It is currently an unsolved problem to determine whether, for every 2-list assignment L of a \(\triangle \)-free planar graph G, there exists an independent set \(A_L\) such that \(G[V_G{\setminus } A_L]\) is L-colorable. However, in this paper, we take a slightly different approach to the above problem. We prove the \({\mathbb {N}}{\mathbb {P}}\)-completeness of the decision problem of determining an independent set A such that \(G[V_G{\setminus } A]\) is 2-choosable for \(\triangle \)-free, 4-colorable graphs of diameter 3. Building upon this notion, we examine the computational complexity of two optimization problems: minimum near-3-choosability and minimum 2-choosable-edge-deletion. In the former problem, the goal is to find an independent set A of minimum size in a given graph G, such that the induced subgraph \(G[V_G {\setminus } A]\) is 2-choosable. We establish that this problem is \({\mathbb {N}}{\mathbb {P}}\)-hard to approximate within a factor of \(|V_G|^{1-\epsilon }\) for any \(\epsilon > 0\), for planar bipartite graphs of arbitrary large girth. On the other hand, the problem of minimum 2-choosable-edge-deletion involves determining an edge set \(F \subseteq E_G\) of minimum cardinality such that the spanning subgraph \(G[E_G {\setminus } F]\) is 2-choosable. We prove that this problem can be approximated within a factor of \(O(\log |V_G|)\).

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The authors express their gratitude to the anonymous referee for their valuable comments and insightful suggestions that led to significant improvement in the quality and presentation of the article, especially in the development of Proposition 10. We also thank Xuding Zhu for the feedback on the initial manuscript.
The research described in this paper received support from the HTRA fellowship of IIT Madras, which was endowed to Rohini S. and Sagar S. Sawant. Rohini S. would like to express her appreciation for the Women-Leading-IITM awardship. S. Mishra would like to thank SERB for the Grant under MATRICS (MTR/2023/000364).
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Mishra, S., Rohini, S. & Sawant, S.S. Complexity of Near-3-Choosability Problem. Graphs and Combinatorics 40, 104 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-024-02837-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-024-02837-x