I believe I've finished the game (I got the 'final note').
I got a few questions (spoilers bellow for anyone reading this!!)
I understand the basic phenomena of a thunderclap making someone die, and being forgotten about. The next person who remembers them ends up dead.
What is the cause? Or is it just a big mystery? Clearly it has nothing to do with the Galley house if Katherine died in her own home. The note-writer even finds it funny they blame it on ghosts. WELL WHAT DO WE BLAME IT ON!!
What was Annie trying to accomplish? Was she trying to end herself before the curse could? It seems the note taker is happy she tried it, so we don't have to try it ourselves. So I guess he's saying she tried the solution of killing the next cursed person but it didn't work out.
Does Dvorak's Humoresque relate to the mystery at all or is it just a fun song you included?
The final note lists almost everyone's names...except for John's. Oversight or does he survive?
Finally, from what I understand, after the Galley incident the same thing happens at...whatever company we're working for. The final death is the agent whose memos we're reading. From what I understand, the people who can't learn their names (such as Alan) are probably close to them. So if they remembered them, they would die. This is probably why the agent is glad to die, since he's so removed. Did I get it right?
Lastly...what's the hangman answer.