Intro to Flex Time in Logic Pro for iPad
Flex Time simplifies the process of editing the timing of notes, beats, and other events in audio regions. You can compress or expand the time between specified events in an audio region without the need for trimming, moving, nudging, or crossfading.
When you choose a Flex Time algorithm, the contents of the audio track are analyzed for transients, or significant peaks, and any detected transients are marked in the audio regions. Editing the timing of notes and beats in audio regions relies on those markers.
Note: Flex Time is also integrated into the Smart Tempo feature. To learn more about Smart Tempo and how it interacts with Flex Time, see Intro to Smart Tempo.
Importing Logic Pro projects with Flex Time and Flex Pitch
You can import Logic Pro for Mac projects that contain Flex Time and Flex Pitch edits. Logic Pro for iPad will play back those edits, but you can’t edit the flex markers. However, in the Track inspector, you can choose different Flex Time parameters that might improve the sonic results.
Turn on flex in the Track inspector
Select an audio track.
Tap the Inspector button
, then choose Track in the Level pop-up menu on top.
Tap the General disclosure arrow to show the General parameters.
Tap the Flex switch to turn on flex for the track.
Depending on the chosen algorithm, up to four flex-related parameters appear in the Track inspector that let you optimize the results.
For audio regions to adjust to the project tempo or use any time quantization, you have to turn on flex for their track. Apple Loops, however, can follow the project tempo without flex being turned on.
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