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adv0catus edited this page Jun 30, 2018 · 22 revisions


This module contains most of the commands, mainly those people that would like to have in every server belongs here.

Command and Syntax Description Usage
>avatar [@user] Displays your avatar or the mentioned user's avatar. >avatar, >avatar @xRappy
>calc <expression> Calc command helps you calculate a certain mathematical expression >calc (6+2)*3
>donate Donate command will provide you with donation info >donate
>guildinfo Displays guild info. >guildinfo
>giveaway <name of item> [arguments] Host a giveaway using the following arguments:
-amount:(Integer>0): the amount of winners will be gotten.
-unique:(True/False): whether the winners can not be the same.
-time:(Time): the time it will take until the giveaway expires.
>giveaway a honda civic -amount:10 -unique:true -time:4h24m
>help Help command gives you list of modules along with its respective commands that you have permission to use. >help
>info Info command shows info about the bot, mainly just the software used and a small credits. >info
>invite Miki will PM you a bot invitation link. >invite
>prefix, miki.prefix Displays command prefix for the server. >prefix, miki.prefix
>ping Ping command shows your ping to the bot/server. >ping
>urban <phrase> Searches the phrase on Urban Dictionary >urban fam
>whois [@user] Displays user stats such as when he/she joined the server >whois, whois @Veld
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