Showing posts with label Packt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Packt. Show all posts

23 March 2014

Mythravarun Vepakomma - Blender Compositing And Post Processing - Ebook Review

A few weeks ago I was browsing the Packt website for ebooks about Blender that I may want to read and came across one on compositing that I had not seen before.

This one is by Mythravarun Vepakomma, and from memory I don't think I have read any other books by him.

One thing that did make me take notice of this book was the technical reviewer, "Olivier Amrein" one of the known Blenderheads for those that frequent Blender Artists and other popular Blenderhead hangouts.

Product Specifications:

        This won't be a particularly long review as the book itself is not very long.

        The books stated aim as described in the book is:

        "Blender Compositing and Post Processing is a one-stop solution to attain state-of-the-art compositing skills to create mind-blowing visuals and productive composites using Blender Compositor."

        So given the very bold statement above I set my standards very high as to what I expected from this particular book. To put the statement above in context that's like getting Sebastian Konig or Pablo Vazquez levels of compositing skills (TD Level).

        For those of you wondering if it actually achieves those lofty goals, the unfortunate answer for me at least is no.  If you are expecting this book to give you Technical Developer levels of  Blender Compositing super powers you will be disappointed.

        The book at best and if I am in a charitable mood could be described as being aimed at complete Blender compositing beginners.  Anyone with any prior experience of compositing in any other system will already know everything in this book (and almost certainly a lot more besides).

        The books approach to teaching Blender's compositor is to take a collection of Blender's most common Node Types and explain the settings on those nodes individually.  Only a small sub-set of Blender Nodes are covered and of the ones that are covered they are at best skimmed over.

        An indepth coverage of all the settings and features of the nodes provided by Blender's compositor would indeed be a very useful book for someone with previous experience in compositing, but the coverage is not indepth or complete.

        Unfortunately describing the functions of nodes in isolation is not a very effective way to teach someone how to use Blender's compositing features with any level of sophistication.  The real power of the compositor comes when you are shown how to combine all those nodes and do amazing things with them, and this book doesn't take things that far for the most part.

        I honestly think that you would get more indepth and useful information on Blender's compositor directly from the Blender Wiki than you will from this book.

        It doesn't cover enough of the basics to be useful to a Blender beginner, and is totally incomplete for someone aiming to reach Technical Developer levels of compositing skills.

        Avoid this one.

        Review Score 55%

        24 January 2014

        Ravishankar Somasundaram's Git - Version Control for Everyone - Provisional Review

        Packt Publishing recently posted on G+ asking if anyone would be interested in reviewing one of their new books "GIT - Version Control For Everyone".

        I agreed as Blender recently switched to using the GIT version control system and I thought some of the more technically inclined Blenderheads would be interested in a review.

        This book is currently priced at £11.99 (Jan 24th 2014)

        This is only a partial review as the people at Packt needed it posted fairly quickly and since I am not the fastest reader in the world, I said I would do a partial review of the chapters I was able to read.

        I have so far managed to read through chapters 1 to 3.  It's not a massive book, the ebook consists of about 180 pages (trust me GIT huge so getting it down to 180 pages it an impressive feat).  So far it appears to be well written and easy to follow along with.  It takes the approach of guiding you through a series of tasks, teaching you GIT through a learn by doing approach and using common analogies to make sense of some of the more difficult concepts involved with GIT.

        Because this books is aimed at the GIT beginner is uses lots of pictures, which are very easy to see and interpret.

        From the chapters I have read it goes though all the basic steps of obtaining, installing and configuring GIT on the most common platforms available (specially Windows, Mac, Linux).  It describes the many different types of version control systems and their relative strengths and weaknesses when compared with GIT.  So it doesn't just explain how to do specific things in GIT but also the reasons why things are carried out the way they are.

        So far what I have read has been very well written and even though this books seems specifically aimed at the GIT beginning, I think the person that has a little bit of exposure to GIT would also benefit from reading this book.

        If you are not a person that likes to use Graphical User Interfaces for your GIT tasks the Command Line Interface versions are also covers.  So it appears that both type of user are supported.

        By the last part of chapter 3, the basics of adding, removing and controlling files with GIT in a project had been covered and it to me at least seemed well explained and easy to grasp (and I am by no means a GIT expert).

        When I have read the entire book I will do a full review.

        See the links below for books website: