Use the mailing list.
on freenode. -
A tutorial is available here.
Sublime Text: Pony Language
Atom: language-pony
Visual Studio: VS-pony.
Vim: pending.
Emacs: ponylang-mode
Mac OSX using Homebrew
$ brew install http://www.ponylang.org/releases/ponyc.rb
$ ponyc --version
A pull request for the ponyc formula to be part of homebrew-core is pending.
: Recommended. Should work on most modernx86_64
: For platforms with AVX2 support.ponyc-numa
: A numa-aware version ofponyc-avx2
First, import the public key of ponylang.org:
$ wget -O - http://www.ponylang.org/releases/buildbot@lists.ponylang.org.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
Add the ponylang.org repository to apt-get:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://ponylang.org/releases/apt ponyc main"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://ponylang.org/releases/apt ponyc-avx2 main"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://ponylang.org/releases/apt ponyc-numa main"
Note that add-apt-repository
may require to install python-software-properties
or software-properties-common
Then, update your repository cache:
$ sudo apt-get update
Install ponyc
, ponyc-avx2
or ponyc-numa
$ sudo apt-get install <package name>
$ ponyc --version
First, add the ponylang.org repository:
$ sudo zypper ar -f http://www.ponylang.org/releases/yum/ponyc.repo
Install ponyc
, ponyc-avx2
or ponyc-numa
$ sudo zypper install <package-name>
$ ponyc --version
First, add the ponylang.org repository:
$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo=http://www.ponylang.org/releases/yum/ponyc.repo
Install ponyc
, ponyc-avx2
or ponyc-numa
$ sudo yum install <package-name>
$ ponyc --version
64-Bit installers for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 will be available soon.
All installers can also be downloaded from ponylang.org's servers:
First, install LLVM 3.6 using your package manager. You may need to install zlib and ncurses as well.
This will build ponyc and compile helloworld:
$ make config=release
$ ./build/release/ponyc examples/helloworld
To build a NUMA-aware runtime, install libnuma-dev using your package manager and build as follows:
$ make use=numa config=release
First, install homebrew if you haven't already. Then, brew llvm36, like this:
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew install llvm36
This will build ponyc and compile helloworld:
$ make config=release
$ ./build/release/ponyc examples/helloworld
The LLVM 3.7 (not 3.6!) prebuilt binaries for Windows do NOT include the LLVM development tools and libraries. Instead, you will have to build and install LLVM 3.7 from source. You will need to make sure that the path to LLVM/bin (location of llvm-config) is in your PATH variable.
You will also need to build and install premake5 (not premake4) from source. We need premake5 in order to support current versions of Visual Studio.
You may also need to install zlib and ncurses.
$ premake5 vs2013
$ Release build with Visual Studio (ponyc.sln)
$ ./build/release/ponyc examples/helloworld