Vintage B3 Global controls in Logic Pro for iPad

Global parameters
Pitchbend Up/Down knobs and fields: Independently set the upward/downward pitch bend sensitivity in semitone steps. The maximum sensitivity for upward bends is one octave. The Hammond B3 has no pitch bend facilities. Therefore, use of pitch bend is not suitable for realistic organ simulations, but it does provide a number of creative options.
Note: If you drag the Pitchbend Down slider to the far right, the tonewheels gradually slow down until they totally stop—when your keyboard pitch bend control is at the minimum position. This setting re-creates an effect heard at the end of “Knife Edge” by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. Keith Emerson’s virtuoso Hammond work was recorded on a reel-to-reel tape recorder that was gently slowed to a total stop.
Volume knob and field: Set the overall output level. The Volume knob must be lowered whenever crackling or other digital distortion occurs. Volume levels over 0 dB can occur if you maximize the levels of all registers, play numerous notes, and make use of the Distortion effect.
Expression knob and field: Set the sensitivity for a connected expression pedal (on a MIDI keyboard with an Expression or assignable controller input). Extensive, often rhythmic, use of the expression (volume) pedal forms part of the style of many organ players. The expression control also emulates the tonal changes of the B3 pre-amplifier, where bass and treble frequencies are not attenuated as much as the mid frequencies. Your master keyboard should transmit MIDI control change #11 when the pedal is moved. Vintage B3 defaults to the use of CC #11 for Expression.
MIDI Mode pop-up menu: Choose a supported MIDI controller device. Choose Off if you do not own a supported device and don’t want to use a special assignment mode. See Set a Vintage B3 MIDI control mode.
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