Delay Designer Tap Edit controls in Logic Pro for iPad
The Tap Edit controls let you edit all parameters of the selected tap.

Tap select parameters
Tap by Name/Time pop-up menus and fields: Choose the selected tap by name or number. The display of the corresponding fields are updated, along with other parameter values for the selected tap.
Tap Edit parameters
Tap Mute buttons: Tap the Active button to enable the selected tap, or tap the Muted button to disable the selected tap.
Tap Time knob and field: Set the time position of the selected tap.
Tap Level slider and field: Set the output level for the selected tap.
Pan Amount knob and field: Set pan position for mono signals or stereo balance for stereo signals.
Pan displays a percentage between -100% (full left) and +100% (full right), which represents the pan position or balance of the tap. A value of 0% represents the center panorama position.
Pan Flip Left/Right button: Swap the left and right side of the stereo image, reversing the tap position from left to right, or vice versa. For example, if a tap is set to 55% left, tapping the Pan Flip Left/Right button swaps it to 55% right.
Pan Spread slider and field: Set the width of the stereo spread for the selected tap (in stereo-to-stereo instances).
Filter On/Off button: Turn the highpass and lowpass filters on or off for the selected tap.
Filter Slope pop-up menu: Determine the steepness of the highpass and lowpass filter slope. Choose 6dB for a gentler filter slope, or 12dB for a steeper, more pronounced filtering effect.
Note: You cannot set the slope of the highpass and lowpass filters independently.
HP/LP Freq sliders and fields: Independently set the cutoff frequencies (in Hz) for the highpass and lowpass filters.
Filter Resonance knob and field: Set the amount of filter resonance for both filters.
Pitch On/Off button: Turn pitch transposition on or off for the selected tap.
Pitch Transpose knob and field: Drag to transpose pitch by semitones for the selected tap.
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