. However, as k and m grow, the O(km) overhead becomes significant, potentially diminishing the gains of task decomposition. The optimal approach depends on the task, the available resources, and the trade-off between performance gains and coordination overhead. Improving technologies will reduce m, lowering the complexity of using multiple LLMs.

A mental model for cost and complexity

A helpful mental model for deciding whether to use task decomposition is to consider the estimated total cost of ownership (TCO) of your application. As your user base grows, infrastructure cost becomes dominant, and optimization methods like task decomposition can reduce TCO, despite the upfront engineering and science costs. For smaller applications, a simpler approach, such as selecting a large model, may be more appropriate and cost effective.

Mental model.png
A mental model to help decide the question of complexity versus simplicity.

Overengineering versus novelty and simplicity

Task decomposition and the creation of agentic workflows with smaller LLMs can come at the cost of the novelty and creativity that larger, more powerful models often display. By “manually” breaking tasks into subtasks and relying on specialized models, the overall system may fail to capture the serendipitous connections and novel insights that can emerge from a more holistic approach. Additionally, the process of crafting intricate prompts to fit specific subtasks can result in overly complex and convoluted prompts, which may contribute to reduced accuracy and increased hallucinations.

Task decomposition using multiple, smaller, fine-tuned LLMs offers a promising approach to improving cost efficiency for complex AI applications, potentially providing substantial infrastructure cost savings compared to using a single, large, frontier model. However, care must be taken to avoid overengineering, as excessive decomposition can increase complexity and coordination overhead to the point of diminishing returns. Striking the right balance between cost, performance, simplicity, and retaining AI creativity will be key to unlocking the full potential of this promising approach.

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Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses. Amazon's advertising portfolio helps merchants, retail vendors, and brand owners succeed via native advertising, which grows incremental sales of their products sold through Amazon. The primary goals are to help shoppers discover new products they love, be the most efficient way for advertisers to meet their business objectives, and build a sustainable business that continuously innovates on behalf of customers. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations every day! The Creative X org within the Amazon Advertising team and aims to democratize access to high-quality creative assets, including copy, images and video, by building and productizing generative AI-driven tools for advertisers. We are investing in latent-diffusion and DiT models, LLMs, computer vision, reinforcement learning, and image + video synthesis. The solutions we develop will be deployed for use by self-service advertisers and agencies, as well as available to premium brands that advertise on Amazon. We are seeking an experienced science leader who is adept at a variety of skills; especially in generative AI, computer vision, and large language models that will accelerate our plans to generate high-quality creatives on behalf of advertisers. The right candidate will be an inventor at heart, provide science leadership, establish the right direction and vision, build team mechanisms, foster the spirit of collaboration and innovation within the org, and execute against a roadmap. The leader will provide both technical direction as well as manage a sizable team of scientists. They will need to be adept at recruiting, launching AI models into production, writing vision/direction documents, and building team mechanisms that will foster innovation and execution. Key job responsibilities This role is focused on leading a science team focused on computer vision, latent diffusion models, and the related foundational models to product generative imagery and videos. Responsibilities include: * Drive end-to-end applied science projects that have a high degree of ambiguity, scale, complexity * Provide technical / science leadership related to computer vision, large language models, and generative image + video. * Research new and innovative machine learning approaches. * Recruit high performing Applied Scientists to the team and provide mentorship. * Establish team mechanisms, including team building, planning, and document reviews. Basic qualifications * 10+ years of building AI models for business application. * 4+ years of experience as a science leader or staff/principle level scientist. * PhD, or Master's degree and 4+ years of CS, CE, ML or related field experience. Preferred qualifications * Advanced degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, or related quantitative field. * Published research work in academic conferences or industry circles. * Experience in building large-scale machine-learning models and infra for online recommendation, ads ranking, personalization, or search, etc. * Effective verbal and written communication skills with non-technical and technical audiences. * Experience working with large real-world data sets and building scalable models from big data. * Thinks strategically, but stays on top of tactical execution. * Exhibits excellent business judgment; balances business, product, and technology very well. * Experience in computational advertising.
US, NY, New York
Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses. Amazon's advertising portfolio helps merchants, retail vendors, and brand owners succeed via native advertising, which grows incremental sales of their products sold through Amazon. The primary goals are to help shoppers discover new products they love, be the most efficient way for advertisers to meet their business objectives, and build a sustainable business that continuously innovates on behalf of customers. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations every day! The ADSP Forecasting team's vision is to build the best in class forecasting products offered by any DSP to allow advertisers to forecast campaign outcomes across the full market funnel. Our goal is to empower advertisers using Amazon demand side platform to make informed decisions by providing predictions and recommendations of supply and ad-performance. Our forecasting models and analytical solutions will also help internal teams (sales, PSC, supply desk etc) to gain insights into forecasted supply, demand and ad performance to make the best business decisions. The team comprises scientists and engineers who own end-to-end projects - data collection, analysis, ideation, and prototyping, to development, metrics and monitoring. The models and services are integrated directly with Amazon's Ads eco system and the forecasts are used to drive key business decisions at the VP/SVP level. We are a team of Applied Scientists and Engineers, who are passionate about solving technical problems in the Ad Forecasting space with models using Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, etc. You will join a group of highly talented PhDs with diverse background to design, prototype, and implement models to deliver impact directly to customers. You will have the opportunity to present your work in science communities and to leadership As a Applied Scientist on this team, you will: - Be the technical leader in Machine Learning; lead efforts within this team and across other teams. - Perform hands-on analysis and modeling of enormous data sets to develop insights that increase traffic monetization and merchandise sales, without compromising the shopper experience. - Drive end-to-end Machine Learning projects that have a high degree of ambiguity, scale, complexity. - Build machine learning models, perform proof-of-concept, experiment, optimize, and deploy your models into production; work closely with software engineers to assist in productionizing your ML models. - Run A/B experiments, gather data, and perform statistical analysis. - Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for large-scale data analysis, machine-learning model development, model validation and serving. - Research new and innovative machine learning approaches. Why you will love this opportunity: Amazon is investing heavily in building a world-class advertising business. This team defines and delivers a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our solutions generate billions in revenue and drive long-term growth for Amazon’s Retail and Marketplace businesses. We deliver billions of ad impressions, millions of clicks daily, and break fresh ground to create world-class products. We are a highly motivated, collaborative, and fun-loving team with an entrepreneurial spirit - with a broad mandate to experiment and innovate. Impact and Career Growth: You will invent new experiences and influence customer-facing shopping experiences to help suppliers grow their retail business and the auction dynamics that leverage native advertising; this is your opportunity to work within the fastest-growing businesses across all of Amazon! Define a long-term science vision for our advertising business, driven from our customers' needs, translating that direction into specific plans for research and applied scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. This role combines science leadership, organizational ability, technical strength, product focus, and business understanding. Team video
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Conversational AI ModEling and Learning (CAMEL) team is part of Amazon Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) organization where our mission is to create a best-in-class Conversational AI that is intuitive, intelligent, and responsive, by developing superior Large Language Models (LLM) solutions and services which increase the capabilities built into the model and which enable utilizing thousands of APIs and external knowledge sources to provide the best experience for each request across millions of customers and endpoints. We are looking for a passionate, talented, and resourceful Applied Scientist in the field of LLM, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Recommender Systems and/or Information Retrieval, to invent and build scalable solutions for a state-of-the-art context-aware conversational AI. A successful candidate will have strong machine learning background and a desire to push the envelope in one or more of the above areas. The ideal candidate would also have hands-on experiences in building Generative AI solutions with LLMs, enjoy operating in dynamic environments, be self-motivated to take on challenging problems to deliver big customer impact, moving fast to ship solutions and then iterating on user feedback and interactions. Key job responsibilities As an Applied Scientist, you will leverage your technical expertise and experience to collaborate with other talented applied scientists and engineers to research and develop novel algorithms and modeling techniques to reduce friction and enable natural and contextual conversations. You will analyze, understand and improve user experiences by leveraging Amazon’s heterogeneous data sources and large-scale computing resources to accelerate advances in artificial intelligence. You will work on core LLM technologies, including Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), In-Context Learning (ICL), Learning from Human Feedback (LHF), etc. Your work will directly impact our customers in the form of novel products and services .
US, NY, New York
Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses, responsible for defining and delivering a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations every day! Advertiser Growth Engine (AGE) team owns and builds services and applications across Amazon World-Wide Advertising that make advertising across multi-marketplaces as easy as flipping on a switch. We are focused on: (1) expanding Amazon Ads advertiser base, and (2) eliminating localization, operational, and marketplace knowledge gap barrier for Advertisers who advertise across multiple marketplaces. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth globally. As an Applied Scientist on this team, you will: - Work on end-to-end Machine Learning projects within the AdTech domain. - Perform hands-on analysis and modeling of enormous data sets to develop insights that increase traffic monetization and merchandise sales, without compromising the shopper experience. - Build machine learning models, perform proof-of-concept, experiment, optimize, and deploy your models into production; work closely with software engineers to assist in productionizing your ML models. - Run A/B experiments, gather data, and perform statistical analysis. - Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for large-scale data analysis, machine-learning model development, model validation and serving. - Research new and innovative machine learning approaches. - Recruit Applied Scientists to the team and provide mentorship. Why you will love this opportunity: Amazon is investing heavily in building a world-class advertising business. This team defines and delivers a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our solutions generate billions in revenue and drive long-term growth for Amazon’s Retail and Marketplace businesses. We deliver billions of ad impressions, millions of clicks daily, and break fresh ground to create world-class products. We are a highly motivated, collaborative, and fun-loving team with an entrepreneurial spirit - with a broad mandate to experiment and innovate. Impact and Career Growth: You will invent new experiences and influence customer-facing shopping experiences to help suppliers grow their retail business and the auction dynamics that leverage native advertising; this is your opportunity to work within the fastest-growing businesses across all of Amazon! Define a long-term science vision for our advertising business, driven from our customers' needs, translating that direction into specific plans for research and applied scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. This role combines science leadership, organizational ability, technical strength, product focus, and business understanding. Team video
US, NY, New York
Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses. Amazon's advertising portfolio helps merchants, retail vendors, and brand owners succeed via native advertising, which grows incremental sales of their products sold through Amazon. The primary goals are to help shoppers discover new products they love, be the most efficient way for advertisers to meet their business objectives, and build a sustainable business that continuously innovates on behalf of customers. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations every day! The ADSP Forecasting team's vision is to build the best in class forecasting products offered by any DSP to allow advertisers to forecast campaign outcomes across the full market funnel. Our goal is to empower advertisers using Amazon demand side platform to make informed decisions by providing predictions and recommendations of supply and ad-performance. Our forecasting models and analytical solutions will also help internal teams (sales, PSC, supply desk etc) to gain insights into forecasted supply, demand and ad performance to make the best business decisions. The team comprises scientists and engineers who own end-to-end projects - data collection, analysis, ideation, and prototyping, to development, metrics and monitoring. The models and services are integrated directly with Amazon's Ads eco system and the forecasts are used to drive key business decisions at the VP/SVP level. We are a team of Applied Scientists and Engineers, who are passionate about solving technical problems in the Ad Forecasting space with models using Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, etc. You will join a group of highly talented PhDs with diverse background to design, prototype, and implement models to deliver impact directly to customers. You will have the opportunity to present your work in science communities and to leadership As a Applied Scientist on this team, you will: - Be the technical leader in Machine Learning; lead efforts within this team and across other teams. - Perform hands-on analysis and modeling of enormous data sets to develop insights that increase traffic monetization and merchandise sales, without compromising the shopper experience. - Drive end-to-end Machine Learning projects that have a high degree of ambiguity, scale, complexity. - Build machine learning models, perform proof-of-concept, experiment, optimize, and deploy your models into production; work closely with software engineers to assist in productionizing your ML models. - Run A/B experiments, gather data, and perform statistical analysis. - Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for large-scale data analysis, machine-learning model development, model validation and serving. - Research new and innovative machine learning approaches. Why you will love this opportunity: Amazon is investing heavily in building a world-class advertising business. This team defines and delivers a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our solutions generate billions in revenue and drive long-term growth for Amazon’s Retail and Marketplace businesses. We deliver billions of ad impressions, millions of clicks daily, and break fresh ground to create world-class products. We are a highly motivated, collaborative, and fun-loving team with an entrepreneurial spirit - with a broad mandate to experiment and innovate. Impact and Career Growth: You will invent new experiences and influence customer-facing shopping experiences to help suppliers grow their retail business and the auction dynamics that leverage native advertising; this is your opportunity to work within the fastest-growing businesses across all of Amazon! Define a long-term science vision for our advertising business, driven from our customers' needs, translating that direction into specific plans for research and applied scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. This role combines science leadership, organizational ability, technical strength, product focus, and business understanding. Team video
US, NY, New York
Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses, responsible for defining and delivering a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our products are strategically important to our businesses driving long term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks every day and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations! Amazon Demand Side Platform (ADSP) within Amazon Ads uses advanced algorithms and trusted data to automatically place relevant ads that drive sales for advertisers while creating a positive user experience. It is the middleman between advertisers and impression exchanges trading ad impressions via real time bidding. The goal of the algorithms is to optimally manage an advertiser‘s marketing budget. The ADSP Systems & Control Tiger (S&C) team within ADSP provides an expertise in algorithms, software, and data; and is charged to make system improvements near and far for the benefit of Amazon Demand Side Platform (ADSP). The majority of improvements are state-of-the-art and all improvements are based on sound system engineering principles. Solutions are implemented in collaboration with partner teams, by partner teams under the guidance of the S&C team, or by the S&C tiger team alone. Improvements involve feedback control algorithms, machine learning, statistical inference, and software development. The work is high-impact and deals with the most challenging scientific problems within ad tech. Key job responsibilities You will play an important role in advancing ADSP by developing new or improving old capabilities of the ADSP bidding engine. The solutions you develop will require careful attention to mathematics, data science, simulations, experimentation, and hypothesis testing. You will leverage the latest advances in feedback control engineering, machine learning, online optimization, nonlinear dynamics, bidding, and statistical inference, to name a few. You will develop mathematical models based on empirical data and first principles; and you will design, analyze, and test feedback and prediction algorithms to improve the bidding on impressions. As a well-rounded scientist, you will be involved in all steps necessary to develop optimization capabilities. This includes some amount of interaction with customers, a lot of science work, and a modest amount of software development. You hold an MS or PhD degree in feedback control, signal processing, operations research, or related fields; and you have a strong working knowledge in at least Python or Matlab, but ideally a solid knowledge with Object Oriented programming in Java. It’s a plus if you have experience in Database query languages such as SQL, Spark or PySpark. Most importantly, you are able to and have a strong interest in expanding your knowledge far beyond your current domain. You must be a team player and must feel comfortable to work with different teams as a cross functional contributor, in different systems developed by different teams. As an Applied Scientist III, you will * Be a technical leader in feedback control, machine learning, optimization, auction theory, and statistical inference within this team and across other teams * Develop, analyze, and implement feedback control and prediction algorithms, and machine learning models, and in collaboration with partner teams deploy algorithms/models into production. * Develop, design, and run A/B experiments, gather data, and perform statistical analysis. * Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for monitoring and feedback. * Work closely with software engineers to assist in productionizing your work. * Research new feedback control, machine learning, and optimization algorithms for improved system performance and robustness. * Recruit Applied Scientists and Data Scientists to the team and mentor scientists on the team. About the team Why you will love this opportunity: Amazon is investing heavily in building a world-class advertising business. This team defines and delivers a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our solutions generate billions in revenue and drive long-term growth for Amazon’s Retail and Marketplace businesses. We deliver billions of ad impressions, millions of clicks daily, and break fresh ground to create world-class products. We are a highly motivated, collaborative, and fun-loving team with an entrepreneurial spirit - with a broad mandate to experiment and innovate. Impact and Career Growth: You will invent new experiences and influence customer-facing shopping experiences to help suppliers grow their retail business and the auction dynamics that leverage native advertising; this is your opportunity to work within the fastest-growing businesses across all of Amazon! Define a long-term science vision for our advertising business, driven from our customers' needs, translating that direction into specific plans for research and applied scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. This role combines science leadership, organizational ability, technical strength, product focus, and business understanding. Team video
US, WA, Seattle
We are seeking an entrepreneurial, innovative and self-driven Senior Data Scientist to join our team. Your mission will be to leverage science, technology, and data analysis to help advertisers and hundreds of thousands of independent sellers grow their business on WW Amazon marketplaces by understanding how brand ads are working for them and coming up with scaled recommendations. You can change the life of local business owners while taking ownership to solve scientific challenges from analyzing millions of global advertising campaigns and generating brand insights and recommendations for all our advertisers. The Sponsored Brands Advertiser Control team is a versatile environment, with a wide variety of challenges. We guide advertisers to make informed decisions by recommendations, sharing insights, and forecasts. We help advertisers deliver effective campaigns automatically by optimizing campaign settings on behalf of them. We enable advertisers to achieve brand advertising goals with maximum efficiency. We have the opportunity to deliver social impact, own technical problems, thought diversity, and business impact. Why you will love this opportunity: Amazon is investing heavily in building a world-class advertising business. This team defines and delivers a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our solutions generate billions in revenue and drive long-term growth for Amazon’s Retail and Marketplace businesses. We deliver billions of ad impressions, millions of clicks daily, and break fresh ground to create world-class products. We are a highly motivated, collaborative, and fun-loving team with an entrepreneurial spirit - with a broad mandate to experiment and innovate. Impact and Career Growth: You will invent new experiences and influence customer-facing shopping experiences to help suppliers grow their retail business and the auction dynamics that leverage native advertising; this is your opportunity to work within the fastest-growing businesses across all of Amazon! Define a long-term science vision for our advertising business, driven from our customers' needs, translating that direction into specific plans for scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. This role combines science leadership, organizational ability, technical strength, product focus, and business understanding. Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses, responsible for defining and delivering a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations every day! As a Senior Data Scientist on this team you will: - Lead Data Science solutions from beginning to end. - Deliver with independence on challenging large-scale problems with ambiguity and complexity. - Influence multiple teams and able to work closely with business teams, build consensus, and advise business leaders. - Write code (Python, R, Scala, SQL, etc.) to obtain, manipulate, analyze data, and build dashboards. - Build Statistical and Machine Learning models to solve specific business problems. - Retrieve, synthesize, and present critical data in a format that is immediately useful to answering specific questions or improving system performance. - Analyze historical data to identify trends and support optimal decision making. - Apply statistical and machine learning knowledge to specific business problems and data. - Formalize assumptions about how our systems should work, create statistical definitions of outliers, and develop methods to systematically identify outliers. Work out why such examples are outliers and define if any actions needed. - Given anecdotes about anomalies or generate automatic scripts to define anomalies, deep dive to explain why they happen, and identify fixes. - Build decision-making models and propose effective solutions for the business problems you define. - Conduct written and verbal presentations to share insights to audiences of varying levels of technical sophistication. Team video
US, CA, San Francisco
The AWS Center for Quantum Computing is a multi-disciplinary team of scientists, engineers, and technicians, all working to innovate in quantum computing for the benefit of our customers. We are looking to hire a Research Scientist to design and model novel superconducting quantum devices, including qubits, readout and control schemes, and advanced quantum processors. Candidates with a track record of original scientific contributions and/or software development experience will be preferred. We are looking for candidates with strong engineering principles and resourcefulness. Organization and communication skills are essential. About the team AWS Utility Computing (UC) provides product innovations — from foundational services such as Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), to consistently released new product innovations that continue to set AWS’s services and features apart in the industry. As a member of the UC organization, you’ll support the development and management of Compute, Database, Storage, Internet of Things (Iot), Platform, and Productivity Apps services in AWS, including support for customers who require specialized security solutions for their cloud services. Diverse Experiences AWS values diverse experiences. Even if you do not meet all of the qualifications and skills listed in the job description, we encourage candidates to apply. If your career is just starting, hasn’t followed a traditional path, or includes alternative experiences, don’t let it stop you from applying. Why AWS? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. We pioneered cloud computing and never stopped innovating — that’s why customers from the most successful startups to Global 500 companies trust our robust suite of products and services to power their businesses. Inclusive Team Culture Here at AWS, it’s in our nature to learn and be curious. Our employee-led affinity groups foster a culture of inclusion that empower us to be proud of our differences. Ongoing events and learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences, inspire us to never stop embracing our uniqueness. Mentorship & Career Growth We’re continuously raising our performance bar as we strive to become Earth’s Best Employer. That’s why you’ll find endless knowledge-sharing, mentorship and other career-advancing resources here to help you develop into a better-rounded professional. Work/Life Balance We value work-life harmony. Achieving success at work should never come at the expense of sacrifices at home, which is why we strive for flexibility as part of our working culture. When we feel supported in the workplace and at home, there’s nothing we can’t achieve in the cloud.