This is the GitHub organization home page for the Representing and Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects (RMDLO) project from the Bretl Research Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The project studies robotic manipulation, grasp planning, tactile sensing, segmentation, simulation, and tracking of wires and ropes.
Our growing hardware stack comprises software for controlling two ABB IRB120 6DOF robotic manipulators, the Rethink Robotics Sawyer 7DOF manipulator, the OnRobot 2FG7 gripper, the Intel RealSense d435 camera, the ZED Mini camera, and the DIGIT tactile sensor. For any project-related inquiries or requests, please contact Holly Dinkel [].
Hameed Abdul-Rashid, Timothy Bretl, Brian Coltin, Holly Dinkel, Achintya Gahalaut, Naixiang (Gabe) Gao, Zikun (Tony) Liu, Raghavendra (Raghav) Navaratna, Florian Pokorny, Bhumsitt Pramuanpornsatid, Yash Rathod, Fuad Samhouri, Trey Smith, Jingyi Xiang, Muhammad Zahid, Harry Zhao
H. Dinkel, R. Navaratna, J. Xiang, B. Coltin, T. Smith, and T. Bretl (2024) "KnotDLO: Toward Interpretable Knot Tying", ICRA Workshop on 3D Visual Representations for Robot Manipulation. [Paper] [Poster] [Video]
J. Xiang, H. Dinkel, H. Zhao, N. Gao, B. Coltin, T. Smith, and T. Bretl (2023) "TrackDLO: Tracking Deformable Linear Objects Under Occlusion with Motion Coherence", IEEE Robotics and Automation: Letters. [Paper] [Code] [Poster] [Video]
J. Xiang and H. Dinkel (2023) "Simultaneous Shape Tracking of Multiple Deformable Linear Objects with Global-Local Topology Preservation", ICRA Workshop on Deformable Objects. [Paper] [Code] [Poster] [Video]
H. Dinkel, J. Xiang, H. Zhao, B. Coltin, T. Smith, and T. Bretl (2022) "Wire Point Cloud Instance Segmentation from RGBD Imagery with Mask R-CNN", ICRA Workshop on Deformable Objects. [Paper] [Code] [Video] [Supplementary Video]
This work is supported through NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity award 80NSSC21K1292, U.S. Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National award P200A180050-19, a P.E.O. International Scholar Award, a Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship, an Illinois Space Grant Consortium Graduate Research Fellowship, the Illinois Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, the UIUC Promoting Undergraduate Research in Engineering program, the UIUC Office of Undergraduate Research, the UIUC Department of Aerospace Engineering, the UIUC Coordinated Science Laboratory, the UIUC Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the UIUC Siebel School of Computing and Data Science.