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Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 40
Volume 40, Number 1, February 2024
- Jingru Yan:
On the Turán Number of $K_m \vee C_{2k-1}$. 1 - Jagdeep Singh
Cographs and 1-Sums. 2 - Ye Wang, Yusheng Li, Yan Li
Turán Numbers of Several Bipartite Graphs. 3 - András Sebö:
Tashkinov-Trees: An Annotated Proof. 4 - Wenying Xi, Wensong Lin
The Maximum 4-Vertex-Path Packing of a Cubic Graph Covers At Least Two-Thirds of Its Vertices. 5 - Shuyu Shen, Jingjun Bao
Some New Constructions of Difference Systems of Sets. 6 - Weichan Liu, Guiying Yan:
Weak-Dynamic Coloring of Graphs Beyond-Planarity. 7 - Peter Frankl, Jian Wang:
Four-vertex traces of finite sets. 8 - Mohammed A. Mutar
, Vaidy Sivaraman, Daniel C. Slilaty:
Signed Ramsey Numbers. 9 - Danila D. Cherkashin, Alexey Gordeev
, Georgii Strukov:
Erdős-Hajnal Problem for H-Free Hypergraphs. 10 - Alaittin Kirtisoglu
, Lale Özkahya:
Coloring of Graphs Avoiding Bicolored Paths of a Fixed Length. 11 - Kanoy Kumar Das
Equality of Ordinary and Symbolic Powers of Some Classes of Monomial Ideals. 12 - Junling Zhou
, Na Zhang:
A Construction of Optimal 1-Spontaneous Emission Error Designs. 13 - Christina Graves, Lindsey-Kay Lauderdale:
Fixing Numbers of Graphs with Symmetric and Generalized Quaternion Symmetry Groups. 14 - Zhiwei Guo, Christoph Brause, Maximilian Geißer, Ingo Schiermeyer
Compatible Spanning Circuits and Forbidden Induced Subgraphs. 15 - Mansoor Davoodi, Ashkan Safari
Path Planning in a Weighted Planar Subdivision Under the Manhattan Metric. 16 - Jose Luis Álvarez-Rebollar
, Jorge Cravioto-Lagos, Nestaly Marín
, Oriol Andreu Solé-Pi, Jorge Urrutia
Crossing and intersecting families of geometric graphs on point sets. 17 - Peter Dankelmann
, Jane Morgan, Emily Rivett-Carnac:
The Oriented Diameter of Graphs with Given Connected Domination Number and Distance Domination Number. 18 - Thomas Mattman
A Novel Count of the Spanning Trees of a Cube. 19 - Sarah Allred
, Emelie Curl
, Shaun M. Fallat
, Shahla Nasserasr
, Houston Schuerger
, Ralihe R. Villagrán
, Prateek K. Vishwakarma
The Strong Spectral Property of Graphs: Graph Operations and Barbell Partitions. 20 - Santiago Guzmán-Pro
, Winfried Hochstättler:
Lattice Path Bicircular Matroids. 21 - Richard A. Brualdi, Geir Dahl
Multipermutations and Stirling Multipermutations. 22
Volume 40, Number 2, April 2024
- Julien Bensmail, Hervé Hocquard, Pierre-Marie Marcille:
On Inducing Degenerate Sums Through 2-Labellings. 23 - Fawwaz Fakhrurrozi Hadiputra, Valentino Vito
Infinite Ramsey-Minimal Graphs for Star Forests. 24 - Rachid Saad:
Parallel Connectivity in Edge-Colored Complete Graphs: Complexity Results. 25 - Rong Chen, Kaiyang Lan, Xinheng Lin, Yidong Zhou:
Borodin-Kostochka Conjecture Holds for Odd-Hole-Free Graphs. 26 - Caroline Accurso, Vitaliy Chernyshov, Leaha Hand, Sogol Jahanbekam
, Paul S. Wenger:
Weak Dynamic Coloring of Planar Graphs. 27 - Yongxin Lan, Yongtang Shi, Zi-Xia Song:
Planar Turán Numbers of Cubic Graphs and Disjoint Union of Cycles. 28 - Vadim V. Lozin:
Ramsey Numbers and Graph Parameters. 29 - Ben Cameron
, Chính T. Hoàng:
Infinite Families of k-Vertex-Critical (P5, C5)-Free Graphs. 30 - Jeremy Chizewer
On Restricted Intersections and the Sunflower Problem. 31 - Wenqian Zhang
The Spectral Radius, Maximum Average Degree and Cycles of Consecutive Lengths of Graphs. 32 - Tung Nguyen, Alex Scott
, Paul D. Seymour:
A Note on the Gyárfás-Sumner Conjecture. 33 - Amine El Sahili, Maidoun Mortada, Sara Nasser
The Existence of a Path with Two Blocks in Digraphs. 34 - Dean Crnkovic, Andrea Svob
Self-Orthogonal Codes from Deza Graphs, Normally Regular Digraphs and Deza Digraphs. 35 - Pál Bärnkopf, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy
, Zoltán Paulovics:
A Note on Internal Partitions: The 5-Regular Case and Beyond. 36 - Dániel Gerbner:
On Non-degenerate Berge-Turán Problems. 37 - Gang Zhang, Baoyindureng Wu
Cycle Isolation of Graphs with Small Girth. 38 - Koji Momihara, Sho Suda:
Strongly Regular Graphs from Pseudocyclic Association Schemes. 39 - Jing Tian, Sandi Klavzar
, Elif Tan:
Extremal Edge General Position Sets in Some Graphs. 40 - Bryan Freyberg, Alison Marr
Neighborhood Balanced Colorings of Graphs. 41 - Yindi Weng:
Some Results on the Rainbow Vertex-Disconnection Colorings of Graphs. 42
Volume 40, Number 3, May 2024
- Xiaoxia Wu, Fuliang Lu, Lianzhu Zhang:
Removable Edges in Claw-Free Bricks. 43 - Bin Zhao, Peng Li, Jixiang Meng, Yuepeng Zhang:
Using Euler's Formula to Find the Lower Bound of the Page Number. 44 - Paul Balister
, Ali Dogan
Path Saturation Game on Six Vertices. 45 - Michael Savery
Planar Graphs with the Maximum Number of Induced 4-Cycles or 5-Cycles. 46 - Silvia B. Tondato:
Walk Domination and HHD-Free Graphs. 47 - Raphael Steck
, Arthur Ulmer:
On the Edge-Erdős-Pósa Property of Ladders. 48 - Abderrahim Boussaïri, Brahim Chergui, Pierre Ille
, Mohamed Zaidi:
The primality graph of critical 3-hypergraphs. 49 - Sudip Bera:
A Matrix for Counting Paths in Acyclic Colored Digraphs. 50 - Aida Abiad, Maarten De Boeck
, Sjanne Zeijlemaker
On the Existence of Small Strictly Neumaier Graphs. 51 - Yisai Xue, Yichong Liu, Liying Kang
Stability of Generalized Turán Number for Linear Forests. 52 - Fernando Esteban Contreras-Mendoza, César Hernández-Cruz
Minimal Obstructions for Polarity, Monopolarity, Unipolarity and (s, 1)-Polarity in Generalizations of Cographs. 53 - Yaping Mao
Gallai-Ramsey Multiplicity. 54 - Zuwen Luo
, Kexiang Xu
Computing the Number and Average Size of Connected Sets in Planar 3-Trees. 55 - Jing Huang
, Ying Ying Ye:
Semi-strict Chordality of Digraphs. 56 - Balázs Patkós, Zsolt Tuza, Máté Vizer:
Extremal Graph Theoretic Questions for q-Ary Vectors. 57 - Dillon Mayhew
, Andrew Probert:
Reduced Clique Graphs: A Correction to "Chordal Graphs and Their Clique Graphs". 58 - Masaaki Harada, Keita Ishizuka
, Hadi Kharaghani:
Ternary Extremal Four-Negacirculant Self-Dual Codes. 59 - Allen Herman
, Roghayeh Maleki:
Parameters of Quotient-Polynomial Graphs. 60 - Yang Guo
Closed-Form Solution of Conic in Point-Line Enumerative Problem of Conic. 61 - Yunjing Shan, Junling Zhou
Almost Intersecting Families for Vector Spaces. 62 - Juan Yan, Ya-Hong Chen:
Weak External Bisections of Regular Graphs. 63 - Anna Gujgiczer, Gábor Simonyi
Critical Subgraphs of Schrijver Graphs for the Fractional Chromatic Number. 64
Volume 40, Number 4, August 2024
- Ziqing Li, Yan Yang
Bounds for DP Color Function and Canonical Labelings. 65 - Nalinpat Ponoi, Pongdate Montagantirud
Normalized Hodge Laplacian Matrix and Application to Random Walk on Simplicial Complexes. 66 - Ian Gossett
An Alon-Tarsi Style Theorem for Additive Colorings. 67 - Caibing Chang, Yan Liu
Uniquely Restricted Matching Extendable Graphs. 68 - Jagannath Bhanja, Sayan Goswami
A Note on Distinct Differences in t-Intersecting Families. 69 - Nathan Nicholson
The Generalized Terwilliger Algebra of the Hypercube. 70 - Dermot McCarthy
, Mason Springfield:
Transitive Subtournaments of k-th Power Paley Digraphs and Improved Lower Bounds for Ramsey Numbers. 71 - Vadim E. Levit
, David Tankus:
Recognizing $\mathbf {W_2}$ Graphs. 72 - Jie Chen, Cai-Xia Wang, Yi-Ping Liang, Shou-Jun Xu
A Characterization of Graphs with Semitotal Domination Number One-Third Their Order. 73 - Houmem Belkhechine
, Cherifa Ben Salha
, Rim Romdhane
Irreducible Pairings and Indecomposable Tournaments. 74 - Elliot Krop
, Aryan Mittal, Michael C. Wigal:
The Cordiality Game and the Game Cordiality Number. 75 - Yue Ma, Xinmin Hou
, Jun Gao:
A Dirac-Type Theorem for Uniform Hypergraphs. 76 - Jian-Bo Lv, Jiacong Fu, Jianxi Li:
Injective Chromatic Index of K4-Minor Free Graphs. 77 - Ben Cameron, Aaron Grubb
, Joe Sawada:
Pivot Gray Codes for the Spanning Trees of a Graph ft. the Fan. 78 - Gunnar Fløystad
Partitions of Vertices and Facets in Trees and Stacked Simplicial Complexes. 79 - Anwita Bhowmik
, Rupam Barman
Cliques of Orders Three and Four in the Paley-Type Graphs. 80 - Lingli Wan, Xiaoqin Gao, Frank Z. K. Li, Jane Y. X. Yang
The Eulerian Distribution on the Fixed-Point Free Involutions of the Hyperoctahedral Group Under the Natural Order. 81 - Yukihiro Murakami
The Burning Number Conjecture is True for Trees without Degree-2 Vertices. 82 - Yanan Hu, Xingzhi Zhan, Leilei Zhang
Graphs with Many Independent Vertex Cuts. 83 - Minjia Shi, Ruowen Liu, Patrick Solé:
Some Two-Weight Codes Over Chain Rings and their Strongly Regular Graphs. 84 - Bo Zhang, Baoyindureng Wu
Graphs G Where G-N[v] is a Tree for Each Vertex v. 85 - Makoto Tagami, Ryota Hori:
Correction to: Harmonic Index t-Designs in the Hamming Scheme for Arbitrary q. 86 - Yasmeen Akhtar
, Soumen Maity:
Covering Array on the Cartesian Product of Hypergraphs. 87 - Ian Seong
Using a Grassmann Graph to Recover the Underlying Projective Geometry. 88 - Gábor Bacsó, Balázs Patkós
, Zsolt Tuza, Máté Vizer:
The Robust Chromatic Number of Graphs. 89 - Jiangtao Peng
, Yue Sun:
On the Sequence with Fewer Subsequence Sums in Finite Abelian Groups. 90 - Xueliang Li, Yuan Si
Gallai-Ramsey Multiplicity for Rainbow Small Trees. 91
Volume 40, Number 5, October 2024
- Leyou Xu, Bo Zhou
Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of Hypergraphs. 92 - Raffaella Mulas
Maximal Colourings for Graphs. 93 - Caixia Huang, Yuejian Peng, Yiran Zhang:
Ramsey Numbers of Multiple Copies of Graphs in a Component. 94 - Shude Long
, Junliang Cai:
Independence Number and Maximal Chromatic Polynomials of Connected Graphs. 95 - Dongdong Zhang, Juan Liu, Yongjie Li, Hehua Yang:
The Vertex Arboricity of 1-Planar Graphs. 96 - Mikhail Futorny, Sergey Kitaev
, Artem V. Pyatkin:
New Tools to Study 1-11-Representation of Graphs. 97 - Zuosong Liang
On the Complexity of Local-Equitable Coloring in Claw-Free Graphs with Small Degree. 98 - Ervin Györi, Alan Li, Runtian Zhou
The Planar Turán Number of K4,C5 and K4,C6. 99 - Gyula Y. Katona
, Humara Khan:
An Efficient Algorithm to Compute the Toughness in Graphs with Bounded Treewidth. 100 - Andrea C. Burgess, Robert D. Luther
, David A. Pike:
Existential Closure in Line Graphs. 101 - Fábio Botler, Andrea Jiménez
, Maycon Sambinelli, Yoshiko Wakabayashi:
On the Structure of a Smallest Counterexample and a New Class Verifying the 2-Decomposition Conjecture. 102 - Shuang Li, Dehai Liu
, Deping Song, Tian Yao
The Maximum Sum of Sizes of Non-Empty Cross t-Intersecting Families. 103
Volume 40, Number 6, December 2024
- Sounaka Mishra
, S. Rohini
, Sagar S. Sawant:
Complexity of Near-3-Choosability Problem. 104 - Leyou Xu, Bo Zhou
Answers to Gould's Question Concerning the Existence of Chorded Cycles. 105 - Yair Caro, Josef Lauri, Xandru Mifsud
, Raphael Yuster, Christina Zarb:
Flip colouring of graphs. 106 - József Solymosi:
Integral and rational graphs in the plane. 107 - Masaki Kashima, Xuding Zhu:
Odd 4-Coloring of Outerplanar Graphs. 108 - Minhui Li, Shumin Zhang
, Chengfu Ye:
Partial Domination of Hypergraphs. 109 - Mario Huicochea:
Rainbow Solutions of a Linear Equation with Coefficients in ${\mathbb {Z}/p\mathbb {Z}}$. 110 - Norihide Tokushige
Burning Hamming graphs. 111 - Naivedya Amarnani, Amaury De Burgos, Wayne Broughton
Packing and Covering Triangles in Bilaterally-Complete Tripartite Graphs. 112 - Shufei Wu
, Xiaobei Xiong:
Maximum Bisections of Graphs with Girth at Least Six. 113 - Ran Gu, Shuaichao Wang:
On Extremal Problems on Multigraphs. 114 - Ping Li
, Yaping Mao
, Ingo Schiermeyer, Yifan Yao:
Gallai-Ramsey Numbers for Paths. 115 - Yuhi Kamio:
The Bounds of Rigid Sphere Design. 116 - Soumen Nandi, Sagnik Sen, S. Taruni:
On Coloring Parameters of Triangle-Free Planar (n, m)-Graphs. 117 - Herbert Fleischner
, Behrooz Bagheri Gh., Benedikt Klocker:
Perfect Pseudo-Matchings in Cubic Graphs. 118 - Sumin Huang
, Jianguo Qian:
The sparse sequences of graphs. 119 - Dohan Kim
Finding k Shortest Paths in Cayley Graphs of Finite Groups. 120 - John Engbers
Maximizing the Number of H-Colorings of Graphs with a Fixed Minimum Degree. 121 - Caifeng Zhou, Yuqin Zhang, Yan Guo:
Characterization of $P_3\cup P_2$-Equipackable Graphs with $3m (m\ge 1)$ Edges. 122 - Kaiyang Lan, Feng Liu, Yidong Zhou:
Borodin-Kostochka's Conjecture on $\{P_2\cup P_3,C_4\}$-Free Graphs. 123 - Ervin Györi, Kitti Varga, Xiutao Zhu
A New Construction for the Planar Turán Number of Cycles. 124 - Chunchao Fan, Junqiang Huang, Qizhong Lin:
Ramsey numbers of large books versus multipartite graphs. 125 - Patrick Bennett, Ryan Cushman, Andrzej Dudek
, Elizabeth Sprangel:
A Note on Non-Isomorphic Edge-Color Classes in Random Graphs. 126 - Bo Ning
Note on Mantel Theorem and Turán Theorem. 127 - Dominik Bohnert, Christian Winter
A Note on Asymmetric Hypergraphs. 128 - Cheryl Grood, Ruth Haas
, Bonnie C. Jacob
, Erika L. C. King, Shahla Nasserasr
Well-Forced Graphs. 129 - Masahiro Hachimori
, Kenji Kashiwabara:
Several Minimality Concepts Related to Frankl's Conjecture. 130 - Dömötör Pálvölgyi:
Note on Polychromatic Coloring of Hereditary Hypergraph Families. 131 - Csaba Biró
, Sida Wan:
Dimension Bounds on Classes of Interval Orders with Restricted Representation. 132 - Gholam Reza Omidi, Ghaffar Raeisi
Ramsey Numbers for Multiple Copies of Hypergraphs. 133 - John Engbers, Aysel Erey
Extremal Graphs for Widom-Rowlinson Colorings in k-Chromatic Graphs. 134

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