Nice game!
It looks really nice and its fun, but the music is spounds off with the action. Overall I like it! GJ!
Indeed, a Spanish company has violated the net neutrality law and blocked a lot of ips.
The reason…. to stop ppl pirating a football game… wait.. rlly?
Service has gone back to normal but wth
The aesthetics are on point, music is also very nice, all the mechanics work fine, but I feel it needs some balancing, at least make the start a bit more easy to start understanding what’s going on. Also the screen shake could cause motion sickness.
overall You made something really impressive with the time given and I appreciate the narrative intro. Good job. If you give it more time I can see this turn into an actual product.
OMG THE MUSIC, IM OBSESSED. Pretty nice to have so much language options, its always nice to play on your native language, tho sometimes the text difference overflows and some parts become illegible.
The story was nice, and visually its really pleasant. I enjoyed a lot. Congrats for the hard work!
Really nice game overall, a pity you couldn’t finish it on time