Poznámky k vydání verze Zabbix 3.4.0rc2
Zabbix tým s potěšením oznamuje dostupnost nové verze Zabbixu 3.4.0rc2.
Zabbix je podnikové open source řešení pro distribuovaný monitoring. Zabbix je vydáván pod licencí GPL, takže je zdarma pro komerční i nekomerční použití. Úplný text licence je k dispozici na adrese http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
Tento dokument obsahuje poznámky k verzi Zabbix 3.4.0rc2. Stáhnout si ho můžete v sekci ke stažení.
Následující sekce podrobně popisují vydání a poskytují důležité nebo jiné informace, které doplňují hlavní dokumentaci.
Nové vlastnosti a vylepšení
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Improved performance of event.get() and problem.get() methods with "selectTags" option API |
ZBXNEXT-3920 | Added Templates for some of the most common applications and devices Instalace Šablony |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Implemented dashboard widget linking in both directions Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Implemented option 'Show unavailable maps' in navigation tree widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Added support of new dashboard widgets "Plain text" and "Graph" Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Implemented two-direction widget linkage for data sharing; improved active element selection in map navigation tree widget when map is changed from map widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Implemented validation for empty fields in widget configuration forms Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Added placeholder on empty dashboard Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3006 | Implemented support of bulk metric collection for dependent items data population API Frontend Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3725 | Updated templates for network devices to new version (internal version 0.10beta) Instalace Šablony |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Added blinking for recent problems in Problems widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Implemented additional filters for dashboard widgets Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1076 | Implemented new permission schema to allow view map when no permissions to all map elements API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-18 | Implemented sending alerts on acknowledges API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-3910 | Added support to the agent for monitoring processes in trace or uninterruptible state on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD Agent |
ZBX-12258 | Added bulk selections to improve performance in processing of escalations Server |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Added support of multiple dashboards; implemented API for dashboards API Frontend Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-1223 | Implemented jmx discovery item Frontend Java gateway |
ZBXNEXT-2442 | Implemented parallel alert processing, removed database watchdog process, moved its tasks to alerter process API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-3863 | Added jsonpath based item pre-processing option API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-3864 | Added xmlpath based item pre-processing option API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-3930 | Improved log monitoring by adjusting formula to process 10 times more new lines than set in MaxLinesPerSecond Agent |
ZBXNEXT-1274 | Added support of configurable jmx endpoint url for jmx items API Frontend Java gateway Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3872 | Implemented new internal item 'zabbix[host,discovery,interfaces]' Server |
ZBXNEXT-3869 | Implemented map lines API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1675 | Added support for user macros and time unit suffixes in various time-related settings: update intervals, timeouts, housekeeping settings, time periods, etc. API Frontend Instalace Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3762 | Added browser warning for IE 9 and IE10 Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3870 | Implemented ability to drag multiple selected items in map editor Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3655 | Reduced self monitoring cache locking in trappers and manager processes Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-51 | Implemented ability to copy and paste map elements Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3567 | Implemented ability to hide SQL error messages for non-superadmin users Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3659 | Reduced cache locking time during configuration synchronization Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3432 | Added support of {HOST.ID}, {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME} macros in tags, improved to read those from cache; added support of interface macros in tags Server |
ZBXNEXT-2074 | Implemented URL encoding and punycode support in web monitoring API Frontend Instalace Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3687 | Made shared memory and semaphores private to the zabbix processes. Dropped SQLite3 support for frontend and server API Frontend Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-2694 | Implemented multiple triggers support for map elements API Frontend Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-2445 | Increase the length of alert and trigger errors Instalace Server |
ZBXNEXT-2031 | Implemented map shapes API Frontend Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-34 | Implemented vector graphics for maps Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-936 | Implemented remote command execution via proxy API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3654 | Implemented a feature to apply host group permissions to all existing subgroups Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3660 | Renamed "IT services" to "Services" Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3568 | Decreased internal, discovery and auto registration default data storage period to 1 day Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-3679 | Implemented a new design for Dashboard page Frontend Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-3386 | Added IPMI manager and reworked IPMI pollers to avoid connecting to one host from multiple pollers Instalace Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3572 | Added option to control amount of queued items Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-491 | Added vfs.dir.size[dir,<regex_incl>,<regex_excl>,<mode>,<max_depth>] check Frontend Agent Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-1380 | Added check for exit code of scripts Agent Server |
ZBX-3783 | Deprecated mappings.sortorder parameter by iconmap.create() and iconmap.update() methods API |
ZBXNEXT-1443 | Added item pre-processing options API Frontend Instalace Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-830 | Implemented full clone of maps Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-12 | Added support of CIDR subnet mask notations for Server option on agent config Agent |
ZBXNEXT-12 | Added support of CIDR subnet mask notations for Allowed hosts of trapper items API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3576 | Increased user media periods and item flexible intervals to 1024 characters API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBX-3783 | Added support of user_medias parameter by user.update() method API |
ZBX-3783 | Prohibited deleting users and user groups which are used in actions API |
ZBX-3783 | Deprecated user.addmedia(), user.updatemedia(), user.deletemedia(), user.updateprofile(), usergroup.massadd(), usergroup.massupdate() and usermedia.get() API methods API |
ZBXNEXT-1804 | Reduced the number of connections required for proxy-server data exchange by adding new 'proxy data' request and increasing the size of data sent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3086 | Improved performance of action condition evaluation by ensuring that equivalent conditions are only checked once, thus there will be less queries to database Server |
ZBXNEXT-3570 | Removed the deprecated "isReadable" and "isWritable" methods as well as the "proxy.interfaces" parameter API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1667 | Added support of LLD macros in function parameters of trigger prototype expression Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-1667 | Added support of LLD macros in function parameters when using function with ITEM.VALUE, ITEM.LASTVALUE in trigger prototype name, description and tags Server |
ZBXNEXT-1667 | Added support of LLD macros in function parameters of graph prototype name simple macros like {host:key[].func()} Server |
ZBXNEXT-707 | Implemented full clone functionality for all types of screens Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2970 | Increased maximum supported SNMP trapper file size Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1141 | Added support for AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger, and AtomicLong to Java gateway Java gateway |
ZBX-10777 | Made checkboxes and radio buttons look the same across all browsers Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3344 | Increased SNMP OID length limitation from 255 to 512 bytes; thanks to Patrick Hemmer for patch API Frontend Instalace Proxy Server |
ZBX-9425 | Added permission check on the server side for global script execution API Server |
ZBXNEXT-3725 | Added templates for network devices (internal version 0.8beta) Instalace Šablony |
Oprava chyb
ZBXNEXT-3883 | Fixed dependent trigger with dependent item deletion; dependent item recursion message; dependent item massupdate form master item being reset on error API Frontend |
ZBX-12506 | Fixed wrong top position of the period selection box on the graphs after closing/opening filter Frontend |
ZBX-12486 | Fixed item removal from poller queue during configuration cache synchronization Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3890 | Fixed extra graph loading Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3926 | Fixed macros {EVENT.STATUS} and {EVENT.VALUE} to return correct value depending on the state of a problem Server |
ZBX-12487 | Fixed undefined index error in item prototype update API |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed several issues in dashboard API Frontend |
ZBX-12505 | Fixed Oracle database creation scripts Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-18 | Fixed empty acknowledge operation message tooltip visibility Frontend |
ZBX-12468 | Fixed vertical text alignment for map shapes Frontend |
ZBX-12418 | Fixed draggable rectangle calculation for map shape lines Frontend |
ZBX-12397 | Fixed system.cpu.num count for 64-bit Windows with more than 64 logical cpus Agent |
ZBX-12483 | Fixed compilation with libevent 2.1.8 and IPC service initialization in proxy Proxy Server |
ZBX-12485 | Fixed PostgreSQL query errors during sending notifications on acknowledgement Server |
ZBXNEXT-3006 | Fixed web scenario item preprocessing Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed low performance of navigation tree widget and improved dashboard performance Frontend |
ZBX-12458 | Fixed incorrect use of zbx_strlcat() in DBpatch_3030060_migrate_pairs(); thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for patch Proxy Server |
ZBX-12462 | Fixed database upgrade patch for proxy Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-3006 | Fixed distribution archive creation (make dist) and log, web scenario item preprocessing Instalace Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-3006 | Fixed libevent build depenedencies Instalace |
ZBX-12446 | Fixed discovery and auto registration to accept empty DNS names Server |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed several issues in dashboard API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed copying sharing properties when cloning dashboard Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-18 | Fixed unnecessary notification sending a recovery message Server |
ZBXNEXT-18 | Fixed acknowledge notification sending in maintenance period Server |
ZBX-12339 | Fixed item history and trends flags update during configuration cache synchronization Server |
ZBXNEXT-18 | Fixed php5.4 incompatibility in events page and acknowledge operation form Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-18 | Fixed script name select button for new acknowledge operation form and recovery operation form Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed multiple issues in Map widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed Undefined constant: ALERT_MAX_RETRIES in Action log widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Added check for dashboard owners in user.delete() method API |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed updating of dashboard with inaccessible elements Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed possible sql errors in upgrade patch Instalace |
ZBXNEXT-2102 | Fixed removing of favourites from dashboard widgets Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2031 | Fixed multiple bugs in maps Frontend |
ZBX-12384 | Fixed JMX endpoint related bugs in item mass update form and item.update API API Frontend |
ZBX-12318 | Fixed maintenance status not being updated in cache if host is disabled Server |
ZBX-12224 | Fixed connection to Oracle database when database server gives out warnings Proxy Server |
ZBX-12195 | Fixed contamination of script output with Zabbix'es own log messages when logging level is set to 4 or 5 and LogType=console Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-12270 | Fixed processing of AIX item 'system.stat[ent]' in agent; thanks to Marc for patch Agent |
ZBX-12277 | Fixed trigger expression test form incorrectly replacing macros Frontend |
ZBX-12357 | Fixed missing user macro substitution in expression of newly added triggers Server |
ZBX-12296 | Added type hinting for item preprocessor numeric conversions based on item value type Server |
ZBX-12266 | Fixed memory leak when executing IPMI commands Proxy Server |
ZBX-11938 | Fixed 'type of condition' dropdown appearing if only one filter condition is set Frontend |
ZBX-11530 | Fixed lost application name in exported host web scenario Frontend |
ZBX-12201 | Fixed crash when processing SNMP trap log item, fixed log item processing without pre-processing options Server |
ZBX-12199 | Removed condition check for recovery operations Server |
ZBX-3924 | Switched from POSIX extended to the PCRE regular expression library for enhanced regular expressions and consistency with frontend Agent Instalace Proxy Server |
ZBX-11867 | Fixed memory leak in history cache and history cache statistics Proxy Server |
ZBX-11671 | Added register information and backtrace to log when metric thread crashes Agent |
ZBX-11381 | Fixed displaying list of recovery actions in "Problems" and "Event details" Frontend Server |
ZBX-11805 | Fixed aggregate checks log messages formats Server |
ZBX-11470 | Fixed unary minus and prefix extraction for trigger expression references; optimized simple macro and macro function calculation API Frontend Server |
ZBX-7015 | Forced setting UTF-8 character set for connections to Oracle database Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBX-11371 | Prevented executing client side script by changing value of $ZBX_SERVER_NAME from setup.php page Frontend |
ZBX-5116 | Prevented escaping forward slashes while encoding API response to JSON text API |
ZBX-11036 | Fixed server not to synchronize IPMI configuration for new hosts without IPMI Proxy Server |
Poznámky k instalaci a upgradu
Prohlédněte si Zabbixu manuál abyste získali informace o všech detailech.
Prohlédněte si Postup upgradu for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.4.0.
Obchodní podpora
Společnost Zabbix poskytuje celou řadu profesionálních služeb. Poskytuje také služby ohledně Upgrade služby pro snadnou migraci z dřívějších verzí Zabbixu. Prosím obraťte se na náš obchodní tým ohledně ceny a dalších podrobností.- Zabbix Enterprise podpora
- Zabbix Školení
- Zabbix Vývojové služby
ZABBIX 7.2.4
ZABBIX 7.0.10
ZABBIX 6.0.39
ZABBIX 7.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 7.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.3
ZABBIX 7.0.9
ZABBIX 6.4.21
ZABBIX 6.0.38
ZABBIX 5.0.46
ZABBIX 7.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.21rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.46rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.2
ZABBIX 7.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 7.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.1
ZABBIX 7.2.0rc3
ZABBIX 7.2.0rc2
- Předchozí verze 2025 (10)
ZABBIX 7.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 7.2.0
ZABBIX 7.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.8
ZABBIX 7.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.7
ZABBIX 7.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.6
- Předchozí verze 2024 (76)
ZABBIX 6.0.37
ZABBIX 6.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.20
ZABBIX 6.0.36
ZABBIX 5.0.45
ZABBIX 6.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.20rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.5
ZABBIX 6.0.35
ZABBIX 7.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 7.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.34
ZABBIX 7.0.4
ZABBIX 6.0.34rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.19
ZABBIX 5.0.44
ZABBIX 7.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.19rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.3
ZABBIX 6.4.18
ZABBIX 6.0.33
ZABBIX 5.0.43
ZABBIX 7.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.18rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.2
ZABBIX 7.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.1
ZABBIX 7.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.17
ZABBIX 6.0.32
ZABBIX 7.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.17rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.16
ZABBIX 6.0.31
ZABBIX 6.4.16rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.15
ZABBIX 6.0.30
ZABBIX 6.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.14
ZABBIX 6.0.29
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.13
ZABBIX 6.0.28
ZABBIX 5.0.42
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.12
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.27
ZABBIX 6.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.26
ZABBIX 5.0.41
ZABBIX 6.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.41rc1
- Předchozí verze 2023 (109)
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 6.4.10
ZABBIX 6.0.25
ZABBIX 6.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.9
ZABBIX 6.0.24
ZABBIX 5.0.40
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 6.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.8
ZABBIX 6.0.23
ZABBIX 5.0.39
ZABBIX 4.0.50
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 6.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.50rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 6.4.7
ZABBIX 6.0.22
ZABBIX 5.0.38
ZABBIX 4.0.49
ZABBIX 6.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.49rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 6.4.6
ZABBIX 6.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.37
ZABBIX 4.0.48
ZABBIX 6.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.48rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.5
ZABBIX 6.0.20
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 6.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.4
ZABBIX 6.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.36
ZABBIX 4.0.47
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.47rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.3
ZABBIX 6.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.35
ZABBIX 4.0.46
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.46rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.2
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.17
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 5.0.34
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.16
ZABBIX 6.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.1
ZABBIX 6.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.45
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.9
ZABBIX 5.0.33
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.8
ZABBIX 6.0.14
ZABBIX 6.4.0
ZABBIX 5.0.32
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc1
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.2.7
ZABBIX 6.0.13
ZABBIX 5.0.31
ZABBIX 6.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta6
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc1
- Předchozí verze 2022 (110)
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta5
ZABBIX 6.2.6
ZABBIX 6.0.12
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta4
ZABBIX 6.2.5
ZABBIX 6.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.30
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.2.4
ZABBIX 6.0.10
ZABBIX 5.0.29
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.2.3
ZABBIX 6.0.9
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.28
ZABBIX 4.0.44
ZABBIX 6.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.2
ZABBIX 6.0.8
ZABBIX 5.0.27
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.1
ZABBIX 6.0.7
ZABBIX 5.0.26
ZABBIX 4.0.43
ZABBIX 6.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.42
ZABBIX 6.0.6
ZABBIX 5.0.25
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.5
ZABBIX 5.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.41
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.41rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.0.4
ZABBIX 5.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.40
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.0.3
ZABBIX 5.4.12
ZABBIX 5.0.22
ZABBIX 6.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.2
ZABBIX 6.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.1
ZABBIX 5.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.21
ZABBIX 4.0.39
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc3
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.10
ZABBIX 5.0.20
ZABBIX 4.0.38
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta2
- Předchozí verze 2021 (98)
ZABBIX 5.4.9
ZABBIX 5.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.37
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.8
ZABBIX 5.0.18
ZABBIX 4.0.36
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 5.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 5.4.7
ZABBIX 5.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 5.4.6
ZABBIX 5.0.17
ZABBIX 4.0.35
ZABBIX 5.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 5.4.5
ZABBIX 5.0.16
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.34
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.4.4
ZABBIX 5.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.33
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.3
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.14
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.2
ZABBIX 5.2.7
ZABBIX 5.0.13
ZABBIX 4.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.1
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.12
ZABBIX 4.0.31
ZABBIX 5.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.6
ZABBIX 5.0.10
ZABBIX 4.0.30
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.5
ZABBIX 5.0.9
ZABBIX 4.0.29
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.2.4
ZABBIX 5.0.8
ZABBIX 4.0.28
ZABBIX 5.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.28rc1
- Předchozí verze 2020 (78)
ZABBIX 5.2.3
ZABBIX 5.0.7
ZABBIX 5.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.2
ZABBIX 5.0.6
ZABBIX 4.0.27
ZABBIX 5.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.1
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc3
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0
ZABBIX 5.0.5
ZABBIX 4.0.26
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.25
ZABBIX 5.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.24
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.2
ZABBIX 5.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.10
ZABBIX 4.0.22
ZABBIX 4.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.1
ZABBIX 4.4.9
ZABBIX 4.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0
ZABBIX 5.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.4.8
ZABBIX 4.0.20
ZABBIX 3.0.31
ZABBIX 4.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 4.4.7
ZABBIX 4.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30
ZABBIX 4.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.5
ZABBIX 4.0.17
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.17rc1
- Předchozí verze 2019 (76)
ZABBIX 3.0.29
ZABBIX 4.4.4
ZABBIX 4.0.16
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.3
ZABBIX 4.4.2
ZABBIX 4.0.15
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.1
ZABBIX 4.2.8
ZABBIX 4.0.14
ZABBIX 4.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0
ZABBIX 4.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.7
ZABBIX 4.0.13
ZABBIX 4.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.2.6
ZABBIX 4.0.12
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.5
ZABBIX 4.0.11
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.4
ZABBIX 4.0.10
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.3
ZABBIX 4.0.9
ZABBIX 4.2.2
ZABBIX 4.0.8
ZABBIX 3.0.28
ZABBIX 4.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.1
ZABBIX 4.0.7
ZABBIX 3.0.27
ZABBIX 4.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0
ZABBIX 4.0.6
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.26
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.0.5
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc3
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.25
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.25rc1
- Předchozí verze 2018 (74)
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.0.2
ZABBIX 3.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.15
ZABBIX 3.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.14
ZABBIX 3.0.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.13
ZABBIX 3.0.21
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.12
ZABBIX 3.0.20
ZABBIX 2.2.23
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 3.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.23rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.11
ZABBIX 3.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 3.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.10
ZABBIX 3.0.18
ZABBIX 2.2.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 3.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.22rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.9
ZABBIX 3.0.17
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.8
ZABBIX 3.0.16
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 3.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 3.0.15
ZABBIX 3.4.7
ZABBIX 3.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.4.6rc1
- Předchozí verze 2017 (68)
ZABBIX 3.4.5
ZABBIX 3.2.11
ZABBIX 3.0.14
ZABBIX 2.2.21
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc3
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.4
ZABBIX 3.2.10
ZABBIX 3.0.13
ZABBIX 3.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.3
ZABBIX 3.2.9
ZABBIX 3.0.12
ZABBIX 3.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.2
ZABBIX 3.2.8
ZABBIX 3.0.11
ZABBIX 2.2.20
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.1
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.7
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.10
ZABBIX 2.2.19
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.6
ZABBIX 3.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.5
ZABBIX 3.0.9
ZABBIX 2.2.18
ZABBIX 2.0.21
ZABBIX 3.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.4
ZABBIX 3.0.8
ZABBIX 2.2.17
ZABBIX 3.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.17rc1
- Předchozí verze 2016 (58)
ZABBIX 3.2.3
ZABBIX 3.0.7
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.2
ZABBIX 3.0.6
ZABBIX 2.2.16
ZABBIX 2.0.20
ZABBIX 3.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.1
ZABBIX 3.0.5
ZABBIX 2.2.15
ZABBIX 2.0.19
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.0.4
ZABBIX 2.2.14
ZABBIX 3.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.3
ZABBIX 2.2.13
ZABBIX 2.0.18
ZABBIX 3.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.13rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.2
ZABBIX 2.4.8
ZABBIX 2.2.12
ZABBIX 2.0.17
ZABBIX 3.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 3.0.0
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha6
- Předchozí verze 2015 (24)
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 2.4.7
ZABBIX 2.2.11
ZABBIX 2.0.16
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 2.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 2.5.0
ZABBIX 2.4.6
ZABBIX 2.2.10
ZABBIX 2.0.15
ZABBIX 2.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.5
ZABBIX 2.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.9
ZABBIX 2.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.4
ZABBIX 2.4.4rc1
- Předchozí verze 2014 (56)
ZABBIX 2.4.3
ZABBIX 2.2.8
ZABBIX 2.0.14
ZABBIX 1.8.22
ZABBIX 2.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.22rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.2
ZABBIX 2.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.7
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.1
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.0
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.13
ZABBIX 1.8.21
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.5
ZABBIX 2.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.21rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.4
ZABBIX 2.2.6
ZABBIX 2.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.3
ZABBIX 2.2.5
ZABBIX 2.3.2
ZABBIX 2.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc3
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.1
ZABBIX 2.3.0
ZABBIX 2.0.12
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.3
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.2
ZABBIX 2.0.11
ZABBIX 1.8.20
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc1
- Předchozí verze 2013 (38)
ZABBIX 2.2.1
ZABBIX 2.0.10
ZABBIX 1.8.19
ZABBIX 2.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.19rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.0
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.9
ZABBIX 2.1.8
ZABBIX 2.1.7
ZABBIX 2.0.9
ZABBIX 1.8.18
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.6
ZABBIX 2.1.5
ZABBIX 2.1.4
ZABBIX 2.1.3
ZABBIX 2.0.8
ZABBIX 2.1.2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.7
ZABBIX 2.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.17
ZABBIX 1.8.17rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.1
ZABBIX 2.1.0
ZABBIX 2.0.6
ZABBIX 2.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.5
ZABBIX 2.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.16
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.4
- Předchozí verze 2012 (30)
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.3
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.15
ZABBIX 1.8.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.1
ZABBIX 1.8.14
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc6
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc5
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.13
ZABBIX 1.8.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.12
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.11
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.9
- Předchozí verze 2011 (26)
ZABBIX 1.8.10
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.8
ZABBIX 1.8.9
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.7
ZABBIX 1.8.8
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.6
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.7
ZABBIX 1.8.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.6
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.5
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.4
ZABBIX 1.8.5
ZABBIX 1.8.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.3
ZABBIX 1.9.2
ZABBIX 1.8.4
ZABBIX 1.4.7
- Předchozí verze 2010 (14)
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc4
ZABBIX 1.9.1
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.0
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.2
ZABBIX 1.6.9
ZABBIX 1.8.1
- Předchozí verze 2009 (13)
ZABBIX 1.6.8
ZABBIX 1.7.4
ZABBIX 1.7.3
ZABBIX 1.7.2
ZABBIX 1.6.7
ZABBIX 1.7.1
ZABBIX 1.7.0
ZABBIX 1.6.6
ZABBIX 1.6.5
ZABBIX 1.6.4
ZABBIX 1.6.3
ZABBIX 1.6.2
- Předchozí verze 2008 (10)
ZABBIX 1.6.1
ZABBIX 1.5.4
ZABBIX 1.4.6
ZABBIX 1.5.3
ZABBIX 1.5.2
ZABBIX 1.5.1
ZABBIX 1.4.5
- Předchozí verze 2007 (15)
ZABBIX 1.4.4
ZABBIX 1.4.3
ZABBIX 1.4.2
ZABBIX 1.4.1
ZABBIX 1.3.5
ZABBIX 1.3.8
ZABBIX 1.3.7
ZABBIX 1.3.6
ZABBIX 1.1.7
ZABBIX 1.3.4
ZABBIX 1.3.3
ZABBIX 1.1.6
ZABBIX 1.1.5
ZABBIX 1.3.2
- Předchozí verze 2006 (7)
ZABBIX 1.3.1
ZABBIX 1.1.4
ZABBIX 1.1.3
ZABBIX 1.1.2
ZABBIX 1.1.1
- Předchozí verze 2004 (1)