Channel EQ in Logic Pro for iPad
Channel EQ is a versatile multiband EQ. It provides eight color-coded frequency bands, including lowpass and highpass filters, low and high shelving filters, and four flexible parametric bands. It also features a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Analyzer that shows real time changes to the frequency curve, allowing you to see which parts of the frequency spectrum may need adjustment. See Channel EQ parameters.
You can use Channel EQ to shape the sound of individual tracks or audio files or for tone-shaping on an overall project mix. The Analyzer and graphic controls make it easy to view and change the audio signal in real time.
Tip: The parameters of Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ are identical, enabling you to freely copy settings between them. If you replace a Channel EQ with a Linear Phase EQ (or vice versa) in the same effect slot, the current settings are automatically transferred to the new EQ.
To add Channel EQ to your project, choose Equalizers > Channel EQ in a channel strip Audio Effect plug-in menu or the Plug-ins area. See Intro to plug-ins. Also see Add, replace, reorder, and remove plug-ins in the Plug-ins area and Work with plug-ins in the Mixer.

Use the Channel EQ graphic display
The graphic display shows the current curve of each EQ band. The scale is shown in decibels. The color of each band matches the corresponding button above the display. Each band (and corresponding Frequency, Gain, and Q field) is highlighted when selected.
Tap a curve line segment, the (center frequency) control point, or anywhere in the space between the zero line and EQ curve to adjust a band.
Tap the control point to select a band for editing. Once a band is selected, no other band control point that falls within the active (highlighted) area of the selected band can be selected.
Tap the graphic display background (outside a highlighted band) to deselect the selected band.
Drag anywhere in a selected band to adjust both gain and the center frequency.
Drag the vertical lines that encompass the selected band to adjust the Q (bandwidth) only.
Drag the horizontal line in the selected band to adjust the gain only. If Q-Coupling is enabled, both the gain and bandwidth are adjusted.
Drag the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines in the selected band to adjust the gain and Q simultaneously.
Drag vertically in the Frequency field of the selected band to adjust the frequency only.
Drag vertically in the Gain field of the selected band (2 to 6) to adjust the gain only.
Drag vertically in the Order field of bands 1 or 8 to adjust the filter slope only.
Drag vertically in the Q field to set the bandwidth of the selected band.
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