Showing posts with label Packt Publishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Packt Publishing. Show all posts

10 March 2015

Enrico Valenza - Blender Cycles Materials & Textures Cookbook 3rd Edition - Ebook Review

Another day another Ebook reviewed in my recent catch up session to clear the backlog of unreviewed books that I have left to read through.

This time around it's a book by Enrico Valenza a very experienced Blenderhead who has written multiple books for Blender.

This is Enrico's 3rd book from his "Blender Cycles Materials & Textures Cookbook" series.

Unsurprisingly given the title of his book, it covers using Blender Cycles to create material and texture node setups in Cycles to achieve various different styles and types of materials that can be applied to objects.

Because this book is presented in the form of a cookbook it presents it's contents as a series of recipes, each recipe describing a particular method for achieving a particular visual effect in Blender Cycles.  Once the recipes have been documented the book then explains the recipes in detail showing why it was created the way it was and what the advantages/disadvantages of the recipes are.

Given that the information in this book is in recipe form, it is important that the recipes are accurate and as far as I was able to determine they are very accurate, there did not seem to be any silly errors.  This is unsurprising as the reviewers for this book were all very experienced Blender users.

Product Specifications:

        There are lots of recipes described in this book (40+) covering many different areas of material and texture creation. This is one of the reasons the page count for the book is 400 pages.

        The 400 pages are split up into 9 chapters which cover very broad areas:
        • 1 - Overview of Materials in Cycles
        • 2 - Managing Cycles Materials
        • 3 - Creating Natural Materials in Cycles
        • 4 - Creating Man-made Materials in Cycles
        • 5 - Creating Complex Natural Materials in Cycles
        • 6 - Creating More Complex Man-made Materials
        • 7 - Subsurface Scattering in Cycles
        • 8 - Creating Organic Materials
        • 9 - Special Materials 
        The introductory text in the book takes some time to explain the major differences between Blender Internal render and Blender Cycles.  Although this book is aimed at a Blender user with some familiarity with Blender, if you are completely new to Blender you will be able to follow along while reading.

        The versions of Blender covered in the text range from version 2.71 to 2.73, so if you are using older versions of Blender you may notice some differences between the book and your version of Blender.

        All the recipes in the book come with the resultant Blend files, so if you do not want to follow along and just pick apart blend file to see how to achieve the various effects you can do so.  The blend files are available on the Packt Publishing website.

        Chapter 1 - Starts with a basic introduction to some of the terms that are used with Blender Cycles and details how to setup and activate Blender Cycles render so that you can use it on your projects.  The advantages and disadvantages of Cycles are covered in brief.  As is the advantages and disadvantages of using Cycles Rendering on a Cpu/Gpu.  Followed by a quick example of how to use Blender Cycles Node setups to affect rendering.

        How to improve render quality and remove noise is covered so as to allow you to get better results from your renders in a shorter amount of time.

        Procedural textures are explained and demonstrated using various basic nodes, as is the bump and normal texture nodes.

        World Materials setup is covered as well as the often asked question of how to make the background transparent in renders.  The coverage of how to use environment textures and sky textures was very easy for me to understand and I think will save newer Blender users a lot of time.

        Various options of the Lightpath node are covered which allow the user to only have certain elements that are visible in a scene show up in a final render.

        Ambient Occlusion is described and there was a useful section describing what is and is not taken into account for material properties when Ambient Occlusion is being generated.

        Blender Cycles Mesh Lighting types are covered and contrasted to the lights that are used with Blender Internal.  The basics of how to control the amount, color and weather light is emitted from both or only a single side of a mesh light is explained, as is setting a mesh light up to light a scene but not have the mesh itself visible in a scene.

        Having gone though the more basic properties of materials and textures the chapter moves on to Blender Cycles support for volumetrics and how to use them to achieve some simple but interesting looking effects.

        And finally for this chapter using textures to enable displacement of meshes is covered.  Be aware that when this book was written this feature was still experimental so may change in the way it works.

        Chapter 2 - Goes over some of the major ways to make your workflow with Blender Cycles more organized and efficient by showing you how to arrange Blender's interface to make it more responsive when using Cycles.

        Topics such as setting up new screens, altering and saving a new defaults file is covered.  More basic but none the less very useful advice such as giving materials and textures informative names is covered.

        More advanced method of organizing elements in Blender are also covered such as Node Groups, Layout Frames, Coloring of Nodes and importing and exporting elements into and out of Blender.

        I learned that you could use ctrl+p to parent nodes into frames which I wasn't aware of.

        Chapter 3 - With the basic concepts covered the book then moves on to the process of taking the information from the previous chapters and creating usable materials.

        Specifically in this chapter the creation of Natural Materials is the purpose.

        The first material that is created is a rock material which is created with image textures and combinations of bump maps.  I think this is the first book that I have read that details using the Box Blending method to achieve good texturing results without having to UV Unwrap a mesh.

        After explaining how to make a rock texture with image textures the book then explains how to make a rock texture entirely using procedural texturing methods.

        Where there is rock there is often sand which is handy as the next recipe covered is how to make a simple sand material, again using procedural texturing methods.  Another handy tip was shown describing how to make the materials generic and tweakable using Node Groups with alterable options.

        By this point in the book the node setups and recipes can be somewhat involved and you will be glad that you have access to the blend files.

        Next in the recipe list is a very simple and basic method for making a rocky ground type texture.  Not the best looking but is very simple and quick.

        If you are getting bored of all the rock based materials then have no fear the book moves on to explaining the softer material of snow and how to create it using procedural textures and translucency.

        Snow being a material that only generally looks right with SSS applied it can be slow to render, so usefully a method of faking SSS using translucency is described.

        One material that is often requested by Blender users, is a good method for making a material that looks similar to how ice would look.  So an ice recipe is provided.  It's not the most advanced ice material ever but it is good enough and since you have the blend files you can always tweak it as you see fit to get the results you require.

        Chapter 4 - Concentrates on creating materials which look man made specifically:
        • Generic Plastic
        • Bakelite
        • Expanded Polystyrene
        • Glassy Polystyrene (clear hard plastic)
        • Rubber
        • Antique Bronze
        • Configurable Metal
        • Rusty Metal
        • Wooden Material

        Chapter 5 - Covers creating more complex and larger scale materials.

        If you have used Blender for any length of time you will often want to have a quick way of generating large scenes with ocean water.  Blender has an ocean water feature, but it is not the most flexible feature.  So instead the book documents a method which gives an ocean which is created manually using various Cycles Nodes to increase flexibility.

        After creating the ocean surface obviously you need to create a material which can represent what the environment looks like when you are under the ocean, so the book moves on to creating an under water environment material.

        Rendering a underwater scene using volumetrics can be very slow so a method is used which fakes the volumetric effect.

        While in previous sections of the book materials such as snow and rock have been described, combing these types of materials to form a shader which creates mountains which have rock and snow on them and reacts to the height/angles of the mountain surfaces to determine where snow should be is described.

        Finally for this chapter we go out of this world and a recipe for creating a render of earth as seen from space is demonstrated, using a combination of image textures and various other types of image maps to create elements such as land maps, clouds and water sections of the earth render.  There is no outer atmosphere but the earth shader looks good at a quick glance.  The techniques shown here can be used with many different types of texturing tasks, especially with regard to unwrapping a UV Sphere.

        Chapter 6 - Covers creation of 4 materials:
        • Cloth Pattern Shader
        • Synthetic Sponge
        • Leather
        • Spaceship Hull Shader

        According to the book these are more complex man made material types.  While I can't comment of the complexity, they are useful material types to know how to make.

        The Spaceship hull shader is the standout recipe in this chapter and shows some very clever techniques to use very simple textures to displace a torus to make a futuristic looking flying torus craft.  Also covered is a way to apply decals to the craft.

        Chapter 7 - Subsurface Scattering In Cycles chapter covers various features of Blender's SSS tool and details most of the SSS node control values explaining how to use them.  Because SSS is slow to render the chapter explains various techniques to fake the look of SSS.  For this the translucent shader is use as well as the Dirty Vertex feature and the Ray Length Light Path node.  They together help to achieve SSS in efficient ways and for the most part look very similar to real SSS.  If you are ok with the slow speed real SSS is also covered.

        Chapter 8 - This chapter covers creation of shaders for living organic materials:
        • Blobby Skin Shader
        • Wasp Chitin
        • Irridescent Beetle Material
        • Tree Bark
        • Tree Leaves
        • Human Skin
        • Alien Grey Skin
        • Fur And Hair

        The Tree material was interesting to see how it worked, the book also had a handy method of getting rid of seams on the tree branches.  The skin shader looks nice but I can't say how accurate it is compared to real skin.  I also liked the fur/hair material, as it gave a nice effect and I haven't seen enough coverage of Cycles fur or hair in many books, so it's good to see it mentioned.

        Chapter 9 covers a grab bag of materials which didn't fit into other chapters, such as:
        • Fire
        • Smoke
        • Materials that take depth into account
        • Shadeless Materials
        Fire and Smoke have got a lot more flexible in recent versions of Blender Cycles and it has also gotten easier and faster to create.  The book initially shows you how to make fire and smoke using the Quick Effect method and then shows the manual way to create the same material.  This helps to understand how it all works behind the scene.  The fire and smoke effect looks pretty good for a static image render.

        I really liked the depth based material effects and they were surprisingly easy to create compared to most of the other mentioned materials in the book.

        As any book on material in Cycles must do there is a recipe for creating clouds.  Which with some tweaking could be very useful.

        All in all given the large range of material recipes described by this book there is highly likely to be some recipes that you find useful and will want to use.  Yes some of the materials are a little simple and some could be made to look better with some tweaking.  But on the whole I like how most of the recipes look.

        Cycles has improved a lot with its supported materials and different node types, that it supports, making it easier and easier to make complex looking surface and depth based materials.  This book does a good job of showing off Blender Cycles power.

        This book is well worth getting if you don't have the older editions and even if you do there is enough in this new one to make it worth purchasing.

        Review Score 93%

        05 March 2015

        Gordon Fisher - Blender 3D Basics - Second Edition - Ebook Review

        I had some free time recently so I decided to try and cram in some book reviews.

        This time around I am reviewing "Blender 3D Basics" Second Edition by Gordon Fisher.  Those of you that have long memories will remember that I previously reviewed the first version of this book and was impressed with it.

        This second version is an update of the first version of book that covers updates in Blender.  Though the updates are somewhat limited as at least for the basics of using Blender things have not changed all that much.

        This version of the book has a larger page count and goes into slightly more details and covers more topics relating to the basics of Blender.

        Product Specifications:
              For those that are unaware the book is another of Packt Publishing Beginners series of books.  This means that the book is squarely aimed at the beginner Blender user, very advanced features are not covered in any great depth.  What this book does do is cover the basics in a good amount of depth so that you have a very solid foundation in understanding Blender's most important features.

              All the resouces such as Blend files and graphics for each of the projects are supplied on the website when you purchase the book.

              The writing style in this book was very clear and easy to understand and the book was filled with many clear and easy to see and interpret pictures that were in full color.

              The book teaches Blender features using a series of different projects which the book sets as tasks for you to carry out.  At the end of each task a summary is given as to what you achieved and why you did the tasks that way.  A run down of all the shortcuts and tools used is also listed at the end of each project for reference.

              As well as showing you how to achieve certain tasks the book also has a good amount of explanation in terms of theory.  So theory of various topics such as animation, lighting, rendering, layout and compositing and many other areas are covered.  Once the theory is covered the book then switches to practical explanations to create projects.

              Note that there is very little coverage of Blender Cycles, but this is considered and advanced topic, so if you want Cycles information this is not the book for you.

              If you liked the first version of this book or have never read the first version, you will like this newer book, especially if you are new to Blender or 3D in general.  Definite improvement on the first book.

              Review Score 90%

              27 February 2015

              Blender 2.6 Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook Ebook Review

              Normally I try to keep on top of all the Blender books and review them in a timely maner, but sometimes I either run out of time or as in this case forget that I have read the book but not posted a review about said book.

              Normally I would skip posting a review of such a book if it was this late but since with a few exceptions most of the information in the book is still applicable in newer versions of Blender, a review seems in order.

              So the first thing to mention about the book is that it is by Enrico Valenza, as far as I can remeber I haven't previously read any books from him before.  A scan of Google reveals that as well as this books he is also working on two other books on Blender, which will be released soon.

              Back to this book, for those that have seen some of my other book reviews you will notice that this book is another one of Packt Publishing's Cookbook series of books.  These books takes the approach of teaching a subject by presenting topics as a series of small recipes to explain how particular features of Blender work and how you can use those features to produce complex effects and results.

              This books covers recipes which demonstrate how to use Blender Cycles material and texturing system.  The Blender Cycles material and texturing system is mostly controlled using a series of nodes which when connected together control how the materials and textures that node are applied to will be displayed when rendering and even when viewed in the 3D Viewport of Blender.  The node based system of material and texture creation is very different from how older versions of Blender (Blender Internal) created materials and textures.  The node based system is much more intuitive and easier to control and as a result is generally much more powerful.

              There are roughly 50 recipes covered in this book, covering creation of many different types of materials and textures, as well as lighting properties.

              Each recipes it presented in a fixed format, first the recipes are presented to the user and then after the instructions on how to implement them are explained the book then explains why they were constructed the way the were and a detailed rundown on the different parts of the recipe are given.

              Product Specifications:

                    On the whole the recipes as they are presented are clear and reasonably easy to understand.  I in general could understand the instructions given and why particular recipes achieved the effects they did, one or two of the recipes were not clear to me why they worked, but they none the less did.  So this is probably my fault for being dense and not rereading the descriptions more closely.

                    All the Blend files and resources required to carry out the recipes are included with the book.  Even if you don't read through the entire book and do all the recipes manually, having the Blend file is very useful as it allows you to pick them apart and experiment to see how they work.

                    It also helps that Enrico has a clear and easy to understand writing style.  Often Packt Publishing books are not the best edited or easy to read but in this case there is no problem.

                    The book covers Blender 2.6x series of Blender but even with the newer versions of Blender (currently at 2.73) the information contained within is still useful and the Blend files will for the most part still work.  In fact in newer versions of Blender it will often be even easier to carryout the recipes as there will be newer nodes which negate some of the steps used in the recipes as presented in the text.

                    So even though the book is getting on in age (in Blender development time scals), the information is still largely accurate the book is still well worth getting.

                    Review Score 80%

                    18 December 2014

                    $5 eBook Bonanza Campaign from Packt Publishing

                    Packt Publishing have eBook/Video sale  on until 6th January 2015.

                    You can buy any ebook/video for $5.  So basically any ebook/video you buy from Packt is $5 per ebook/video.

                    To get you started, they have put together the Top 20 Titles of 2014 for you to pick up there. But you can get ANY eBook or Video for $5 in this offer. 

                    Click the link below for info:


                    01 October 2014

                    Aske Olsson & Rasmus Vos - Git Version Control Cookbook

                    If you have been or are involved in activities such as programming/software engineering then GIT is a term you have likely come across very often.

                    GIT is a Version Control System, it allows you to keep track of changes in things weather those things be documents or computer code.  It allows you to control how those changes are applied, it allows for changes to be carried out by multiple people, who can be in different parts of the world. 

                    GIT is very powerful and fast and was developed by the same group of people who now maintain and extend the Linux Kernel.  So with such a group of power coders involved in GIT's creation it should be no surprise that GIT has such power and flexibility.

                    However as has been often quoted "With great power comes great responsibility.".

                    The above is also true of GIT, it's powerful but this can mean that a lot of the functionality of GIT is hidden in a spiders web of complex command line statements, and while the fundamental basics are not too hard to grasp, once you move beyond the basics GIT very quickly becomes very complex.  Anyone who has ever had to read the GIT reference manual will have an understanding of just how complex!

                    This is where "Git Version Control Cookbook" comes in, it is aimed at the GIT user who already knows the basic fundamentals of how to use GIT and wants to move on to the more intermediate/advanced uses of GIT.

                    Product Specifications:

                          The book does this by trying to clear  up a lot of the confusion surrounding GIT commands and how to use them.

                          Like all of the other Cookbook series of books from Packt Publishing the recipe, solution, explanation format is used.  A problem that needs to be addressed is identified, a solution is created, then an explanation of the arrived at solution is documented.

                          The range of different recipes that get explained and carried out in this book, range from reasonably simple to quite involved.  At the end of most of the recipes there are links to further information relating to most of the recipes if you want to take things further with a specific topic.  These were especially useful to me.

                          There are 340 pages in the book and a lot of recipes (90), so it will not be a quick read, and given the level of information contained within some of the recipes are quite dense, it would require someone who is a little rusty with GIT to reread and experiment with the recipes to fully grasp what is being achieved.

                          I am not a GIT expert so occasionally I did have to reread certain parts of the recipes and do a bit of Google searching to fully comprehend why some of the recipes worked.

                          It is important to note that the book is very well written the authors have good writing styles and everything was well explained, it's just that I rarely do anything even remotely as complex as some of the tasks described in this book.  If you are a more frequent user of GIT you will likely not have some of the confusions that I did.

                          Although GIT can be used as a general purpose Version Control System this book definitely has most of the recipes orientated towords tasks that a computer programmer would want to carry out, such as:
                          • Configuring GIT
                          • Admin Tasks
                          • Branching
                          • Merging
                          • Patching
                          • Obtaining Release Log Bug Fixes
                          • Various Other Things...

                          My favourite recipe was a simple one that showed you have to obtain a list of Bug Fixes for a software release using JGIT software repository.  And the other highlight for me was the coverage of how the Rebase command works.

                          Rebase is one topic that always causes me a lot of confusion so I was glad of a simple explanation of exactly what it is and why you would want to use it, and a good explanation of the pitfalls of it.

                          Another useful highlight for me was that the book didn't just stick to teaching how to use just GIT internal commands, it also covered how to extend GIT by using various external shell scripts, to make GIT even more flexible.

                          Another thing I found useful was that most of the recipes used real repositories of software to demonstrate various GIT commands on actual real open source software.

                          I think that maybe this book has two different audiences in mind.  The first is the one who has the basics of GIT under their belt and wants to expand their knowledge.  The other is the person who just wants to find a specific recipe to get a specific task done as quickly as possible.  While I think the first set of people will get more from this text than the second set, it is possible to use this book to just look up a specific recipe.

                          It is always a little difficult to rate books like this because in the end how useful the book is to you depends on weather the recipes achieve things you find useful.  But since the range of topics the recipes covered were quite large and in my opinion they are the sort of tasks every GIT user would need to know, there is likely to be something in this book that you will find useful to know if you are a GIT user.  For a full list of all the topics covered in this book checkout the website ( for the book.

                          All in all this was an interesting and informative read, just remember that it is not a beginners GIT book, you will need familiarity with the basics of GIT to get the most out of this book.  For the price I really can't complain either 340 pages for just over £7 is a good deal.

                          Review Score 90%

                          30 September 2014

                          Packt Publishing - Level Up Promotion

                          Was recently contacted by about a campaign they are running "Level Up" Packt is giving its readers a chance to dive into their comprehensive catalogue of over 2000 books and videos for the next 7 days.  Also the more books you buy the less you pay for each.   Since they have a large collection of ebooks on Blender thought it would be worth relaying:

                          See link for details:

                          The more EXP customers want to gain, the more they save:
                          ·         Any 1 or 2 eBooks/Videos – $10 each
                          ·         Any 3 to 5 eBooks/Videos – $8 each
                          ·         Any 6 or more eBooks/Videos – $6 each


                          24 July 2014

                          Richard Salinas - 3D Printing With RepRap Cookbook

                          It has been reasonably busy here lately trying to keep up with book reviewing.  To that end the people at Packt Publishing contacted me and asked if I would review one of their latest books "3D Printing With RepRap Cookbook" by Richard Salinas.

                          Since a lot of Blender users are also 3D printer owners I thought it maybe useful to review this book, even if you are not owners of this specific brand of 3D printer a lot of the information contained within this book should still be useful.

                          Product Specifications:

                                Before the book review I feel it is useful at this point to have a look at the author of this book Richard Salinas, here's his background information from the book:

                                "Richard Salinas is a scenic artist in the film industry, where he has worked for over 20 years on numerous television and motion picture productions.
                                    He was educated at the University of Missouri where he studied sculpture and three-dimensional design.
                                    He also has a formal education in the field of electronics. He developed an interest in computers in 1981 when he began programming on his university's mainframe and one of the first affordable personal computers: the Commodore VIC-20.
                                    Since 2012, he's constructed five 3D printers of various designs and hacks. His aim is to explore the possibilities of creating fine art sculpture with DIY technology. You can follow his progress at"

                                Scanning the information in the bio above it should become clear of the type of mind Mr Salinas has, very clever, technical and very geeky.  It doesn't mention it in the bio but I bet he has memorized printer codes, knows machine code, etc. I mention this to put you in the right mindset.

                                The RepRap series of printers are for the truly experimental types, the ones who like to control every setting and know what every single belt, pulley and firmware setting does.

                                For those that don't know the RepRap is an Open Source  3D printer that can come in kit form and you can if you want build it yourself.  In fact a lot of the parts that go into the construction of the RepRap can be printed with a RepRap.

                                So knowing all the above it should be easier to understand the target audience this book is aimed at;  I would suggest an Intermediate level 3D printer user who has some experience with using a 3D printer.  You won't need to be a guru, but if you are completely new to 3D printing and your first experience of it is with a RepRap printer and this book, then you may have to run fast to keep up.

                                Like all of Packt's other Cookbook series of books its take the approach of breaking up a complex series of tasks into a series of bite sized "recipes".  Each recipe goes over a specific topic or task to help the reader more fully understand information presented.  After each recipe is completed the book give a full explanation as to why each recipe was done the way it was and often gives extra information for those interested. 

                                The are plenty of full of color pictures throughout explaining and demonstrating almost all of the topics and features of the RepRap printer and the software that you can use to improve the quality of it's output.

                                The beginning chapters of the book unsurprisingly cover the basics of 3D printing, going over what 3D printer are, the various terminology, what slicers are and how 3D models are used inside of a computer to be 3D printed.

                                The beginning chapters had some very useful descriptions of the software and hardware you can use to acquire models for 3D printing. Specifically you are shown how to scan 3D models using various different techniques, from using a digital camera, using a laser scanner and manually creating the models inside of a 3D modeling application.  Once the models are obtained you are then shown how to do a basic 3D printing of the models.

                                Initially the first results may not look very impressive but as the chapters progress the range of techniques you can use are expanded slowly but surely improving the 3D printing results that you achieve.  A common collection of models is used in all the recipes allowing you to see the difference in printing results as you try the different settings and tweaks the book describes.

                                In later chapters you are exposed to printing more complex and detailed models which require you to use more and more features of the 3D printing software to achieve acceptable results, topics such as support structures, slicer setting and non-manifold topology are covered extensively.  Surprisingly one of the simplest methods of getting complex shapes to more easily 3D print wasn't covered, that being breaking model into sections that can be connected back together;  I am not sure why this is the case maybe the author assumed that people with RepRap printers didn't need to be shown such obvious methods.  Other than that one oversight as far as I can tell all the useful topics were covered.

                                There is quite a large collection of software involved in getting good results from a RepRap printer, in fact that are many different pieces of software that can achieve the same tasks but do it in slightly different/better ways from one another.  Helpfully the book demonstrates how to use multiple different pieces of software to achieve to the same task.  As a result you are able to compare and contrast end results.

                                Another interesting parts of the book for me was the section on troubleshooting the 3D models to make them more likely to successfully 3D print.  There was extensive use of software to make the models jump through all the hoops required to get it in a form that makes a 3D printer such as the RepRap happy.

                                Finally the appendices of the book are worthy of note;  The first two are very technical and only the most hardcore RepRap fanatic (or hardcore geek) is likely to find them useful.  The third appendices though I found very useful as it covers all the different types of material filaments the RepRap supports and their operating values, as well as safety precautions that should be taken when using those materials.

                                At times the amount of new information presented in this book can become a little intense but if you go back and reread parts over again they should become clearer.

                                Good book, but you better have that RepRap experiment and tinker spirit to get the most from it.

                                Review Score 80%

                                21 March 2014

                                Buy One Get One Free From Packt Publishing

                                I was contacted by Packt Publishing today as they are having a buy 1 get one free ebook promotion for their 2000th book release celebrations from 18th-Mar-2014 and will continue until 26th-Mar-2014.

                                Since they have quite a large collection of Blender based books, this could be useful to Blenderheads out there.

                                Info direct from Packt Publishing :

                                Buy One, Get One Free on all of #Packt’s 2000 eBooks! #Packt2k #b3d

                                26 January 2014

                                Matthew B Stokes - 3D Printing For Architects With MakerBot - EBook Review

                                It has been a busy time for me with EBook reviews as this is the second of two books I have been asked to review by Packt Publishing.

                                This this time it covers using the MakerBot 3D Printer Replicator series.

                                MakerBot are one of the most popular consumer level 3D printer makers out there, doing a number of different 3D printers.

                                Product Specifications:

                                      The first thing to note is that although the title of the book suggests that this book is for architects it's slightly misleading.  When demonstrating how to use the MakerBot series of 3D printers it does this by having the user build a series of architectural items, building items and floor plans for example.  Though it is safe to say that even if you are not an architect but have a 3D printer there is a lot of useful information you can take from this book.  Also it is likely that if you are an architect you already know more about 3D printing and have access to much more expensive 3D printers than are covered in this book.

                                      The book starts by introducing the reader to 3D printers in general, explaining what they are and how they are used.  It goes over the various different types of technology that 3D printers use to produce their models.

                                      I especially liked the history of 3D printers section and a description of all the different technologies;  This is not really essential information but it is good to know.

                                      Having gone over the history and technology of 3D printers in general the book moves onto the main focus of the book the MakerBot series of 3D printers.  It details the specifications of the various different MakerBot machines, going over their various differences and some important limitations of each printer.

                                      There were good explanations of the various difference pieces of software you can use to model your items that you are going to 3D print.  Usefully there was information on how to properly model your models such that they can be successfully 3D printed, with the best results.

                                      If you haven't had a lot of experience with 3D printers the modeling theory section of the book will be a life saver and will likely save you a lot of time and wasted plastic.

                                      Having gone over all the theory, the book then moves on to the more practical side of things, by showing you how to 3D print a roof truss as your first real use of your MakerBot.  With this quick practical demonstration out of the way the book goes into more detail on the various software that can be used to control the MakerBot and alter it's performance settings.  Specifically it covers the MakerWare software that is the official software for MakerBots.

                                      Topics such as how to import models and reposition them in ways that make printing more efficient and likely to produce correct results are explained.  How to minimize printing problems such as warping and the various advantages and disadvantage of different types of plastic materials are covered, in clear and easy to grasp ways.

                                      More advanced topics like making acetone and abs plastics anchoring substance called slurry is covered, how useful this is I am not sure but it is nice to know.

                                      Once the basics of settings, positioning, and materials properties are covered, the topic moves on to Multicolor printing for those that have printers with more than one print head, and also covers a technique for printing multicolor 3D parts for machines that only have on print head.  Though here the books seem a bit confused calling this feature either Z Print of Z Pause depending on where you are reading in the book.  Either way its a very handy bit of information to have if you want to print multicolor parts but don't have more than one print head.

                                      When you have to create or import the 3D model that you want to print the MakerBot has to slice that model into a series of layers, this is called 3D Slicing and the book has a good explanation of the steps involved and does a reasonably good job of explaining the various settings which determine how the 3D slicer works, and how this can alter the final results of your printed objects.

                                      When printing more complex parts it is often not possible to print them as one single object, the parts must be split into multiple bits and then reassembled.  There are some good examples described that show some of the basic ways of doing this and how it helps to achieve more complex models.

                                      As one of the later projects you build a store facade which is entirely made of interchangeable parts which can be attached together.  Topics such as tolerance fits and connection types are covered.

                                      Once you have a reasonable grasp of how to make things yourself the book then moves on to involving yourself with 3D printer model creator community showing how to use 3D printers model sharing sites Thingverse and GrabCAD.  It shows how to register and download models from each site.  So at least you wont short of things to print.

                                      The more legalistic side of things is covered very briefly with respect to licensing and how you have to ensure you're not breaking it.

                                      As a last final more involved project Iterative Design process techniques are covered and you are shown one way that you could design an architectural floor plan.

                                      The writing style is clear and informal.
                                      I would say that on the whole this book is aimed a 3D printer beginners, who are new to both 3D and 3D printing.  The price is good as well for what you get.

                                      Good book, a little unclear in places but if you are a 3D printer owner and especially if you own a MakerBot Replicator series printer this book could help you get better 3D printing results.

                                      Review Score 85%

                                      Ravishankar Somasundaram - Git Version Control For Everyone - Ebook review

                                      I was recently contacted by Packt Publishing and asked if I would do a prelimary review of one of their books "Git Version Control For Everyone";  I agreed and did the preliminary review and what I had read so far seemed well written.

                                      Now I have finished reading the complete ebook so now it is time to do a full review.

                                      For those that are unaware of what GIT is, in simple terms it is a piece of software that allows you to store and keep track of many different versions of things from documents to source code.  It allows you to collaborate with people in teams managing their changes and additions to content they create.

                                      It's a reasonably modern version/content control system, it has many advantages over older control systems like SVN.  As a result it has become a very popular method of implementing version control especially on software projects.

                                      If there is one big limitation with GIT, it is that the official documentation that comes with it, although it is very complete, it is not, to put it mildly, the easiest documentation to understand and interpret.  Even the simplest and easy to use GIT commands when explained in the official documentation seem to be the most complex and labyrinthine command ever invented.

                                      This limitation of GIT official documentation has resulted in many books on GIT that seek to make it easier to understand and use for normal people (see non-coding geeks).

                                      Product Specifications:

                                            This book by Ravishankar Somasundaram seeks to help the person that is completely new to the topics of version control and GIT in particular.  It's aimed at beginner and takes the approach of using examples and analogy to explain the important tools and concepts that GIT uses to get it's version control tasks carried out.
                                            The book starts explaining what GIT is and it's history, as well as its advantages when compared to other version control systems.  All done in an easy, non-technical way of explanation.  Although it doesn't go into great detail it's a nice primer on the reasons for GIT.

                                            After the history lesson, obtaining and installing the GIT software for various platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac) is gone over.  The instruction seemed clear and easy to follow and there were many very clear pictures to see, all in full color in the ebook I read.

                                            Once installation of GIT has been covered the book moves on to doing basic configuration tasks with GIT, showing how configuring works in GIT allowing you to explore other configuration options when you want to.

                                            From this point on the book introduces some of the most fundamental GIT commands, explaining how they work by using the approach of asking you to carry out various GIT version control activities by creating and managing various documents and placing them under GIT's control.

                                            On the whole this method of do something then explaining what it is you just did, is a clear and easy to understand method of teaching use of GIT;  In parts I thought certain topics would have benefited from more explanation but this is a beginners book and so some deeper explanations of certain topics may have been to complex for a book like this.

                                            One very useful thing the book does is to teach 2 different ways of interacting with GIT, those ways being either using a Graphical User Interface or by using a Command Line Interface.  Teaching both approaches will benefit the users who like one way of interacting with GIT over the other.

                                            The book basically has 7 chapters each of which covers the various most fundamental commands and feature that GIT has.

                                            There is one final chapter 8 that is very strange for a beginners book,  it tries to explain some of the more advanced internal features of GIT that make all of GIT work.  This chapter seem completely out of place.  There are basically two reason for this, 1st in a book aimed at a beginner the information it gives will probably just be seem like techno-babble & 2nd it's incomplete so if you genuinely wanting to know all the under the hood stuff, it doesn't give enough information to be really useful to an advanced user.  So it doesn't help the beginner or the advanced user.

                                            So all in all if you are a beginner who has never use version control before or has never used GIT before, this book has the fundamentals covered;  You will be able to use GIT to get things done after reading this book, just skip chapter 8.

                                            Not the best book in the world and it won't make you a GIT expert but it will give you enough information to get going in GIT fast.

                                            Review Score 70%

                                            24 January 2014

                                            Ravishankar Somasundaram's Git - Version Control for Everyone - Provisional Review

                                            Packt Publishing recently posted on G+ asking if anyone would be interested in reviewing one of their new books "GIT - Version Control For Everyone".

                                            I agreed as Blender recently switched to using the GIT version control system and I thought some of the more technically inclined Blenderheads would be interested in a review.

                                            This book is currently priced at £11.99 (Jan 24th 2014)

                                            This is only a partial review as the people at Packt needed it posted fairly quickly and since I am not the fastest reader in the world, I said I would do a partial review of the chapters I was able to read.

                                            I have so far managed to read through chapters 1 to 3.  It's not a massive book, the ebook consists of about 180 pages (trust me GIT huge so getting it down to 180 pages it an impressive feat).  So far it appears to be well written and easy to follow along with.  It takes the approach of guiding you through a series of tasks, teaching you GIT through a learn by doing approach and using common analogies to make sense of some of the more difficult concepts involved with GIT.

                                            Because this books is aimed at the GIT beginner is uses lots of pictures, which are very easy to see and interpret.

                                            From the chapters I have read it goes though all the basic steps of obtaining, installing and configuring GIT on the most common platforms available (specially Windows, Mac, Linux).  It describes the many different types of version control systems and their relative strengths and weaknesses when compared with GIT.  So it doesn't just explain how to do specific things in GIT but also the reasons why things are carried out the way they are.

                                            So far what I have read has been very well written and even though this books seems specifically aimed at the GIT beginning, I think the person that has a little bit of exposure to GIT would also benefit from reading this book.

                                            If you are not a person that likes to use Graphical User Interfaces for your GIT tasks the Command Line Interface versions are also covers.  So it appears that both type of user are supported.

                                            By the last part of chapter 3, the basics of adding, removing and controlling files with GIT in a project had been covered and it to me at least seemed well explained and easy to grasp (and I am by no means a GIT expert).

                                            When I have read the entire book I will do a full review.

                                            See the links below for books website:


                                            02 October 2013

                                            Joe Larson - 3D Printing Blueprints - Ebook review

                                            Packt Publishing recently came out with an ebook "3D Printing Blueprints".  3D printing is something that I am very interested in and since Blender is very good at allowing 3D printing I was instantly interested in reading this book, especially since it covers using Blender to create the models that get 3D printed.  So it was handy because Packt contacted me asking if I would review it, which I was, so I did.

                                            Product Specifications:

                                                  First for those who don't know 3D printing is the process of creating real world physical models using special devices called 3D printers.  Instead of printing words on a page they can use various types of materials to print objects in 3 dimensions.

                                                  Until very recently 3D printers were only available to the professional 3D rapid prototyping business community.  They are very advanced and can print almost anything but with that flexibility comes cost and as a result they were very expensive to both buy and maintain.

                                                  Recently however 3D printers have become much cheaper to buy and maintain;  So cheap in fact that now there are a multitude of low cost 3D printers which are ideally suited to home use.  These home use level 3D printers are not as advanced as those in the professional environment but they are improving quickly.  It probably won't be long before increased demand from the home consumer market starts to be the main driver of the features and flexibility that 3D printers have.

                                                  With a 3D printer and some 3D modeling software to design the things you want to 3D print you can become your own object creator.  The range of objects you can design is almost unlimited.

                                                  This book covers using the Makerbot line of 3D printers to print objects and uses Blender to model those objects.  If you own a different make of 3D printer do not worry all the information in this book can be used with other 3D printer types, with very few changes.

                                                  The images in the Ebook are in full color and for the most part easy to interpret.  The writing style is a little patchy in places there are some typo's and the odd hard to understand section of instructions.  I was however able to do all of the tasks in the book.  It's a very quick paced book it quickly goes from one project to the next building on the previous projects.

                                                  The book takes a graded approach, covering the very basics of using Blender and how to model 3D objects to give them the best possible chance of giving you a successful 3D printed object.

                                                  Each 3D printed object that you model in Blender and then prepare for printing is called a Blueprint.  These Blueprint go from very simple to moderately involved.  If you are a beginning Blender user and have never used a 3D printer before than this book will be useful to you.

                                                  Please be aware though that the coverage of Blender features is very basic if you want an in depth guide to all of Blender's modeling features this is not the book for you.  What it will do is cover the basic features of Blender and show you how to use those features to create simple 3D printed models.

                                                  The 3D printed models that are created in this book are:

                                                  A Small Mug
                                                  A Vase
                                                  An SD Card Holder
                                                  A Toy Robot
                                                  A Number Choose
                                                  A Teddy Bear Figurine

                                                  Joe Larson the author of this book I had not heard of before and that is always a worry but on reading his bio I was less worried as he has had a varied career path, all very interesting.

                                                  So if you want a simple book that covers the basics of using Blender to make simple models which can then be successfully 3D print this is a good book.  Just don't expect and in depth treatment for using Blender or your 3D printer.  This book is a face paced quick read to get you up and running as fast as possible into the world of 3D printing.

                                                  Review Score 75%

                                                  16 July 2013

                                                  Enrico Valenza - Blender 2.6 Cycles Materials And Textures Cookbook - Ebook Review

                                                  I was recently contacted by Packt Publishing to review one of  their newer Blender Cookbook series of books.  Those with good memories will remember they have previously done other Blender Cookbook texts.

                                                  This time around it covers the Blender 2.6x series and specifically covers Blender Cycles Materials and Texture Node Creation.  The overall aim of the book is to present various Blender Cycles Node setups to produce a large collection of different material and texture setups that can be applied to various different objects in Blender.

                                                  The author of this book is Enrico Valenza and very talented Blender user and illustrator.  You can see his Blender Network profile page ( and his personal website (

                                                  Enrico has been involved with various Blender Foundation Open Movie Projects.  Given all of this the expectations were very high for the quality of content in his new book.

                                                  Product Specifications:

                                                  I downloaded the Ebook PDF version of this book.  The picture quality was generally good (some pictures were a little small) and in color.  Also available on the Packt website are all the resource Blend files needed to carry out the projects described in this book.

                                                  The book starts by describing what Blender Cycles is and what it's strengths are.  It then quickly moves on to setting up the Blender Cycles Interface layout for best workflow for creating Cycles based materials and textures.  The very basics of how to activate and use Cycles are gone over.  So if you have never used Cycles you should be able to follow along without any problems.

                                                  If you have never used Blender before you will be able to use this book as every step is describe in clear and methodical detail, at least as far as using Cycles is concerned.

                                                  The approach taken to explain how to create the Cycles materials and textures is that of a series of recipes.  These recipes range from simple and small and progress to larger more complex sets of instructions.  You can either follow the instructions in the book and create the recipes from the ground up or you can use the provided recipes Blend files.

                                                  The recipes are split up into groups which achieve specific types of visual effect.

                                                  On the whole the organization of the recipes are good and if you do want to carryout the instructions for each recipe you will be able to as the instructions are clear and well written, with plenty of pictures to make things even easier.

                                                  The book splits the descriptions of each recipe in to 3 general parts.

                                                  First it describes what sort of material or texture you are going to create. 

                                                  Second it describes exactly how to do that. 

                                                  Third it describes why the particular recipe works.  This third part is to my mind the most valuable.  Just follwing a series of step by step instructions will get you a good end result but little understanding of why something works.

                                                  In general the description of why the recipes work are good.  There are however a few recipes that would have benefited from a better description of exactly why they work;  As an example one of the recipes was a description of how to make water foam on an ocean material, and although the recipe worked it was hard to figure out why it worked.

                                                  The book describes how to create a fairly large range of different materials and textures (combined together they are called Shaders), from water, ice, snow, rock, metals, sand and various other things.  The chances are there will be something in this book that will interest you.

                                                  One thing that is worth pointing out is that I went through the recipes in this book to check that they actually still work for newer versions of Blender.  As far as I can tell they do, there are slight interface differences but they are so small that I don't think they will cause any problems when following the recipes.  A recipe book that has recipes that are wrong is no good at all, but thankfully in this case the recipes all seems to be accurate and work.

                                                  Currently there are very few Blender Cycles books that go into great depth on using Blender Cycles Nodes.  This is reason enough to get this book as it's descriptions of what each node type can do is useful.  Once you take into account the way the book also combines these nodes to show how they can make some really impressive materials, I think this book is well work getting for anyone interested in Blender Cycles.

                                                  Review Score 80%