Заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 7.0.4rc1

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Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.

Этот документ содержит заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 7.0.4rc1. Загрузите его со страницы скачать.

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Новые возможности и улучшения

ZBXNEXT-9221 Added links to host configuration forms in entity lists Frontend
ZBXNEXT-466 Added the ability to filter audit log entries by IP Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-9418 Split {$PG.CONNSTRING} macro in PostgreSQL templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-9208 Implemented new macro functions and support for macro functions, JSONPath and XPath extractions in web scenario steps Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-9122 Added a warning icon for discovery checks used in action conditions Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9416 Updated max supported MariaDB version to 11.5 Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-9318 Added Microsoft 365 reports by HTTP template Templates
ZBXNEXT-7936 Updated VMware templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-9248 Added GitHub repository by HTTP template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9408 Updated max supported TimescaleDB version to 2.16 Server
ZBXNEXT-8937 Added support for IMDSv2 for role based authentication to AWS templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-9245 Added proxy group discovery to Zabbix server health template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9398 Added new mediatype webhook MS Teams Workflow Templates
ZBXNEXT-9341 Added AssumeRole authentication to AWS templates Templates

Исправления ошибок

ZBX-25610 Removed reliability on "sysmapelementurlid", "sysmapurlid" in URLs for map.create and map.update API
ZBX-25625 Fixed crash in browser item on invalid response Proxy Server
ZBX-25624 Fixed crash in browser item on empty response Proxy Server
ZBX-25622 Fixed crash in embedded JS when collecting performance entries after resetting default JS objects Proxy Server
ZBX-25626 Added external data validation to prevent access to internal duktape properties through HttpRequest object Proxy Server
ZBX-25627 Fixed crash in embedded JS when accessing browser element after forcing browser to be garbage collected Proxy Server
ZBX-25629 Fixed buffer over-read for broken UTF-8 mail data injection Server
ZBX-24894 Optimized database queries in lld lost resource handling Server
ZBX-25238 Fixed crash when deleting proxy group and proxy at same moment Server
ZBX-25176 Added retry to asynchronous SNMP pollers to avoid failure if one of packets is lost Proxy Server
ZBX-25239 Fixed translation strings Frontend
ZBX-24954 Added support of TLS cipher configuration to Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-25154 Added deactivation of service manager problem cache if no services are configured Server
ZBX-25073 Added switchFrame() method to browser object Proxy Server
ZBX-25195 Fixed crash in Zabbix agent for Solaris when using 'cmdline' as a parameter for an item key Agent
ZBX-24733 Fixed possibility to insert history rows with duplicated timestamps via history.push Server
ZBX-24997 Fixed script execution status in Action log page Frontend
ZBX-25106 Fixed binary type items and item prototypes incorrectly displaying a zero when there no trends to configure Frontend
ZBX-25025 Fixed DNS resolving after renew Server
ZBX-25085 Fixed error of data simultaneous sending to multiple destinations by Zabbix sender Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-25045 Fixed empty result for vmware.*.property items in case of large time interval between requests Proxy Server
ZBX-25068 Changed tab key behavior for script textareas to apply indent instead of changing elements Frontend
ZBX-25127 Fixed crash in JSON library due to null pointer arithmetic Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-24995 Fixed SNMP OID parsing for network discovery Proxy Server
ZBX-24993 Removed reset of preprocessing history during configuration sync when preprocessing steps remain unchanged Server
ZBX-24485 Fixed undefined index error when importing host with technical name already in use by a template API
ZBX-24731 Fixed autoregistration at proxy in cases where custom value is used for the host interface Proxy
ZBX-24801 Made frequency of active checks updates in Zabbix agent 2 better correspond to RefreshActiveChecks configuration parameter Agent
ZBX-24526 Fixed notice when importing a non-template configuration file via the Templates page API
ZBX-24245 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 and loadable plugin protocol mismatch error Agent
ZBX-22557 Fixed time zones conflict lead to report scheduling errors Server
ZBX-24792 Fixed query generation error in retrieval of alerts by non-Superadmin users without user group API
ZBX-25026 Fixed percentile line being displayed outside of classic graph Frontend
ZBX-24099 Prevented ability to enable LDAP authentication without specifying a user directory API
ZBX-25084 Fixed permission check for scripts with manual input Frontend
ZBX-24950 Fixed macro function ignoring if text is added before the macro Server
ZBX-25122 Fixed column configuration form crashing on save in Item history widget Frontend
ZBX-22761 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 runtime command result output to stderr Agent
ZBX-23535 Added alternative data source parsing for key ceph.status Agent
ZBX-24418 Fix Zabbix agent 2 build on mips architectures Agent
ZBX-24471 Fixed system.run[,nowait] to include double quotes the same way as system.run[,wait] Agent
ZBX-24619 Updated atomic variables to be more safe Agent
ZBX-24052 Fixed the error when applying subfilter by tag on graph page if item tag contains special characters Frontend
ZBX-24051 Fixed disappeared space between tags after applying tag values subfilter on the Latest data page Frontend
ZBX-24819 Fixed slow template cloning Installation Server
ZBX-24039 Fixed blank page with a JSON error is returned in case if user attempts to enable/disable a host that is removed by another user Frontend
ZBX-24570 Fixed right Y axis being enabled by default in SVG graph widget Frontend
ZBX-24725 Added missing maxlength parameter to description fields Frontend
ZBX-24691 Fixed issue with SNMPv3 authentication protocol and privacy protocol values not getting sent to server for item testing Frontend
ZBX-24874 Fixed item preprocessing Custom on fail checkbox readonly and disable state toggling Frontend
ZBX-23315 Prevented attempt to update host triggers when importing template through hosts page API
ZBX-24750 Fixed issues with maximum field length for map elements and shapes API Frontend
ZBX-25081 Reduced the alerts table polling in alert syncer Server
ZBX-25020 Fixed macro usage in http agent custom interval Server
ZBX-24966 Fixed sorting in Map navigation tree widget Frontend
ZBX-24675 Fixed Zabbix Proxy configuration synchronization for entries with maximum length names Proxy
ZBX-24394 Made trigger housekeeper documentation more precise Server
ZBX-24431 Prevented showing the disabled items in the case when not supported state has been selected Frontend
ZBX-24636 Fixed {HOST.CONN}, {HOST.DNS} and {HOST.IP} to be resolved to unknown in notifications instead of stopping resolving and to be resolved to empty when there is no interface Server
ZBX-24554 Added improvements and fixes for binary item usage in Item history widget Frontend
ZBX-24728 Fixed Item history widget column namings being too long after item selection Frontend
ZBX-24339 Fixed validation of invalid API methods being passed down in user role rules API
ZBX-24760 Fixed default timezone in macro {EVENT.DATE} & {EVENT.TIME} expansion Server
ZBX-24787 Fixed execution of remote commands when agent interface is not present Proxy Server
ZBX-24147 Fixed translation strings and comments to gender neutral ones Frontend
ZBX-25023 Fixed usage of old libevent library versions Server
ZBX-24650 Fixed {ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY} macro to resolve to event severity instead of trigger severity Frontend
ZBX-24903 Fixed row count in script dialog of script item Frontend
ZBX-24730 Fixed hintboxes in icon mapping Frontend
ZBX-24200 Fixed long custom severity names and count in Problems by severity widget Frontend
ZBX-24466 Fixed configuration map import not resetting element icons Frontend
ZBX-21663 Implemented ability to keep timeselector expanded when changing pages in problem view Frontend
ZBX-24989 Fixed memory leak in poller and snmp poller with SNMP agent item type when engine ID is frequently changed Proxy Server
ZBX-23174 Fixed frontend maintenance configuration not following documentation Frontend
ZBX-21838 Fixed action names in mediatype and script lists being displayed differently; added total number of actions each mediatype/script being used in Frontend
ZBX-25009 Improved configuration syncer performance when reading items and hostmacro table Server

Заметки по инсталляции и обновлению


Смотрите Документация Zabbix для получения более подробной информации.


Смотрите пошаговым инструкциям for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 7.0.4.

Коммерческая поддержка

Компания Zabbix предоставляет полный спектр Профессиональных услуг. Мы также предоставляем Услугу обновления с отсутствием времени простоя для более простой миграции с более ранних версий Zabbix. Пожалуйста Свяжитесь с отделом продаж для уточнения стоимости и более детальной информации.

Полезные ссылки

Zabbix 7.0 Manual

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