Unminus License
Royalty Free Music 🍉

Unminus Music can be used for free.

Unminus Music is made to be used freely. Our license reflects that.

âś… All Music can be played, downloaded and used for free

âś… Commercial and non-commercial purposes

âś… No permission needed (though supporting artists is appreciated!)


What is not allowed

đźš« Music cannot be offered or sold without significant modification or integration.

đźš« Taking Music from Unminus to replicate a similar or competing service.

🚫 Don’t add music without modification to Content ID Networks. This will block other users from using it on YouTube, Facebook etc.

đźš« Dont' upload the music without modification to other music platforms.



More precisely:

Unminus grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, perform and use music from Unminus for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the creator or Unminus. This license does not include the right to compile Songs from Unminus to replicate a similar or competing service or make the songs available on other streaming / download platforms.

Just try to create something new and incorporate the music in your own work like Videos, Podcasts, Apps, Intros, Outros, Background music etc.

You can play the music anywhere anytime even use it for on-hold telephone music or any kind of events as the music on Unminus is free of any copyright collective agencies like GEMA in Germany. ( GEMA Frei )


We take copyright very seriously.

To ensure the license:

- either we create the songs completely by ourselves or

- contributors transfer the rights and confirm the license agreement and

- every song will be reviewed and checked on quality, contents and copyright status

Why we give music for free?

We are humbly dreaming of an “Unsplash for Music”. In a  certain sense, this project is maybe even a tribute to the creators of Unsplash. It inspired me and changed my thinking deeply.

Let’s build great content together!


Unminus for Business âžś

For Whom:

  • Resellers, Video Creation Tools and other B2B users who are (in)directly providing the Unminus Music to their customers.

You will get access and rights to:

  • the Unminus Free-Premium-Music Catalogue (We are working on a REST-API...)
  • in form of a dynamic updated RSS-Feed with all Tracks’ Data
  • for your commercial projects like Video Creation Tools, Apps, etc.
  • unique a License ID

Rules in addition to the rules above:

  • Clearly show that you are partnering with Unminus regarding music in your services
  • add backlinks on your track selection to at least unminus.com - even better + Artist
  • Please use our Feed-URLs for Streaming the music so that plays are counted
  • Make sure to stay subscribed to this membership for the time you are using the service
  • save your License Key for periodic revisions
