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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 3, 2024. It is now read-only.
Mike edited this page Jul 1, 2020 · 17 revisions

This guide is out of date, move to for more up to date information!

Admin Commands

Command and Syntax Description Usage
>ban <@user> [reason] Bans someone from the server. >ban @xRappy
>clean Removes all messages in the last 100 messages from Miki. >clean
>kick <@user> [reason] Kicks someone from the server. >kick @xRappy
>prune Removes all messages in the last 100 messages >prune
>prune <amount> Removes all messages in the last X messages. >prune 15
>prune <amount> <@user> Removes all messages in the last X messages from a certain user. >prune 15 @Rappy
>softban <@user> [reason] Bans the user and unbans the user immediately after. >softban @IA

Command/Module Management

Command and Syntax Description Usage
>setevent <event> 1 or 0 Sets the state of an event for the channel. Can also be used to set the state of a command for the channel >setevent achievements 0 >setevent ping 0
>setcommand <command> 1 or 0 An alias of >setevent. >setcommand achievements 0 >setcommand ping 0
>setmodule <module> 1 or 0 Sets the state of a module for the channel. >setmodule accounts 0

You can add -g at the end of the command to apply the state of an event/command/module for the entire server
For example, type >setevent ping 0 -g to disable >ping for the entire server.

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